Dictionary "Art"

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Not sure what it is about an old dictionary but there is something beautiful about letter after letter spanning the onion skin pages. They aren't pratical anymore - its so much easier to look up a definition on the web but they can be appreciated in other ways.

Step 1: Get one old dictionary. (Purchased for $1 at junk shop)

Step 2: Find a word suitable for the print. (For example, I selected the pages 'sit' and 'furniture' for this set)

Step 3: Carefully tear out page; trim rough edge straight.

Step 4: Using regular old laser printer, print your selected image.
Repeat as necessary
Repeat as necessary

Step 5: Matte & Frame as desired.
Footnote: Isn't that matte pretty? A very thoughtful friend send a pair to me as a thank you. She was spot on knowing I'd love them. The black distressed frame was found at (where else?) Target for $13.
I did this set to be hung over the guestroom bed but decided at the last minute it was 'too much'. But I still love the look. I might change the print (any suggestions on what I should do instead of chairs?) but I think I will use these in my own bedroom when I finally get to working on that space.


  1. That's such cool idea! I have that very same frame from Target. It goes perfectly with my black/brown Ikea furniture.

  2. I stalk your blog frequently and I have to say this project is the best I have ever seen on blogland!!! Pure genius. I am going to get an old dictionary right now. You are amazing and that frame and matting is to die for!!!!!

  3. That is such a great idea! I'm definelty going to try this.

  4. Anonymous10:15 AM

    genius! i am sooo going to do this! i love 'words' so this is perfect.

    also, i must say that dictionary is gorgeous too. the worn look of it - and the pink on the cover! the dictionary itself would look fantastic displayed in my space :)

  5. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I love this! I have a set of old encyclopedias that would be great for this. Thanks for the idea!

  6. Mrs Limstone, you're a genius!

  7. I have three old dictionaries that I didn't want to throw away because I was sure I'd need them someday. Now I have a use for at least one of them!

  8. I agree with everyone who said "great idea...genius...etc." And I like the looks of the dictionary itself too. Cool idea and very "doable."

  9. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I love this!!!

  10. What a fun DIY project! It turned out amazing! Such a great idea!

  11. It's fabulous. I love it!

  12. You are so freaking creative, I can barely stand it! Martha would be proud =0) LOVE this idea. The dark matting makes it look even more vintage!

  13. Take a bow and then have a gorgeous seat~ you are clever!

  14. I love this idea! I have stacks of old dictionaries that I've picked up at yard sales..I'm going to make some of these lovelies.

  15. This looks great. So many "crafty" projects look downright hokey -- this does not!


  16. Oh, Mrs. L! I absolutely love this project! ITA! You are leaving Martha in the dust! :)

  17. Please...this is wonderful..where do you get the pictures of the chairs....

  18. I am SO making one of these this weekend! Thanks for the great ideas!

  19. I am SO making one of these this weekend! Thanks for the great ideas!

  20. Wow, that is gorgeous I love it! I'll be linking to this tomorrow.

  21. beautiful! love the chairs.

  22. you should totally sell these on esty. I'd buy! :)

  23. I really, really, love the look of this project. But, I have sort of a thing about cutting up books. It feels sacrilegious to me. So, I'm going to try copying or scanning a page of an old dictionary onto paper (or maybe beige vellum) first, then printing the picture on top of it.

  24. These are really beautiful.
    I was at the thrift store the other day and had a beautiful dictionary in my hand. I had a feeling that something cool could be done with it but I didnt know exactly what, so since I have a million unfinished projects I put it back on the shelf. Now I need to go back and get it!
    Question though; where did you get the image you printed?

  25. Love this! It also reminds me that I need to get frames for the beautiful photos you sent me...!!!

    Oh, and your spare bedroom is not only complete, but also perfect. When can I come and stay??


  26. CUTE idea....When I get my frames for my family room I may try this, thanks!

    Jen Ramos
    'Cards & Prints You'll Love...'

  27. I LOVE this idea! I really hope you find a home for these guys. They're too cute. You're so crafty, Mrs. Limestone!

  28. That is most certainly going in my fantastic ideas file! You are so clever.x

  29. print things like cameras, souvenirs, keys, perfume,
    you know, things.

  30. For those that asked, the image of the chairs is clipart. You can find some of it free online or buy collections in books.

  31. Get-Out-Of-Town! That is so cool. I just love it and must do it. Yay!

  32. very classy...but what else could we expect from you?!?! I love LOVE the chairs but maybe chandeliers, vintage cameras, birds, etc. would work too...but then you probably already thought of all those :)

    keep em comin' girl!

  33. These are really cool! Once again, your blog has inspired me!!

  34. I love this idea. I think a few of them together on a wall would look great.

  35. Ok WOW, this is a fabulous idea!

    One question: where did you find the adorable images of the chairs??

  36. I like prints of old cameras. Or typewriters. Check here for ideas:


  37. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Great idea! Have some frames but didn't know what to do with them till now! THNX!

  38. Love this idea and will be "borrowing it" soon...now where can I find a dictionary that's that cute!

  39. This. Is. AWESOME! I mean...really, really fabulous. Your kitchen is too fancy, but for mine I'm thinking I'd love to do vintage kitchen supply images (like egg beaters and such) on old cookbook pages. Yay, craft project!

  40. Gee, I love that! You are so clever. You amaze me everytime I come on for a look :-)

  41. Very cool. These look great!! How lucky you are as well, to have someone send you such cool gifts :)

  42. that project worked out quite nice.

