Friday, March 21, 2008

How to finish the Guest Bedroom?

I think Ive established I have zero clue what Im going to do with the master bedroom so Im putting that to the side for now.

What I do have is most of the pieces to finish off the guest bedroom. The question is how best to put it together and finish it off. I'd like to keep new purchases in here to a mininum so its going to be an excercise of using what I have as best as I can.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Help me decide what to buy, move, arrange, hang in here so it a pleasant oasis for guests.

Here she is
Guest Bedroom
Guest Bedroom
I think this goes without saying but please ignore the mismatched bedding & the plastic bin with tv balanced on top.

What Im loving about the room:
-I love the headboard (thank you JCPenney for having style on a budget!).
-I love the brass chandelier. We grabbed it from the in-laws house. Mr. Limestone had all of his childhood dreams under this very fixture.
-It gets great light

What Im having a hard time with:
-I picked this green color thinking it was pleasant and would be easy to create a room around. I think we can all agree I was VERY wrong about that one. Im having a real hard time with a color scheme.
-The bed itself is a full size rather than a queen. I didn't realize how hard it would be to find bedding in a full size!
-The black doorknobs on the closet were supposed to be a glass knob set we had left over but the contractors LOST it. Grrr.
-The windows are an odd size so if I do shades, they would have to be custom made (read: $$). So I think it has to be curtains or bust.
-The Madeline prints that I brought over from my last house. I love them and I think they bring a little bit of whimsy without being too childlike.

What I have to work with:
- The bed
- The set of Madeline prints (which need to be rematted and framed)
- This desk that I plan on painting to match
Desk in Guest Bedroom
- An old straightback chair that I will repaint and recover the seat to match (no photo, sorry)
- Two small knotty pine Ikea nightstands that I can paint to match

What I need to buy:
- Bedding
- Window Treatments
- New mattes/frames for the prints

Help! Pretty please? Inspiration photos much appreciated.


  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Hmm. I actually like the green. We have a blue in about the same tone in our room and I am really wanting to get this bedding in yellow:
    but I don't know if that's a bit too whimsical for you? Your style seems to be more refined usually... It would be really fresh and pretty, though, esp. with the nightstands painted white.

    Or you could go a really different direction. Maybe mostly white bedding; maybe a duvet cover with black ribbon trim or a greek key pattern, and then black nightstands with a bright lamp like this on them (I'm using PB links because I just flipped through the catalogue last night, so I have the images in my head)(Argh, the lamp isn't online, though it's in the newest catalogue. I was thinking the orange):

    Or if you don't want to get quite that funky with the lamp (I mean, within reason), these would really go with the regency thing you've got going on with the headboard, still with white/black bedding:

  2. Anonymous11:06 AM

    UGH, all those links broke.

    Bedding (Maybe just the pillow cases and duvet cover with white quilt/sheets, or just the quilt...):


    Lamp two:

  3. Thanks Katek. Great ideas. I originally was thinking black and white but the trim in here is cream. (It probably looks white in the photo - I should have clarified) And then black and cream seems a little blah to stand up with the prints. Or am I overthinking this?

  4. I am not much about advising decorating styles, but I like the green also. Your wood floors are fabulous!


  5. I don't think you'll be happy with anything you do in there until you get rid of the green walls and the black knobs.

  6. Kyle - Trust me, I have no interest in repainting. I actually like the color, I am just surprised that its not easier for me to come up with a color scheme in here. I guess I should have planned it out before but I had my hands full.

  7. Williams Sonoma home has some ivory sheeting which might work. Also try Garnet Hill, they have a quilt Marquis in charcoal/cream which could look really nice. I've been pondering that one myself for an old black wrought iron bed with brass balls on the posts I have. It's only a 3/4 size frame, so finding a mattress that size is hard.

    For the windows, couldn't you use plain old rolling shades with a fancy edge or pull with some simple side panels?

    I love the use of the Madeline prints....I love Beatrix I understand the whimsy part of it. The image of the artist you did the drawing of your home reminds me of her.

  8. I like the idea of a white duvet with black grosgrain ribbon trim and then painting all of the furniture black.

  9. I love the color of that room...I think black accents will look amazing with it..I would go neutral on the bedding and splash some color with pillows.

    Loved the drawing of your home.

    Good luck,

  10. Dammit, my posts keep getting eaten!

    I like the wall color--a lot actually.
    As opposed to black accents, though, I would actually prefer white. Sort of a cottagey look as opposed to more urban. I feel like it would work better with the classic french feel of the headboard and the Madeleine prints. Check out CuriousSofa for inspiration, maybe?
    My recommendations for accent colors would be either soft yellow or soft blue--something close on the color wheel to the green, instead of a big contrast like orange or red.
    Those are just my thoughts though!

