Further Proof...

...that money can not buy good taste.

I was horrified to see this monstronsity on the main page of P.E. Guerin. They are a metal foundry that makes the most beautiful cast pieces for doors at outrageous prices. I shutter to think the cost of this swan from hell bathroom fixture.

This thing will haunt my nightmares.


  1. Bwahhaha! Nothing says taste than a faucet that looks like a golden vomiting swan.

    Do they make one that looks like a cherub boy peeing? Now, that would be cool!

  2. I would never wash my hands again. Swan from hell indeed. *shudder*

  3. EW! That is hideous!!

  4. I hope it's just water that thing hacks up!

  5. omg...a puking swan. How. Heinous.

  6. The ONLY thing remotely pleasing in that picture is the white flowers in the silver goblet.

  7. Anonymous1:03 PM

    LMAO oh gosh...lol...this is horrible...yikes.

    thank you for the congrats on the new apartment. you are very right - it is exciting & scary! i hope you'll chime in with your input...i'll need your sophisticated eye to help me pull everything together ;)

  8. Anonymous1:22 PM

    A couple that I used to work with bought the most beautiful house in our town and the toilet in the master bathroom was shaped like a lion's head! No kidding- the mouth was open- that's where you did your business! It would go well with that swan faucet. EEEKKK! Repulsive!

  9. omg. I didn't know that sort of thing existed.
    Here (in Norgay) somebody found out that a soap holding bird was a good idea. Everybody has it for their kids... Not me, I don't feel clean if I wash my hands in birds vomit, and this faucet reminds me of the same...

  10. And that would be NorWay ton dorGay... blush

  11. Haha! But I'm not going to lie - I would be genuinely impressed if I ever, in real life, came across something like that in somebody's home.

  12. This is a little Liberachi

  13. A barfing swan doesn't really do it for me either. Imagine what it costs!

  14. That's one ugly puking swan! Who comes up with this stuff?

  15. My daughters name is Swan. That is the only thing I like about it.

  16. I know it's spews clean water, but I can't help but think swan puke.

  17. Hear, hear! LOL! It's hideous!

  18. Water coming out of any creatures mouth, faucet, fountain or otherwise,is gross....and don't get me started on fountains with statues of peeing boys.

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  20. That's one very angry swan, I'd be too frightened for my fingers to go near it

  21. LOL!!! I can't even imagine wanting that thing in my home.

  22. Anonymous2:39 PM

    OH! Ew!!!
    Completely scary.


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