I love this!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I often read This Old House Magazine for obvious reasons - I have an old house! Its a magazine I highly recommend for those in the midst of renovations but as someone who has moved past that, the contents are a little bit less engaging. Most of the projects seem to be geared toward someone who has a wood shop or at least a garage space. I have neither so any projects involving sawdust and circular saws are strictly verboten.

Well imagine my delight when I stumbled upon this in the Jan/Feb issue.

I love the drama!

It seems like hard work but something I can do to some little corner in the house. I even like the pattern.
Now how to get those chalk lines straight??? Hmmm.


  1. I am absolutely crazy about this idea!! Can't wait to try it. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oooh, where are you thinking of doing this? I love it. My 2 cents: I think it would look so lovely in your office or in your MBR.

    I wonder if you can duplicate the pattern on a transparency sheet and then project it onto your wall to trace?

  3. This definitely is something that would look great in your house. I can't wait to see your special interpretation of this idea.

  4. Love it and would love to see your take on this! I wanted to do something like this in my craft studio but maybe something white as my walls are pink. Yep, you read right, pink. hugs from Conroe TX! I'm having a giveaway if you want to stop by and see and enter for a chance to win a gold framed mirror. Hugs from Conroe TX!

  5. You know as a faux finisher I am completely diggin' that! Thank you so much for sharing!!!!

    We just used chalk lines today to grid out a harlequin pattern in a master bedroom. Chalk lines rock! You just need a buddy to help....

    You are so talented though... and you have a good eye for scale and perspective... I bet you could just draw it out with chalk and paint it! Can't wait to see where you try it at!

  6. I agree that looks great..and with your talent I am sure you can do it.

  7. Im thinking about doing it in the box room. I don't own a projector so Im not sure but I don't think I have enough room in there to get the project far enough away to make the large pattern.

  8. Hey there! So glad you stopped over at my giveaway! And yes, it is so sad to breakup the mirrors. I used to hang them all up in a huge grouping as I had so many and they looked FAB! But, I really wanted to share the love so decided to give out to several folks verses all to one. If anything maybe they can start their own grouping. Thanks again for dropping in and since you left a comment your in the drawing!

  9. Piggybacking on FC's comment, I saw this on the DIY network... They traced the pattern on a transperency sheet and then used a projector to project it on the wall. I think it would look great! Can't wait to see the results!

  10. ITA with Freckles Chic! It would create so much drama in your MB!

    Yes, when I was teaching I traced all of my murals with a projector! I think you can rent one at babies r us too!

  11. Those walls are awesome!

    I love that magazine too, it is annoying though that I dont have room for a full wood shop in my apartment. It would be awesome if I did, I would have so many projects to create :)

  12. GREAT pattern, i am with you on that. I think it would look great in a corner of your house somewhere as you said.

    Jen Ramos
    'Cards & Prints You'll Love...'

  13. I would come help you! We can take giant cardboard, cut several shapes and then voila. It would be an easy and fun project. Seriously!

  14. Oooohhhhh! I see some very busy weekends in your future. :-)

  15. Definitely a great magazine. My husband got a subscription because he loves renovating. I never looked through it until a couple of weeks ago because power tools + me = missing limbs. I think this idea will look great in your house!

  16. WOW! That is gorgeous, but way too big a job for me (I bore easily). I would do half a wall and decide I'd had enough, then be left with a serious problem. Can't wait to see how you tackle it, though. You will pull it off with ease, I'm sure!


  17. Inquiring readers want to know the status of the hunt for a coffee table for your living room. Or at least one inquiring reader wants to know.

  18. Ooooh. Yes, I love it. Cpould certainly see it in your box room...or bathroom for that matter!

    Great find!

    Is it done yet?

    You do work fast, ya know.

  19. Anonymous8:36 AM

    That turned out beautifully - too bad I would never have the guts to try this at my house!


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