Google Reader help!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Can anyone tell me how I can make the title up there be the title on google reader? Every other blog I read has no problems with this. What am I doing wrong?

PS: I now have 76 subcribers - Im over the moon with excitement that people actually read what Im writing (and hopefully care!) but a little confused at who are all these people who don't comment? Am I the only blabbermouth who loves to comment on other people's blog.


  1. I'm one of your comment-less readers. I just noticed that your titles do not appear correctly. Unfortunately as you can tell by my blog I'm not to blog savy.
    Wish you luck!

  2. on average, 81 people a day (not including me) look at our blog. I have 9 subscribers in Google Reader and very few regular commenters. I too would like to know who these people are, but I guess I should just be happy that they are.

  3. Anonymous8:03 PM

    I'm one of your subscribers but I think I've commented here before. I don't know if I can help you but I did a couple searches and found emptying your cache and deleting your cookies as possible solutions.

    Now, how do I get my posts to show up on under the latest entries? My posts are showing up under "my entries" but not under the latest entries. Do I need to post a certain number before they show up?

  4. I'm a regular reader and I think I've posted less than twice. According to Google Reader, I have 55 subscriptions - over the last 30 days I've read 1,286 items - if I spent just 2 minutes responding to each of those items - that'd be close to 43 hours spent commenting. Can't do it. But I frequently star things and come back and read them or reference them again - I just like to read - the commenting isn't what makes me love blogs.

  5. I'm a comment less reader. I just don't often think to post comments. How do you know how many subscribers you have? I can see how many people have looked at my blog because I use, but have no idea how to see in Google Reader who is a subscriber.

  6. Also just one of your readers. I renovated a house and when I started reading your blog it was as if someone was watching my house problems. When I read about the sofa, i started laughing because the same exact thing happened to me. Keep up the good work, the house is beautiful.

  7. I'm just getting up and going with this blog thing, but would like to figure out the google reader thang, too...just not before I slightly adjust my blog URL (ugh. I'm acquiescing.). I look forward to reading comments here on Google Reader.

  8. I'm guessing that either

    1. you're not putting your title in the right input field when you compose your blog


    2. the particular skin or theme you're using is messing up how titles are defined in html/css so that reader can't pick up on it


  9. someone has left a comment for you on my blog .

  10. Thanks for the comments everyone.

    I don't mean to sound bitchy about the people who don't comment. No pressure to comment...Im just wondering is all.

    You can see how many people subscribe to your blog in Google Reader by clicking "show details" at the upper right hand side of the screen when in the google reader window.

    As far as I see when I post, there is not "title" field to fill in. Ive cleared cookies and all that, and it doesn't seem to make a difference. And I have no idea what kind of skin or theme Im using (so certainly no clue how to figure out if thats the issue).

  11. I read in the Wordpress forums that for every 100 readers you might get 1 comment, if you're lucky. Most people apparently just like to lurk. For years I was one of them. Then I read a blogger's plea for comments, saying that she's writing to form a community, not to hear herself talk. So I started commenting on hers and realized how much more fun it is to participate. Now I can't stop myself from writing back.

    If nothing else, knowing the stats makes me appreciate the special few who do comment regularly, because they are the minority! -Julia

  12. I am a big fan of your blog and I read it all the time. I love to read about your adventures but I don't feel the need to comment. So keep up the good work!!

  13. Your blog is one of the very first I ever read. It was one of the blogs that inspired me to start my own fledgling (very fledgling)blog. I check in regularly because I love your posts.

  14. I can'imagine why your titles don't show , I just joined thanks to you and my titles are there, I find that glitches occure occassionaly and then just go away.
    I too would love more comments, it says I have 45 subscriber , go figure.
    do you have a stat counter , you would love that , then you can see where the readers are coming from .
    Chris frequent poster.

  15. Are you adding your titles in the right spot when you build your post, if you do it in your text and photo box then that would explain it.

  16. What is the "right spot" for titles? I think thats my issue.

  17. Hi! Love the blog, and am coming out of the proverbial closet and commenting :) I really hope you love the R&B sofa. I have been eyeing it myself for our home and would love to hear your experience. And I love your kitchen!

    Re: title posts. Try under your Settings, Site Feed, Advanced and make sure everything is set to "full". Maybe that will work? Good luck!

  18. Mrs W - Thanks for stopping to say hi. It wasn't the "full" setting but your post got me looking at all the settings and evidently, I didn't have the title field displayed. Not sure why that is even a setting but its all sorted now. Google Reader titles, here i come!! Thanks again.

  19. I know what you're saying. Crazy isn't it?

    I have well over 150 "subscribers" - but crickets chirp over on Shoot-Scoop.

    Thanks to blog stats I know I'm not talking to myself, thank god for blog stats!


  20. How do you find out how many subscribers you have?


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