  43. Your blog- A++
    I'm sooo glad I found it-Love this idea!

    Blog: http://kellyannstudio.blogspot.com

  44. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Hey thanks for the great read, you just got a new follower! :)

  45. Very neat idea!Thanks for sharing it with us:)

  46. Love this! Where is the clip art from? It's so perfect.

    And how did you do the matte? With the gold? Was that from Target too or a DIY?

    Many thanks for posting!

  47. OmG! this is amazing, looks wonderful...You're so creative I check your blog first thing in the morning everyday and never leave disappointed <3

  48. Bucki0411:36 AM

    I actually tried this and ended up with a chewed up dictionary page in my printer. Hubby was NOT happy : ( My solution was spray adhesive on card stock and attach the dictionary page to it. Apparently my page was just too old lol.

  49. Angelina6:30 PM

    Love it!

  50. Elizabeth Benotti9:51 PM

    This is a great idea. I recently purchased these old open cube shelves that are rather large. I thought about pasting some type of newspaper or old book to the inside. I figure I might as well have fun with them. I'm not totally sure though. This is something to think about. Give a little something extra

  51. To those of you that have tried OLD dictionary pages and have them tear and mess up your printer do this: Colour copy your dictionary page at a copy shop, The colour printer will pick up the subtle old paper patina, and it will be on a good quality paper, THEN run it through your printer, Voila! you will get the same good results. Good luck!

  52. Pat Watkins6:51 AM

    I like the chairs...yes, a bedroom would be perfect for their resting destination. Look at my blog http://amelias-musings.blogspot.com/search?q=dictionary+ to see what I did with dictionary pages .

  53. Beautiful! Where did you find your clipart? I want to make these!

  54. Marcela11:05 AM

    I love this one!
    Would you mind sharing the clipart?
    I googled images of chairs but found bothing like these ones!

  55. Rcfromsc10:43 AM

    You said the prints are online cip art.   Which site?

  56. I'm thinking old-fashioned toilets printed on "toilet" or "powder room"  pages. .  .  for the half bath in my house.

  57. Will an inkjet printer work for this?

  58. MrsLimestone9:00 AM

    Sure, that is what I used. Just don't get them wet.

  59. Julia4:33 PM

    I love this idea...but...how do you not have the image cover the wording of the page?
    If you want a 'word' for over the guest bed(s)...maybe something like...welcome (with a wreath)...or friendship (with a boquet of flowers)...or...I don't know...would need to know what is in the room to be more exact. Anyway...love the idea...and think it would be great in a babies room...or a hallway...by family photos...with the word love...or family...and a print of ??? a heart? Any way...having a great time brain storming about it...and I have a box of frames! Fun, fun, fun!

  60. Sure, that is what I used. Just don't get them wet.

  61. Abcmom5:20 PM

    I made a book safe out of a Latin English dictionary. Here is a great idea to use up many of the pages that were left over.

  62. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Would love to see someone figure out a way to mount them so that the finger notches still show on the edge of the page.

  63. LA Kat2:42 PM

    Very sneaky - I see these on etsy all of the time, but can't afford/imagine where I would put them... Now if I ever desire something like this I can do it myself - thank you!

  64. lsasdfl3:41 PM


  65. Elinkon731:38 AM

    Love this idea, and so adaptable for many uses.

  66. Creative Revolt12:35 AM


    I received your message regarding posting a link to your site and the request for 'Immediate removal'............... My blog is a link style blog - all the items posted on this blog are links to other peoples amazing creations, tutorials etc. I do not pass them off as my own and I certainly take no credit for anything that you or anyone else does. 

    I do try to increase traffic to your site by letting my followers know I found your stuff inspirational and where to find you. By doing this I reproduce an image from your post that acts as a live link to your article, (I don't reproduce any text or anything other than what is automated through the Wordpress 'press this' button) - hence the ping back you would have recieved. Other than the ping back it's JUST LIKE PINTEREST.

    It seems you may have taken exception, or offence at this and not taken this gesture as intended - as form of flattery so that is unfortunate.

    Just so you know - I found your website through Pinterest.... People have reproduced your images a number of times over there except you have no warning of that it is going on. I at least had the decency to engaged pingbacks to let you know.

    Consider your article links removed as of this evening. It's a pity though - you are very talented and clearly deserve an audience which I would have been happy to assist with building.

    Peppermia of Creative Revolt

  67. heidi9:22 AM

    I love this. One of the best ideas I've come across. Beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Buy Here Pay Here

  68. Susan5:13 PM

    good idea but just a suggestion, if you think you might want to use your page another time copy it on your printer and use your copy instead.......and you can also rubber stamp your image like I did

  69. I love this idea! I will have to think hard to figure out where I'd want to use it. Of course you wouldn't have to stick with frames if you didn't want to; this could make some interesting decoupage projects, too.

    Here's another good one for wall art: Interesting record covers + 12 x 12 stretched canvas (like you would paint on for art class) + Mod Podge and accent paint.

    I'm one with a taste for kitsch, but you could easily find record jackets in any number of visual styles. I accented mine by painting the sides of the canvases - they are 1" deep - with teal acrylic, then Gorilla Glued the record sleeves on. Mod Podge and acrylic sealer and BAM! Unique wall art.

    I suspect that canvas + decoupage would make an interesting alternative to frames for lots of other wall art, too.


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