Tuesday, March 25, 2008

In the mail

Not too much happening at casa limestone this week but I am waiting for a few goodies in the mail.

First up is a bedding gamble. It was only $15 for both comforter and two pillow cases and I liked the pattern so I had to give it at try. The photo is deceiving since all the reviewers seem to complain that its actually cream rather than white. Since I want cream over white, it convinced me it was worth a shot. I think this must be the cheapest bedding ever! Worse case is that I hate it and I'll use the fabric for another project.
Walmart Bedding - for the guest room?
There isn't a Walmart near me so I don't really have that much experience with them. I suppose I should hate them for being an evil empire and all that but I assume my $15 isn't going to make or break this multi-billion dollar behemoth. (I'll admit, Im not entirely a Walmart virgin. Last year I stumbled upon this cast iron bird that worked ever so well for the baby shower I was planning at the time. If they have these little gems, their stuff can't all be crap. Right???) For all those luxe bedding fans, have no fear - if this cheapo bedding works out, I'll be pairing it with some very high thread count sheets and comfy pillows. This is just the dressing on top.

Moving along to something a little less budget friendly, I finally decided to just go for it with the wallpaper for the built-in. I know most prefered the lighter gold option but something was really speaking to me about the darker silver/charcoal pattern.
Another gamble I suppose. What might look great in a 8x10 square, might look aweful lining the entire thing. We'll see it turns out when the roll arrives. It just might

Lastly, I had hoped to get my moving announcements finished this weekend so I could mail them out. After all, it has been a little while since Ive had a permanent address. But that didn't happen so Im still announcement-less. I had all sorts of fun ideas of what was I going to do but as time is wearing on, it looks like its going to be a simple card. When and if I ever get them done, I'll be sure to post a snapshot.


  1. The comforter set is very nice, love the pattern and placement, and bargain priced, I am sure your guest will love it , such a stylish room put together for guest, you should see what we sleep under afgans , yes that right afgans, I feel like I slipped into the 70's when I stay over at a certain someones home , I get all tangled in the loops and such.
    I am sure the bold wallpaaer will be stunning.

  2. I think you made the right choice wallpaper-wise.

  3. I love the comforter set. It is lovely and what a bargain! I have a love/hate relationship with Walmart...love their prices/products and hate their "evil Empireness"!!

  4. What about using the PVE design for your announcements?

  5. LOVE the wallpaper choice - have loved that one all along...

    The comforter is very nice. Being a Bronx girl, Walmart frightens me. I never would have guessed that came from the 'mart!

    Would you be able to use your GORGEOUS PVE design on a simple stock card as an announcement. Love that illustration!

  6. gorgeous bedding, very unique.
    love that paper too.
    go for it!
    you will not regret it!

  7. how bad could it be right?
    i live in a town where wal-mart is my only choice.
    so sad.
    but many many times i have been pleasantly surprised by what i find there. and then when you find a clearance item it feels unreal to pay so little for something you like!
    so surely it can't be that bad.
    i would sleep under it.

    i just love to see all you are doing.
    the two chairs at your dining room table crack me up....did you really eat like that? you will need a butler to bring the food back and forth from one end of the table to the other. :)

    it is looking so fabulous!


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