Domo Arigato Gozaimasu Japan

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The points go to Sharnel for correctly guessing Japan. Tokyo to be specific. (How'd you know?)
We took what just might be the shortest ever trip to Japan last week. We left Thursdy and were back Monday evening. I still feel like garbage thanks to a bug I picked up somewhere along the way (I always seem to get sick on the way back from a trip - compromised immunity maybe? exposure to foreign bacteria?).

We had a fabulous trip. Aside from the incredibly beautiful weather, we were lucky enough to know someone local who was willing to cart our noJapanesespeakingNewYork asses around town. We hit the jackpot!!

Without further ado, a few of my favorite photos from the trip.
Our hotel room had this cool glittery starbust sculpture in the entryway. You all know how much I love glitter right? This seems like something that could be DIY'd pretty easily but I'm not quite sure how. Wouldn't this make a fabulous centerpiece?

Also in the hotel room, the was a branchy mural over the bed. Cute. But what made it even better was the three dimension bird on there. Love this idea for a nursery or studio.
One of my favorite things about Japan is their awesome toilets. This photo says it all.

One strange thing is that there was this weird sleepy looking mustached guy on one of the tv channels ALL.THE.TIME. I have no idea why. It was sort of like a train wreck - gruesome but I could not look away.

Despite glittery sculptures and fun in the loo, we did actually leave our hotel room. Further proof of the great weather we had, we saw Mt Fuji in all its glory. I understand that is somewhat rare as its usually partially hidden by clouds.

At one of the rest stops up there, I learned I should not stand forward or backward facing on the bowl. Good to know.

On that same day trip we saw some other beautiful sights that I have no descriptions for. They were just pretty.

Back in Tokyo, we visited several shrines. We were even fortunate enough to stumble upon a wedding procession.
Pretty sure this is my favorite tree evah!
Our friend was sweet enough to take me to some great stores where I got some fun items I'll show you in another post. And of course we ate and drank our fill.
On our last day we got up early and went over to the Tsujki fish market. Great fun to watch. Lets just say we weren't the only ones there.

All too soon it was time to put our fun on ice and head back home.

We had such a great time, I'm sure we'll be back.

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  1. It sounds like one very busy but fabulous weekend, xv.

  2. WOW! You packed a lot into that trip- no wonder you're feeling a bit under the weather- but so worth it. Welcome back- looking forward to seeing your treasures.

  3. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Love your blog it is very inspirational.

  4. Tokyo is at the top of my list of places to go. Lost in Translation is one of my favorite movies of all time - your wedding procession photo reminded me of a scene from that movie.

  5. Great pictures! I am 1/4 Japanese and my paternal grandmother was full Japanese, I would so love to visit someday!

  6. I feel like I just got taken on a mini virtual vacation! Fabulous pics. And that sushi! *salivating*

    Can't wait to see your treasures!

  7. wow. Japan for THE WEEKEND?? You are hardcore. We used to pick up our friend from the airport after he visited his parents there (and he'd been there for a month) and he was just WASTED for the weekend after. He always looked like he'd been ridden hard and put away wet when he got off the plane.

    I would so so so love to go someday (with the person above as our guide). Lucky you!

  8. Japan! I never saw that one coming, especially for the weekend. Sounds like a wonderful trip. Beautiful pictures!

  9. wow! So far off from my San Fran guess huh? glad you had a fabulous time. Very fun!

  10. The food looks so goooood! Can't wait to see more about your trip!

  11. Ooooh..That was fast! Thanks for the lovely pics!

  12. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Gorgeous photos!

  13. What an amazing trip! How fun...and your pictures are beautiful! Fun!

  14. Welcome home! Can't wait to hear more about your fun finds in Japan and esp the food. I've always wondered how Americanzied Japanese food is in New York...? Go you for being so adventurous, even with limited time!

  15. I have fond memories of Japan and smoke filled rooms looking at strike-offs of textile prints and then having the best Japanese food and saki.
    I have some great things that I brought back.
    A kimono, traveling chopsticks, and some origami.

  16. Anonymous12:57 PM

    wow. a weekend getaway to japan! amazing. your photos are fantastic and i feel like i just too a little mini vacay just by reading your post.

    now adding japan to my list of places to visit...

  17. Great photos! Sounds like you packed alot into the time you had there, great stuff. Mt Fuji looks awesome and how big are those fish?!

  18. Anonymous12:38 AM

    husband and i are planning to go to japan next winter...i am bookmarking your post!

  19. Gorgeous photos as usual! :) I'm reading this book right now titled The Man Who Ate the World In Search of the Perfect Dinner by a restaurant critic called Jay Rayner. It's soooo good, and my favorite chapter is the Tokyo chapter. You should check it out just to read about the amazing experiences he had in Tokyo. :)

  20. Mrs. Limestone,

    What was that bird made out of and how was it attached? I know you looked!

    Unbelievable, your travel schedule ;-) is, so lucky. What a whirlwind trip. How many hours is the flight?

    Those toilet use images are hilarious.

  21. i'm from japan, but i currently live in the states, so these images made me extremely homesick.

    japan is a wonderful place.
    i miss my motherland.

  22. Hopefully you'll remember our correspondence about possible travel options a few weeks ago. My husband and I decided on Japan! We are super excited as it will be Cherry Blossom season, but we're having a heck of a time finding hotel accommodations in some of the cities (Kyoto, for example). Where did you stay in Tokyo? Any personal recs from your time there?

  23. MrsLimestone7:19 AM

    Hi Courtney - We stayed at the Conrad in Tokyo - nice hotel but I have nothing to compare it to. We used points to stay for free so no complaints but if I were paying for a room, I'd probably pick somewhere less 'businessy'.


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