Keeping cool.

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend. Temps were near 100 degrees this weekend here in NY - guess who didn't sit in her backyard and paint the guest room desk as planned? Sorry, no progress on that front and I have to say - I don't even feel guilty about it this time.
The one positive thing about all this heat is that we've throughout tested our central air and its working nicely. I swear, I never get tired of air conditioning. Its one of the few modern day luxuries that I'm sure I'll never take for granted. Sweet, sweet cool air on a hot day is a little slice of heaven.

So while keeping cool, I spent a little bit of time entertaining myself in front of a computer screen on Sunday. I don't usually participate in other blog activities but this one is right up my alley. Sara of Sadie Olive started it a few weeks ago but this week's assignment is "green". Anyone can play along if you want to join in - its a fun way to troll down memory lane with my photos.
Here are my contributions for the green challenge:
fireworksTwinI see GreenPucesClingacourtBooth
In case you are wondering, Sadie Olive owns a boutique full of adorable european home accents. I always have a few items Im lusting for but these brass photo holders are is high on my list right now.

I haven't had a chance to upload photos yet but my chiavari chairs arrived. Woo-hoo. And my couch is allegedly on the way. For some reason it can't be delivered until next week. (Do they realize how long I have waited for a couch? Clearly not!) I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed that there are no hiccups this time.


  1. Oh, green is my fave! We did not have A/C til a few years ago and it is truly a luxury, I fret to think of the bill. We are using it only when it is truly hot, and it is!
    Plan to take the green challenge! Sounds fun!

  2. Can't wait to see pics of the couch and chairs!!!! :)

  3. Oh gosh, we've had nothing but cool weather and rain for the last week. Isn't it always some extreme?!

    Sara's blog is beautiful! Thanks for reminding me as I hadn't bene over in a while!

    Looking forward to more of your furniture!!!

  4. Anonymous9:46 PM

    yeah for the arrival of the chairs! can't wait to see photos of it in the dining room - i bet they are gorgeous!

    oh and i don't blame you for not painting at all! the weather was similarly hot and humid here!


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