  11. I love the walls, gorgeous , they always were, the headboard is great , it reminds me of one my grandparents had in their room when I was small many years ago.
    I think all you need is to paint the night stands in high gloss black, and the desk too, and use it for the small tv you have in there already, does Sears not do custom cut blinds , for no extra cost, I give them exact measurements and they do them perfect, I love the wood 2 " blinds with fabric tape on them, I am sure they come in cream. But curtains would be lovely swagged over to the side since there are two of the windows it would frame the wall with black rods to give another nod to the black door knobs, I am loving all the graphic hits of black. Why not white bedding, crisp white.Punchy pillows.
    I can't wait to see it all done.
    Less is more.

  12. Ok, it seems that black is the overwelming winner here. Am I crazy to think black and white accents along with the cream trim & headboard is going to look strange?

  13. How about a little Barbara Barry? She's FABULOUS. Check out Click on "links" and then "Henredon." She has some great styles!!!

  14. I do not think black and white. NO. hah. Dwell Studio ( has some cool bedding...and I personally think that your green is calling out for some saffron accents.

  15. I agree no WHITE with the black and cream...take the accent colors out of your paintings.


  16. what about this inspiration , its light and airy with hits of dark , make the accessories, pale and creamy , I just think if you go all cream its a little sweet. I love the black in the windows and the knobs.

    here is one more I thought shares the flavour of your space and style. I think.

  18. Usually I'm all for painting everything black. And by all means paint the side tables black- that would look great. But that desk is wonderful the way it is.

  19. I am actually leaning towards the idea of lightening up the furniture with cream paint and glass knobs. I am also seeing a beautiful mirrored side table or accent bureau.

    I think going lighter would allow you to decorate more easily for the seasons. A red toile would work at Christmas time with that paint colour (as far as I can tell without actually seeing the true shade), black and cream would also work for the bedding the rest of the time, and you could also get away with a taupe,linen duvet with accent pillows in more punchy colours for a change.

    You should be able to find bedding in a full/queen at TJ Maxx, on a budget friendly scale.

    Later on, you could add a beautiful wallpaper behing the bed only from Farrow and elegant, yet would introduce a new hue to work with.

    Then again, you likely know what you want and will decide the prefect scheme on your own...

    Good luck and Happy Easter!

  20. Oh, fun project! If I think of any photos to send your way, I will!

    I do think some black or a deep brown in that room would ground it a bit. Perhaps a dark but soft brown would look less harsh than the black. I think the balance between the light and the darker makes the room the most flexible and season-less. And stick with the cream since you already have it and it looks lovely and creamy against the walls (as opposed to white).

    Sounds fun! Happy Easter!

  21. I saw this at Macy's last night and absolutely loved it, but thought to myself "I can't use it in my room because it's more green than blue." (My bedroom paint is more bluish.) Then I immediately thought of your wall color. The photos don't do it justice, it really is very elegant IRL.

  22. Love this challenge! We were immediately struck with cream and chocolate brown...keeping with neutral hotel bedding, maybe even introducing a buttery khaki as an accent color. With all neutrals, and green walls, the room will maintain the serene feel you desire.
    Might look for a great set of antique or repro glass knobs to replace the black ones- maybe then you could use the black ones to make a great project (they make great picture hangers)

    Love the thought of creamy fabrics, lots of texture...great bones to start with- the desk is wonderful! Keep us updated on your direction, and thanks for letting us join in! Happy Easter weekend!

    kari & kijsa

  23. For great ideas on window treatments check out the nester.
    She has great low cost ideas.
    You have so much to work with and all the other comments have great ideas.
    Can't wait to see the after!


    What about this? I think it will incorporate the cream and white together.

  25. Anonymous12:08 AM

    How about this inspiration pic:

    I think it looks homey but elegant at the same time. Botanical prints might be a little over done, but I still love 'em. Can't wait to see how it all turns out!

  26. I definitely think a large, beautiful mirror is a must have over the desk area to reflect the light from the chandelier.

    Also, I saw some pretty cream(ish) bedding on overstock not too long ago - they weren't too yellow or beige, so that might be an option.

    I also think a nice throw or quilt (don't think quilts fit into your style, but you never know) at the foot of the bed would add a nice way of tying in different colors. We painted our loft bathroom a similar color and I found that corals were a color that worked well.

  27. Oh, and we painted all of our dining room furniture black. I currently have the old china cabinet and sideboard in my bedroom (creative storage until I can find a bedroom set I need) and let me tell you - they look DUSTY. All the time. Maybe I just live in a dustier area than most, but if I have my windows open, forget it.

  28. Good idea about the mirror over the desk.

    I ordered this bedding for a mere $15!! Despite the photo, the reviews indicate its cream and charcoal so Im keeping my fingers crossed.

  29. Holy awesome comforter! Love that.

  30.  I'm sure the guest will be happy to see its own room. A room like this can be a master's bedroom for others. I think the bed is so soft.


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