Drats. Office setup foiled by Ikea.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I had very much hoped I would be able to post photos of my office setup in progress. I wasn't foolish enough to think it would be complete by today but I had hoped to show a glimmer of possibility. My plan was to show you this sad looking before photo
Office in Progress
followed by a less pathetic after.

Sadly, here I am on Monday morning with nothing to show. Its not because I was lazy and put it off (as I have been doing for the past 4 months). I had a plan this time. As you can see, I need storage as well as some display space and finally decided on the Ikea Trollsta sideboard.
trollsta sideboard
Its not 100% ideal but it met all the key criteria: cheap, fun and could be assembled in the room so I could fit it thru my narrow hallway to the office.

I even roped a very nice friend with an SUV in taking me to the local Ikea to pick it up on Sunday. On Saturday evening, I had a date with an SUV and a Louis inspired sideboard. I dutifully checked the invetory tool on http://www.ikea.com/ And what did I find? They were OUT OF STOCK!

Boo! Hiss! (sound of rotten tomatos being thrown)

So no progress was made at all. My office is the same barren wasteland its been all these long ugly months. Damn you Ikea, you sapped my home decorating agenda of promise!

All jesting aside, I was bummed. I hate when Im all geared up to do something and I get off course. But Ill try again the next time I can get my SUV driving friend to give me a ride. I hope Ikea is prepared :)

In more positive news, I did get some time to work on Christmas cards and cleaning up my disaster area also known as a closet. Silver lining, clouds, all that.


  1. i don't know where you are in relation to the closest ikea but the one out here does delivery starting at $79 so if it'll be a long time before you can get your friend to help out, that might be one option.

  2. Oh bummer! I hate when that happens. Although I think your before does not look THAT pathetic =) Can't wait to see the "after".

  3. Delivery is $150 which seems really outrageous considering the thing $350. Maybe Im just being a cheapskate but that seems like a lot to bring a box 3 miles to my house.

  4. Darn! I hate it when that happens!
    The sideboard looks great though, I can't wait to see how it will look in the space.

  5. Oh I hate when that happens. It never fails anytime I want something from IKEA it is always out of stock and I need to make another trip. I now always try to call before hand.

    It is a really sideboard. I'm sure it will look great in your office.

    Can't wait to see the Christmas cards!

  6. I hate when that happens!!! Can't wait to see your Christmas cards!

  7. Your Christmas cards from years' past (in your post last week) are amazing! I can't wait to see what's up your sleeve. I can't believe it's the middle of November already!!

    ANYHOO...I'm sorry about the Ikea piece. Can they order for you...so you're guaranteed it's in stock? That seems too organized for Ikea so I'm not sure. :-)

  8. Bummer. But, on the absolute positive side your office is wonderful. The paint color is so fun and I am loving the desk.

    That Ikea piece will be worth the wait!

  9. aw man! I can tell it will be gorgeous in there though! Didn't know Ikea made thing with any shape or curve.

  10. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I can't wait to see the finished office.


  11. Oh that bites. I hate it when I get all geared up and then...nuthin. Can't wait to see your "after".


  12. Ok, that would really have put a kink in my day too. Scratch that. Week. :)

  13. Such cruel words OUT OF STOCK!! So sorry.

  14. Oh dear, that sucks. Your office looks a heck of a lot better than mine, which is a repository for homeless furniture, stuff in bins that needs "going through" and piles of paper. I really don't know how to organize this space, which seems like the one room in the house that gets stuff dumped constantly in it from other rooms. Maybe i just need to re-name it the Stuff room.

    You can always count on Ikea to be out of stock. I've had it happen several times, most recently for a rug I waited 6 months for them to receive. Argh!

    xo Terri

  15. Anonymous12:09 AM

    while i'm disappointed for you that ikea didn't have your sideboard - i'm extremely happy to hear that your christmas cards are almost ready! i can't wait to see what creative-ness you've come up with.

    so it is with mixed emotions i just enjoyed this post :)


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