Slow going.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I swear, I spent a good part of my weekend going through my nemisis, the "box room". You'd think that would be enough time. Well, it isn't!

This is all I have to show for my efforts.
Box Room
I guess there was a reason we stuffed all those miscellaneous boxes in there and shut the door for the past 10 months. Its taking me forever to go through it all.

I've thrown away everything that is one step from junk. I've put away everything that had a home like various craft supplies and clothing. Now I have to figure out a home for the random things we're keeping and find a new home for the things that are too good to throw away.

Part of the problem is that I have a few choice things that were purchased for the renovation but didn't fit/ wasn't necessary/ got left behind in the fray. Im sure anyone else who has finished a renovation has a similar collection of brand new goodies that cost too damn much to just throw away! I think its time we just admit we aren't going to be using these and they find a new address. Examples include this chandelier going to a good friend for her new apartment, this pair of Pottery Barn sconces awaiting bids on ebay, etc.. Yet to be decided is the vintage light fixture I found at a flea market and never used as well as a mini library of home design books that I don't really need anymore.

Hey, at least I can see the floor now!

Keeping with the idea that I must stay motivated to get my projects finished, I am posting my 2009 house to-do list.
I guess I'll have to check on this next January to see how far I've come.

Hope everyone has had a more productive weekend than I have!


  1. I can tell you are organized and have a good sense about what to hold onto and what to let go of. I'm finding less is more- really. The more you have the more work it becomes. I think you did a great job of clearing the decks- there's always another weekend...

  2. Geez, at least yours is a box ROOM, and not your entire garage!!! It's a project I've been trying to tackle, but since we live in the house I grew up in, there's LOTS of stuff in there that my parents just left, lol. So I must wait for them.

    But in the meantime, I am sorting through what I can in there, as well as every nook and cranny in our home!! It's a process, and it can get overwhelming at times, for sure!!

    Keep plugging along!!


  3. Cleaning out junk is very productive, even if you can't see many fancy, pretty results. I think that spiritually, it's like lifting a heavy burden, to get things sorted and throw stuff away. Great work!

  4. Everything in it's time...It'll all get done. I am sure of it.

    Boy, that boxroom floor just GLOWS!

  5. You are going great looks like. It may not seem like a lot to you, but its only January!

  6. I just had to go through a guest bedroom closet that somehow became the dumping ground for things we didn't know what to do with. It's amazing how much stuff piles up when you ignore it. Luckily I became motivated to clear it when I decided to redo the bedroom. Still didn't make it fun.


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