Stay Awhile: Guestroom Complete!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Oh, the irony of this room being finished while my own bedroom is woefully lacking. What can I say? Its a lot easier to finish a room that isn't as important to me. I tried to economize as best as possible in here. Most items were things I had already as is, things I had already that needed to be repurposed or fairly cheap in the scheme of things. Each piece might not be perfect but I tried to make the most of what I had.

PriceBreakdown_Guestroom copy

The room started off like this. A broken window, a badly leaking roof & damaged floor. But other than that, some good potential.
Guest Bedroom Before
My father had given me these Madeline prints years ago and I always loved them. (He scored them for next to nothing at a yard sale when I was a kid) . With those prints in mind, I picked Benjamin Moore's Saybrook Sage for the walls and had a 'barely french' concept in mind for the rest.
The old brass chandelier was taken from my in-laws house since it wasn't going to be used in the new owners renovation. In other words, free.
The bed was originally purchased (onsale at Jcpenney) for my inlaws apartment but they ended up wanting a larger bed so we moved it up here. The rug was a leftover from my last house (bought in '04 from Target). The desk and chairs were my fathers. I recovered the desk chair in a print I designed & had printed by Spoonflower. The failed nightstand experiment made of vintage suitcases will be disassembled, repurposed and moved at some point.
I didn't have a place for them when he passed away but I've been hanging on to them knowing I could put them to use one day. You already know the story of the nightstand and my at home embellisment of the window shades. The mirror, lamp, bedset, sheets, pillows and window shades were the only truly new things in here.
And in case you're wondering: No, those aren't my relatives in that photo. I found the photo in this frame (free!!) and found them impossibly cute so they are staying. And no, I don't keep fresh flowers in here. As soon as I finished taking these photos, I brought the flowers down to my kitchen.
And in case all of this wasn't enough detail for you, you can see all 68 photos in my Guest Bedroom set on Flickr.

PS: Do you care about where I got everything? This is the first room I bothered to list out all the details so clearly - should I do that for all of my rooms?


  1. It looks great...but of course you did so...Does the store that you bought the chair fabric from sell online?

  2. I have a question... What is the font you use for the description on the first pic (the handwritten one)? I love it, it's so pretty.

  3. Consider me your next guest b/c this is gorgeous. It has that quaint bed and breakfast feel to it.

    (I'm a huge fan of the breakdown of prices/sources!)

  4. Tam - I designed the fabric and had it printed by an online fabric place called Spoonflower. So yes, they do sell it online.

    Lili - The font is called "Susie's Hand".

  5. It looks fantastic! I like knowing where you found things because it's helpful to think okay, "I can shop at the same place as everyone else, but not end up with a room that looks mass produced." Or something to that affect.

  6. What an inspiration! I love how it all came together. Listing the prices and stores is also very helpful. I NEVER would have guessed that you didn't spend a mint or that you bought things at some of these shops.

    You're making me ache for a larger space to decorate!

  7. I love the breakdown in pricing - what font is that?

    The room looks fantastic. I actually like the suitcases in the corner like that - adds dimension and visual interest.

  8. Anonymous1:56 PM

    It looks FABULOUS!!!! I love the silver leaf on the nightstand.


  9. I think you should open a B & B for us bloggers. lol.

  10. It is so great , I love the refelection in the mirror , like always you have pulled off a fantastic space , it is personal , cozy , understated and frugal , you are my kind of decorator.

  11. Very nice- I hope your guests know how lucky they are! And like others said, it's always nice to know the sources of the things in a room- so if we love it we know where we can find it.

  12. Fantastic! And I think there's nothing better than finding something for cheap and making it wonderful. I feel so much more accomplished when I do.

    And YES! Keep letting us know where you got stuff.



  14. Pretty! It's very soft and serene and how sweet are the Madeleine posters! Yes, I really enjoyed the shopping guide!

  15. You have done an amazing job transforming that space, and at such minimal cost..its beautiful.

  16. oh migod! gorgeous!!!! so so pretty!! i love the breakdowns of cost - very very inspiring - esp. in this economy.

    oh, and i see the fabric on your chair - looks awesome! all of it!!

  17. As always I love everything you've done in the room. Very inviting. No to fill it with guests!

  18. That turned out so pretty! I just love those floors. Everything looks so inviting.

  19. It looks so pretty, very welcoming and lovely. I bet your first guests who stay there will feel so at home!

  20. I care!! I just LOVE finding out where things are from, how things are made, how much things cost, etc. It's so thrilling! Wow, am I design nerd or what?! :)

  21. Please consider continuing to add the details of where items come from as it helps with the inspiration!

  22. Beautiful, Mrs. L!

    And I love the breakdown list.

    And as always, your photography is breathtaking!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. You knocked it out of the park. Every detail is just beautiful. Bravo!

  25. Wow what a transformation! Your guestroom looks gorgeous! I love when you detail the prices/sources, helps the rest of us get ideas of where to look for our own treasures.

