When life gives you lemons...

You may remember my little homage to the lovely lemon a while back. Using lemons in decor was sort of lingering in the back of my mind so I decided to dust it off and use it for a little get together I had at my house on Saturday.

A friend let me borrow these yellow candlesticks and oversized footed jars which helped make it super easy to dress up living room and kitchen.

I picked up some yellow roses at the deli to make one special arrangement for the coffee table. I guess kitty doesn't approve.

I made some rum spiked lemonade along with yellow cocktail umbrellas. (Thank you Martha)

It was surprisingly easy to keep the yellow theme going. I didn't realize how many little things are yellow - like cheese.

And I broke out the beehive cake mold to serve a lemon honey dessert. It was my first attempt at making a cake from scratch but it was really very yummy. I admit, I cheated on the frosting and used duncan hines :)

While I probably won't get to use the all out lemon theme again, it was a really easy one to decorate with and the bright yellow really went a long way. Not quite as good as having loads of flowers but a lot easier and cheaper so it was worth the trade off.

Hope you're weekends were as sunny. On to the dreaded workweek :(


  1. LOVE the yellow-themed party! Those little umbrellas are awesome!

  2. Oh my gosh....I bow down to your domestic skills...That is the most beautiful setup for a "little get together"!!!

  3. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I totally have lemons in my big apothecary too! And can I say I am SOOOOO happy I found your blog.l I LOVE IT!!

  4. Wow, you don't mess around - incredible decorating! I don't know how much lemons are by you, but they're a hot commodity here - I just paid 99 cents EACH for lemons!

    Beautiful ideas.

  5. Gorgeous! Now you'll be making even MORE lemonade with all those leftover lemons!The yellow roses and lemons are stunning...as are your little umbrella's!

    Thought...Juice 'em and freeze 'em in icecube trays(then pop em all in a ziplock bag)...fresh squeezed lemon juice for all sorts of things!

  6. I love the yellow! So pretty. I love all the special touches you made too. Like the labels on the cheese and on the drinks. Beautiful.

    I've been eyeing apothecary jars for the longest time, but I haven't really had any space for them, but seeing your post made me realize that I NEED them. They make great arrangements for get togethers. My wallet hates you, but I love ya.

  7. Everything looks so great! You're such a fabulous hostess! How did you make the spiked lemonade? Did you just add a little rum to it? Would love to try this :)

  8. Anonymous12:45 PM

    everything looks so lovely! you are like bree vandercamp (in a good way!) a total domestic diva! love the cake with the little bees on it - too cute! may i ask if you found the receipe on line and if you can share it?

  9. Thanks for the kind words everyone. I have a ridiculous amt of lemons now and Im not sure what to do with them. I don't like lemonade THAT much. No worse than wasting flowers I suppose but it feels weird to just wait for them to rot.

    The apothocary jars were borrowed but they came from Michaels for those curious. Not too expensive.

    The spiked lemondade recipe was simple. Lemonade + rum. Easy peasy.

    I hope my guests enjoyed the festive atmosphere although it probably looks a lot more polished in these photos than it did in real life.

    The cake was from a William Sonoma mold and the recipe came with the mold. Here it is: http://www.williams-sonoma.com/recipe/recipedetail.cfm?objectid=33F3CDB6%2DE1E8%2D78A4%2DCFD6616D514EA23F

  10. Gosh, how utterly beautiful. Your decorations are so creative and pretty - what a goddess you are. Wish I lived closer so I could get invited to one of your parties. ;)

    I would LOVE a bee-hive cake. Where did you get that mould? I have seen one on the cover of Martha Stewart but it didn't hit me 'til now how adorable they are. And perfect with the yellow theme. Clever girl (and even cleverer to use Duncan Hines)!

    Terri xo

  11. Duh - if I had read all the comments first, I would have seen that the mold was W-S. Great tips! Thanks!! T.

  12. Goregeous! Loved everything!

  13. Oh, how lovely! I especially have a crush on those candlesticks.

  14. Everything looks lovely. Hope you had a great time. xo, MB

  15. Martha Stewart's got nothin' on you =) I love what you did, esp. the lemons & roses. So pretty.

    I see lemon bars, lemon water, and lemon dishes in your future. Can you freeze them or at least freese the zest?

  16. I know you're a Martha fan, and might know be aware of this already, but the senior style editor of Martha Stewart living (and current Top Design contestant) has a blog, and it's a pretty good read. www.eddieross.com

    And as for all the lemons, this is the best lemonade I've ever tasted, and I'm usually not a huge fan either: http://theblackapple.typepad.com/inside_a_black_apple/2008/07/vanilla-lemonad.html

  17. I loved the lemon theme! You can squeeze the lemons and freeze the juice into ice cubes to use for salad dressing or cooking. Chicken picada uses lemon juice quite nicely.

  18. that is gorgeous! the cake is soooo cute!

  19. Wonderful! I've never had rum spiked lemonade...but it's going on the "to do: list! :-) The umbrellas are fantastic...I have a truckload of skewers (sale table impulse buy) so that's a good way to use them up.

  20. Oh I love this. I hope you won't mind when I steal all your ideas here!

  21. It all looked so festive!

  22. I'e just stumbled across your blog, and I am so taken with the lemon-themed party. Lemons are a favorite of mine, and what a lovely entertaining idea!


  23. Love the yellow! So fresh! Does anyone know where I can purchase those fabulous yellow candlestick holders?

  24. Thanks Manisha. They were black candlesticks spraypainted yellow.


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