Color confusion

In my quest to finish furnishing my bedroom in this calendar year, looky what I found this weekend for $50?? A nighstand! Its been a little difficult finding something for this spot because the space is so limited.


So the question is - how do I finish it? Standing on its own, I sort of like the way it looks in its current state. There is damage to the top but it won't be so noticeable once a lamp is on top.

But when you look at it with the bed and the other nighstand, it doesn't look right to me.

Let's have a vote, shall we?

What color should the nightstand be?
Gray to match the other
Leave it unpainted
Something else (explain in comments) free polls

Don't leave your input all on the vote - I'd love to hear your comments too.


  1. Anonymous8:57 AM

    We have one dark wood nightstand (was husband's grandmother's, so he won't let me paint it, did let me stain it darker, however) and one red nightstand in our room. I would: paint it black and try it out, see how I like it. Then, if I didn't like it, I would paint the gray over the black, maybe taping a design on the top or sides to leave some of the black, since you have the sharpie design on the other. That would be cool, then you could try both. It is pretty as is, but you know how much prettier wood and detail is when painted!

    So that's my advice. Try both!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your home. Thank you for sharing it with us!

  2. How cute is that , although I like its current color I say paint it to match , but you always know what to do anyway .

  3. I vote gray to match the other. I did that in my bedroom. I had two different vintage night stands and painted the same color. It brings a lot of balance to the room, but with a twist, since the shapes are a little off.

    Looks great so far! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Okay- this isn't the room with the sharpie nightstand! Sorry! But my advice still stands- black first, gray over black (maybe distressed a little or taped, as I said before) is I didn't like the solid black.

    Okay, I'm leaving now....

  5. Anonymous9:14 AM

    That table is so cute! I have the same problem of limited space next to my bed. I found two matching nightstands that seem to fit and I am thinking about painting them white, since they are a dark wood now. I think painting your table the same gray would really help it fit with the theme in your room.

    Great find!

  6. First I must say I really enjoy reading your blog. You have done a wonderful job creating your home. As for the nightstand, I would paint both of them black because that along with the black on the spread will draw the eye across the room. I can't wait to see what you come up with and the room completed. Thanks so much for sharing.

  7. I picked grey to match the other. The other is light, the bed is light and then you see your new one which is timber. I think if it looked a similar colour to the other one it might look better/blend in?

    On it's own though it looks lovely!

  8. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I agree with most so far to paint it gray to match the other stand. I also think matching the hardware too would make them look more like a set. I love your bed, btw!

  9. I'm also going to vote with the paint it to match crowd for the exact reasons you stated. Alone it looks great. Next to the other it looks "off". The turn of the leg on both really pull them together. Good choices.
    P.S. Love your orange marmalade cat! My big guy sleeps in the exact same spot on our bed.

  10. Grey to match the other one. I love how the legs are so similar to the other one too. Fabulous find! Was it from Craigs List?

  11. Grey to match. Black would hide the detailed carving. Maybe some antiquing to enhance the design.

  12. What a beautiful find! I vote for gray to match. But I'm always in a matchy-matchy camp. It's more soothing to my eyes...

  13. it okay that they are so different to you? I agree that the color should match though.

  14. Paint it grey. I think that the details around the legs and the sides will look even better painted than they do wood colored. I wonder what kind of lamps you are envisioning.

  15. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Def. paint it grey. But another thing you might consider is swapping the tables so the larger one (and larger space) is nearer the door, to move the bed a bit further from the entry.

  16. I couldn't see the choices in the poll...but I think it would be great limed. It would look close to gray, but have it's own vibe too.

    I have a small table like this that is essentially limed...

  17. I'm on the gray bandwagon. It seems like a shame to paint such a pretty wood, but I think it looks too unbalanced otherwise. The nightstand itself is a lovely choice though! Good luck. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

  18. Gray for the balance. I don't like the way it looks in the wood at all - it makes the whole room seem off. If you do choose to use it somewhere else, then the wood looks fine and you could just find a way to detail the top (or refinish it).

  19. Definitely gray to match the other!

  20. I couldn't get the voting buttons to work but I think it would look better painted to match the other table. The styles are really pretty and similar in shape so I think the same color would pull the look together. REALLY pretty room!!!!

  21. That is such a perfect find. I'd paint it exactly like the one on the other side - have you seen Little Green Notebook's bedroom? She has two different antique side tables in the exact same white, and I just love that look.

  22. And I just saw Jenny from Little Green Notebook commented, and brought up her nightstands. Loveee!

  23. Oolala! And another vote for gray to match the other from moi. :-)

  24. Anonymous7:48 PM

    I'm voting for gray to match the other one too...but this is one gorgeous table and I think it would look fantastic any colour, or just plain wood!
    I just wanted to add that I love your blog...this is my first time commenting...I've been lurking :) Keep up the great inspiration...I need all that I can get!!

  25. I liked it as is but then when you showed the picture of it with the bed and the other nightstand, I think you should go gray:) Lookin good.


  27. In the picture alone I like it as is but in the picture with the bed and other nightstand I would say paint it the same. I know everybody says 2 different nightstands but I think the shape difference is enough. MB

  28. Anonymous10:01 PM

    I am so type-A needing everything to match so I say, paint it like the other one!

  29. I LOVE your new nightstand and for $50!? Wow! I would refinish with Cabot Polystain and replace the hardware... just my humble opinion. I haven't used Cabot Polystain, but Bower Power (the blog) did on some living room furniture and it's amazing. I have a can sitting at the ready for a side table that I recently bought.


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