Next Stop: Dining Room!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Had to post about the new dinner guest that joined us last week.

Subway Sign

I bought this Vintage R9 Subway Route Sign on ebay a while back. Based on what I've read about them, these signs were used on the subway lines in the 1930-40s.

Ive been admiring some subway sign art for a while now and when I found this sign (the F line is the one a block from me and I ride everyday) I had to have it.

For those curious, this is what the R9 trains looked like.

Im sure I share this fascination with many old home owners but I happen to find certain items from the past very cool. This falls into that category. Old subway things are just cool.

Anywho, I bought it in this state from an ebay seller
Subway sign
and had it custom framed. (Yoinks...framing costs a lot!)

The photo at top isn't a very good one as it doesn't capture just how pretty the frame is. It has a gold beaded inside trim that really ties it into the brass accents in the room. Thanks to Mr. Limestone for that one as he convinced me to go "go for the gold" so to speak. (I was going to go with the plain black frame for budget reasons.) Its matted with a dingy looking beige matte to work with the dingy letters. I love it! Which is a very good thing b/c it can be seen not only in the dining room and kitchen but also in the living room as this wall faces the living room couch.
Subway Sign

You might be wondering what happened to the painting of the old woman that was hung there before. Well, she has been relinquished to the top of the wine rack for now (see left of photo above). She doesn't look bad there but she needs a permanent home. Not quite sure where to put this grand dame. Im sure I'll find a good spot but I think I'm putting the kibash on any artwork purchases from now on.


  1. It looks awesome! I love that print, congrats on the find!

  2. I love this.

    Is your dining room table still the one that came with the house or did you get a new one?

  3. I am looking for one of my own , no luck here, I have such a hard time with art , scoured the antique market for something great but no luck there either , you have a great eye , my husband being an artist is very picky and hates everything that is out there , oh with the exception of very expensive paintings , wish we had the dough.
    Your dining room looks beautiful I love everything.

  4. The framing was worth it. It looks great.

  5. This is amazing, and how many times can I say I love your home? You should think about renting it out for a movie set! It's definitely publication or cinema worthy.

  6. Thanks everyone :) You guys are good for my ego.

    J&K: This is the original dining table that was left in the house. I have to replace it at some point (we have 12 coming for Christmas dinner and this table only sits 6!!) but Im loathe to get rid of it until absolutely necessary. Not to mention I have no idea what to replace it with.

    Chris: I didn't use this vendor but you can buy your own at

  7. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Love it and have been looking for one of my own--I even want the F train, since I lived at the Bergen stop...

  8. Love it, as usual, you have great taste. I think the frame is perfect.

  9. Anonymous6:12 PM

    I am new to your blog (my Google reader gave me the reco to read you).

    Your parquet floor is beautiful! I'm trying to convince my husband to put this in our family rather than plain oak planks.

    Also love the poster -- I'm a big fan of anything train related.

  10. Love it and have one myself...the
    AA-8th ave to HH Fulton St. Such a cool piece of history!

  11. My, my, my...your rooms are coming together so beautifully, and your "New " artwork is special.

  12. Love the new print and its frame!

  13. I was (am) totally scouring around for a vintage subway or bus roll for a good long time. I found one in Asbury Park this year (maybe in april?)...framed, but not well...for $700. Yikers. And yours is *much* nicer.

  14. Whatever you do is always unique and creative. It's such a pleasure to read your blog. Fantastic choice on the art.

  15. that is very very cool!
    i would buy that in a heartbeat!

    love it.

  16. How absolutely gorgeous is your living room!
    I have so bookmarked your blog!!

  17. Anonymous12:26 PM

    this looks great & the framing is fab! i've been searching high and low for one from toronto...haven't found it yet but i'm not going to give up.

  18. The new poster looks great! Yes, framing is wildly expensive. I re-framed a small etching and it cost me $160. I did pick a pretty frame, but seriously...
    I am taking a picture framing class at an art school in January - they teach you how to cut glass, cut the frame and cut the mats and you learn all about archival, museum-quality framing, etc. I have been meaning to take it forever but there was always some conflict, but I know it will come in handy the rest of my life if I can buy raw materials and do my own work eventually! I love that kind of stuff.

    Your poster is tres chic! Impeccable taste, as always!

  19. I love your subway art!! But, honestly, just gazing at the photos of your home makes me look around my little home with a lump in my throat...

    I love that you are so purposeful in your decorating, waiting until you get the perfect item. I am more "jump in with both feet", thus I don't always get what I want! I need more money, I guess...


  20. How many times can I say it? I am jealous of your home! BEAUTIFUL!

  21. I love it. What a find!

  22. That's amazing! I love it!

    Saw this headboard and thought of you:

  23. I'm crazy about this! Too cool. -Julia

  24. Anonymous9:03 AM

    I Love your Vintage Subway Route Sign. It looks fantastic in your dinningroom.

  25. Hi! I'm new to your blog; oh my so much to see and read here. Loving the stories!
    Sorry for commenting on a post from *some* time ago, but was just wondering - has the lady's portrait found her permanent space?


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