
When one of my favorite magazines of all time, Blueprint, folded a year ago I accepted it. It wasn't that popular. It never got off the ground. Sure it was a fun magazine but I guess its a hard business.

That didn't mean I was very pleased to start receiving Martha Stewarts Food Magazine instead of getting my money back. How is a magazing full of recipes I can get for free a good replacement for eye candy like Blueprint?? But I digress...

But now I hear Domino is going out of business? Can someone explain this to me? That entire magazine is one big advertisment. And its hugely popular. Anyone who is a magazine junkie like me subscribes to it. So double ka-ching for them. Are they burning $5 bills in a bonfire over there?

In all seriousness, Im sad to hear about this. Domino was always a little too trendy for me to apply most of their styling into my own home but doesn't mean I didn't read it cover to cover. You will be missed.

Are there any good magazines left?


  1. This is just sad and confusing.

  2. Aww man. What a bummer. :(

  3. I was so sad when I heard about this I called my husband. At work. he was not impressed.

  4. In Canada, we have fantastic design magazines. I highly highly recommend "Style at Home" and "House & Home".

    I don't want to speak poorly of the dead, but they are superior to Domino. Hands down.

  5. LivingEtc (UK pub, but easy to find in NYC) is fantastic.

  6. This is sad and sad times.
    I read that several other magazines are also ceasing to be published.
    The list includes Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion, Oprah's O Home, Cottage Living and Country Home...to name a few.
    While none of these are your style, I urge you and everyone to keep track of your subscription expiration dates and check the magazine web site to see if the magazine has ceased to exist.

  7. PS I LOVE reading your blog and I LOVE your style!

  8. Anonymous3:35 PM

    i second 'style at home' and 'house and home' but domino will be missed. it definitely had an aesthetic i could relate to.

  9. Like I commented elsewhere today, there are so many design blogs, I never really pic up a magazine now a days. People are getting inspiration from other peoples homes for free.

  10. I JUST subscribed to Domino...grrrrrr! I heard that it's subscribers are going to get Lucky instead. Great. I was given that magazine subscription as a gift and NEVER read it. So, now I'm going to get two a month? Super.

  11. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Huh? I get mail almost daily asking me to subscribe!

  12. I am so bummed that Domino is going out of business! I used to buy every issue and then finally this year I gave in and got a subscription. Looks like I'm only getting 3 issues. Argh.

  13. What? Domino is the young star of the magazine world. If it goes under, how can anything survive?

  14. Oooh, Mrs. L, I too loved Blueprint--it was my fav!

  15. Livingetc, and I know I'm one of the few people that still likes House Beautiful (though judging by the flimsy Feb issue that may be next to go).

    Oh...and National Geographic. Still good after all these years. :-)

  16. I gotta second Sarah from Canada...

    Maybe the Domino advertisers weren't seeing a return on their investmet because a lot of readers are like you and cant't apply their styling into their homes - ??

  17. Agreed that Domino was a little "out there" in the last year or so. When it started, it was creative and stylish, but the items also seemed to work for those on a modest budget. Over time, it became an ode to expensive, mid-century modern design. There were still cool ideas here and there, but the hipster vibe has been a wee bit too strong for many of the last few years.

  18. What's this you say?!?!?!?! I too was devastated at the demise of Blueprint and I just renewed my darn Domino sub! What the heck is going on??? There aren't going to be any good ones left! I did not know this...I'm sad.

  19. Nooooo! Not Domino. I've watched all my favorite magazines fold, one by one....so sad.

  20. Anonymous11:53 AM

    nooooooooooo, i hadn't heard that yet! I lost blueprint too and now domino??? It and Readymade are my favorites:(

  21. I feel the same way. I'm so annoyed over this. I love that magazine. even had my subs set up for automatic renewal. I didn't want to chance missing an issue. I'm seriously bummed.

  22. Yeah, this has been a big announcement lately, heard it a couple weeks ago. I wasn't a subscriber & it's a little too trendy for me too, but I enjoyed checking it out.

    I just started a new 2 year sub. to House Beautiful, only $15. I really like that one & can't wait to start getting it.

  23. Only the European ones I think - hopefully they will stay in business. Reading on line is just not the same as a good flick through a favourite magazine. Love your blog, xv.

  24. I'm glad I didn't resign my subscription. I had no idea they were closing. With all the magazines closing it makes one leary of signing up with any of them now.

  25. So many are going today...........Rats-!! But, for those who saved their issues of Domino may I suggest you frame them, individually, and hang them in your laundry room. I did with "George".

  26. I am devastated. Weirdly enough I got my "automatically renewed!" letter from Domino yesterday...

  27. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Oy...this makes me sad. I love love loved Domino. I don't get it.
    I still really like Country Living.

  28. I feel exactly the same way. I had been gifted a subscription and was very much looking forward to a year of beautiful inspiration. I was so sad when my sister called to tell me the news. I'm keeping my fingers tightly crossed for my favorite Ready Made.

  29. I nearly wet myself I was laughing so hard at your "what, are they burning five dollar bills over there?!"

    too true, it is sad.

  30. Another vote here for Livingetc. It's THE best home decor mag (in my humble opinion!!) I buy it every month without even flipping through it first -- every issue is packed with great stuff :-)


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