Beneath our feet.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

With the couch delivery countdown ticking away, I want to get a rug in place as soon as possible.

My first thought was to get a rug like this shag number.
But then at looking at the color of the couch, there isn't much of a contrast

An easy alternative is just to switch to an ivory rug

But then I spotted this rug yesterday. The photo looks a little strange but it doesn't dirty in person. I like the style and the subtle pattern but Im not sure about the color. Is it too yellow for the room?
Fiezy Horizon Dawn Rug

What do you think?

Edited to add some very rough mockups for reference. Ignore the extra furniture in won't be staying. I'll also have two chairs facing the couch but this should give an idea for now. (Click on the photos to see larger)


  1. I think you're going to need some contrast. What about a rug similar to the last one, but with some reds or blues as the predominant colors?

  2. Im going for a pretty calm color scheme. I get bored of accent colors pretty fast so I want to be able to switch them in and out very easy with pillows and accessories.

  3. I really like the subtle pattern, but can't tell from the picture how it will work with the wall color. I say give it a shot- as long as there's a decent return policy.

  4. i love the pattern on the rug, and i think it would look great for a subtle, calming room. I can never really tell what something is going to look like until I get it in, so maybe try it out. Even though you are probably sick of that :) I agree with you on getting sick of color.

  5. ps. that chandelier is AMAZING, my mouth dropped!

  6. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I vote for cream--you know I have the same wall color and a similarly detailed room, and we have a white shag (from Ikea!!) that I'm really happy with. I just wish we had that couch instead of the brown thing we have...
    Not the best photos but oh well...

  7. I really like the patterned one!

  8. I like the rug with the subtle pattern, adds more contrast.

  9. I LOVE the damask patterned rug! I think the pattern is subtle enough without being blah. The's hard to say based on a photo. Rugs are kind of one of those details that you just have to try in the space, IMO. That's why I'm so hesitant about buying one off the internet.

    Rugs stores will usually drop one off at your house to try out for a couple days to let you decide.

  10. I can buy this rug at Home Depot for about $400 something. Or I can buy it online for considerably less. But buying it online is going to be a problem from a returning perspective.

  11. So you can go look at it at Home Depot? Or is it a special order situation? Have you seen it in person yet?

  12. I like the ivory! The yellow one might clash with your sofa!

  13. yes, Ive seen it in person and I like it....Im just concerned about the colors clashing.

    I have a lot of brass accents so in that way, the goldish tones work. But Im wondering if its a clash with a brown and grey.

  14. Its sort of a similar tone as the floor so Im thinking it should work but I secong guessing myself.

  15. I think it will look fine just get accent pillows to tie the colors in. Especially since you may go with an antique brass/mirrored top table not to mention the fabulous chandelier! Have you looked at Home Decorators collection?

  16. I want to like the patterned one, but I think it's wrong for the sofa and wall color. I am leaning toward the ivory...but you'll make the right choice, whatever you decide.

  17. gorgeous rug (the patterned one) but I'd go with the ivory. Hi! Just came by your blog from Laura at Shorehouse chic. it's really fun!

  18. Anonymous11:19 PM

    hmmm...the room is coming along sooo beautifully but i'm not sure any of this rugs are really doing it for me - if i can be honest. i agree with anna at d16 who suggested some contrast. i like the direction the patterned rug is going in...

  19. I think the rug is lovely if you are going for a very monochromatic look, classic & quiet, which would be gorgeous!...If you were my client though, I would probably suggest something a bit more unexpected...maybe a large chocolate/cream stripe!...something very casual, that would mix things up just enough to keep the room inviting, & unpredictable...check out the ones at Willians-Sonoma Home...I have purchased them for many of my clients & LOVE them! Also the striped rug at Ballard Designs on-line is amazing!... it is actually an outdoor rug, but wears incredibly well & has an amazingly good price! Sorry for all the "free advice"!...Heidi :)

  20. I like the cream. I do like the pattern on the other one. Searching for rugs is such a hair-pulling experience!

    Thanks for the comment today, I really appreciated the encouragement!

  21. I really love the ivory...I like how simple it is and how it will “go” with whatever you place in the room as you finish it off (so you won’t be limited shopping “around” the other rug). I also think I like that one better because I have a big black hairy dog and am living vicariously through you. By the way…Couch Countdown is sooo hysterical!

  22. I love the one on the right, looks lovely.
    Thanks for your sympathies on both my cursed fridge and dog, wow I don't know what is going on .

    Tha patterned rug had much more style , I think .

  23. I think a powder/Tiffany blue would be nice. I think red and beige is played out (as I sit on my beige couch in front of my red rug).

  24. I mentioned this one before.

  25. London - Love the pattern on that one but at $700+, its way beyond what I want to spend. Im not a believer in spending a fortune on a rug. I'd rather put the money on something that doesn't get trampled/spilled/cat napped on :)

  26. I may have no taste, but I say go for the patterned rug--it adds a lot of texture and life and interest and pizazz, without being over the top. I think you'll like it--stop second-guessing yourself.

  27. No problem. Didn't realize you were going to need the big one :)

  28. Mholtz23238:59 PM

    Do you know the name of the rug or who it's made by?


  29. If you click on the photo, the name of the rug is there.


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