Operation Infestation Nearly Complete!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Well, we're just about done "infesting" our house with spiders for Friday night's Halloween festivities. So happy to have it done - I think it looks pretty good considering this is our first year.
If you know me, you know I like to keep with a concept when decorating for holidays and parties and this year is no different. Thankfully, Mr. Limestone is a good sport and only partially resents me when I send him up on the roof to hang cobwebs or interupt his football watching to arrange a giant spider on our house :)
I planned on carving a few pumpkins but after putting all this stuff up today, I really didn't have the energy. So one carved pumpkin and one uncarved adorn the doorway. Both were spraypainted black and I really dig the glossy look. Orange is so last year. (just kidding!)
I made up these "warning" signs which I think are fun (and just about free, so thats always a bonus!) For anyone who takes the NYC subway on a regular basis, its sort of like the rat poison signs that so gracefully liter our great metro.
The only thing I have left to do is get a flood light to add some illumination as the regular porch light doesn't really do much.
Happy Haunting!


  1. Oh my! How I love your decorations and your home! I so want your home! :) That warning sign is a great touch!

  2. WOW!


    That looks amazing. I hardly had time/energy to make a few glitter pumpkins and put out my fall scented candles...how do you do it all?
    I am in love with the huge spider web and spider. Where did you find that, and how in the world is the spider and web attached to your house? The trick or treaters coming to your house this year are sure lucky!!

  3. That is awesome! Though I'd probably be too scared to trick and and treat at your house. Can't wait to see a pic when you have the flood lighting up!

  4. Seriously AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Anonymous8:56 PM

    OMG! This is freakin' AMAZING! I hope you don't mind if i do a quick post on it and link back to your page? it's really great and probably the best hallowe'en decorating i've ever seen!

  6. I am so impressed! Nice work!

  7. Such fun! Love the warning sign.

  8. oh my gosh!! freakishly awesome!

    { julie }

  9. Wow. I am so impressed. You have blown me away. It's too cool.

  10. Love love love it , amazing , so well done, I just might be feeling inspired now.

  11. Stop It! This is over the top amazing! It sooo works with your beautiful home...and those signs...Icing on the cake!

  12. I don't even know what to say!!! This is beyond amazing! I, too, MUST know where you found the spider and the web! You did it perfectly. Nice!!

  13. Very impressive! You go all out!

  14. Stanley Pest Control! Altough they are perfect or this time of year! That is a LARGE infestation! :)

  15. Oh my God, that looks frigging amazing. You are one decorating goddess. I have always thought Halloween decorations were a little tacky, but somehow you have managed to make the classiest Halloween (and also the most inventive and terribly droll) EVER!

    I am gobsmacked.

    I have officially decided that if I could pick any one blogger to come decorate my house, it would be you. You kick butt sister!

    Those posters are the icing on the cake. Wicked!

    P.S. Your neighbors must be feeling seriously outdone (and probably also want to be your friend and come to your amazing house and just be near you and your brilliance). hehe.

  16. Oh wow, thanks so much. I wasn't feeling quite as good about how it turned out until I read all of these sweet comments. You are too nice.

    I got the giant spider from Costco. It was $70 so quite a splurge considering its just Halloween decorations but sometimes a girl has to treat herself. haha

  17. It looks awesome! I love that giant spider in the front of the house!

  18. Wow, your place looks awesome!! I wish I lived closer to NY because I would totally come check it out in person, what a great job you did!!

  19. Oh, yes, yes, YES!

    Well done, Mrs. L! I bow to your superior arachnoskills. :-) I think the warning signs are such a fabulous addition! PERFECT.

  20. Fabulous!!! Your neighbors must be very envious :)

  21. What a gorgeous home. It's absolutely great.

  22. This is seriously amazing and quite too scary! Great job!

  23. Wow! That looks amazing!!

  24. ghoulishly gorgeous!!!!!!

  25. i think i love the signs the best! so authentic looking and scary!

  26. Unflippin' believable!! From your gorgeous home to the creative decorating...my mouth is hanging open!! Puts my little porch to shame!!

    Your party is going to be a blast...can't wait to hear all about it!!


  27. Oh wow! I love it. How did you get the large spider web to stay in place? How were you able to get it up on the roof, and finally what is it made of?

    take care,

  28. Now that's one super amazing Halloween display..!!!!! I wish I could see it in person. Love it!!!

  29. Sweedaisy: The larger web is tied to the steel beams on the roof and the stone steps. The spider is hung out of my bedroom window (its tied to my bed inside to keep it stable). Everything else is just held down by tying it to the various nooks and crannies.

  30. It looks incredible! It makes me want to fly to NYC just to get a closer look!

  31. Best Halloween decorations I've seen yet! Smiles,LC

  32. Your frickin awesome! I LOVE that huge spider - WHERE did you get that! My kindergartener would love that!

  33. Ok, I did a small post on my blog. I just HAD to! People have to look at your awesome decoration! :)

  34. I love how you've decorated the front of your home - fabulous! Those feather wreaths are lovely too. What an inspiration!


  35. I absolutely LOVE what you have done! Your neighbors must be so impressed.

    I can't wait to see what you do for Christmas!

    You're so creative with those signs.

  36. WOW!!!! Your Halloween palace is fantastic!! I love all the creepy crawlies and how you interpreted them throughout your entire decor theme. I bet the kids (little and grown-up ones alike) will love walking by and trick and treating at your home!

    Thank you for coming by my blog, as I am very happy to find yours!! :)

  37. Creepy!!!! Love the "arachnid" sign.

    Hope you have lots and lots of trick-or-treaters!

  38. This is AWESOME! Your neighbors must feel lame...
    Were you a set designer in your previous life?? If not - you should seriously consider it.

  39. Laura directed me here and I'm so glad I came over to see your house all decorated fro Halloween! What a great job you did! Love it! Were any kids brave enough to trick or treat at your hoise?

    I love in Brooklyn too!

  40. Alright, just stop this, you are killing me with your amazing decorations-

  41. As someone who is NOT a Halloween fan, I have to say your place looks amazing. We had a house down the block from us who did the large spiders as well, but yours look much better. This would have been awesome to see in person.

  42. omg. you are awesome. how in the world did you do that giant spider on the house?! that is incredible.

    if you decide to go this route for next year, you should check out bitterbetty's blog. she has a tutorial on making huge radioactive spider egg sacs and monstrous costumes for houseplants!

  43. I used your warning sign as a starting point for our Halloween invitations this year. You have great ideas.


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