  26. Love it & yes, I like the tour of where you got everything.

  27. It looks fab!! And I actually like your "failed suitcase experiment" right where it is, to be honest.

    And I love that you tagged the photo with your sources. Please do keep doing!

    Great job, Mrs. L -
    Laura S.

  28. Yes more details please... I hadn't seen what you did with those shades. They look amazing!

  29. I love the room! I actually like the suitcases where they are too ;-)

    Even though I don't live in America or able to shop where you do I do enjoy reading the break down and shops etc.

    I'll book my airfare ;-)

  30. Gorgeous....I'll volunteer to try it out first!

  31. It looks great! It must feel so nice to have completed a room!

  32. Absolutely GORGEOUS! You did it again, MrsLimstone! Love the prints, the bed and the bedset, and love all the details -- how the silver leafed nightstand (wonderful border) echoes the mirror, the trim added to the shades, the painted chair and the fabulous fabric. And I like where the suitcases are right now. Please pad yourself on the back for all your creativity, hardwork, and the stunning results.

  33. It looks AMAZING! I am seriously impressed with how much...or should I say how little you spent transforming this room! Beautiful job!

  34. Another lovely room. Of course, I wouldn't have expected anything less from you. Your guests will never want to leave!

  35. Is "the Silver Leaf Kid" your alternate identity? The room looks just beautiful and I actually like the suitcases where they are now. They're a nice "just back from Paris" touch.

  36. It looks really beautiful. Yes, keep listing the details. It lets other people know that they too can do this and on a reasonable budget.

  37. Yes I love hearing where you got everything! I always have questions and never want to keep it up. Your room is beautiful

  38. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I love how the guest room turned out. And those Madeline prints are fabulous!

  39. Your whole place is insanely creative, glamorous and has your special touches that make it "yours". I love how you tell us exactly where you purchased things and give us the whole run down. I love even more that you are resourceful and post where you purchased even the least expensive of finds...i.e. WalMart, etc. So down to earth you are! I love,love,love your entire place. You are so talented!!! Please keep posting the details, prices, etc. It's very much appreciated!!!

  40. I love that you listed where you found the items! I would NEVER have guessed you found that bed set at WM. I would have guessed some fancy schmancy boutique b/c it's in such a fabulous room. I would want to stay there! Visiting from The Nester's party. :)

  41. Those floors are to die for!!


  42. Oh my, it's GORGEOUS. This is my first visit and I'm lovin' what I see! thanks for sharing your guest room.

  43. wow, this room looks EXPENSIVE. I was super surprised that it was very much the opposite. I Love it. I saved it in my bookmarks for a good paint color in my kitchen.

  44. Wow! What a Stunning room! You did a fantastic job. You really have an eye for decorating!

  45. I really love it! I would never have guessed that bedding came from Walmart! Great feel to the room! Love how you pulled it all together!

  46. STUNNING transformation! I LOVE the flooring and the bed covering is perfect!

    Please check out my blog if you have a minute.

    We're helping Natalie's Peace of Mind Fund

  47. Anonymous11:31 AM

    This is absolutely beautiful! I am in awe of your room!

  48. This room is dreeeeeeemy! I wish I had a large space like that. The floors are amazing. And I love everything about the whole room. Good work!
    Hope you can stop by my living room for the Nester's party.

  49. Gorgeous! Love the color you chose and that it was from pictures your Dad had picked up years ago. The bedding is great, as is that bed (great price, btw). Very nicely done!

    Now you just have to see what you like about this room and incorporate it into yours!

  50. I would love to be a guest here! Love the tranquil green walls, the flooring, the roominess. Your decor is very chic and "slightly french." I like the heritage here, as in the items that are precious and memorable to you. You did have a nice big space to work with, and you did an excellent job with it!

  51. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Lovely room! How do you get things at IKEA and Target (nightstand and rug) for 0 dollars?

  52. Anon - its mentioned in the text of the post. If something says $0, its something Ive had for multiple years already in some other house or that was given to me. I list the store when I can remember it but I don't remember the prices.

  53. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I loved following this transformation, job well done !!!

    Have you had any guests :) ???

    All the best,
    Kathy :)

  54. I don't know how I got here, but I don't want to go back home... your photos are great and have excellent decorating ideas. Love how you listed the cost (or not) of everything. I'll be back to snoop around some more...gotta go eat lunch now.

  55. I just found this post, and I LOVE knowing where you got everything! Thank you for sharing!

  56. I love the bed - the room looks lovely.

  57. Deb Myers12:30 AM

    Discovered and visited your blog tonight for the firt time....I've spent hours and hours looking and being amazed at your home. I LOVE NYC, all that it offers, especially old limestones and brownstones. Being a quilter and a forever sewer, I immediately noticed the scissors that are on the wall of your office. To have them hang in my studio would be waaaaay cool!! Can you tell me where you got them? I'm not familiar with the name that you have listed. And, you REALLY only paid $5 for them??? WOW!!!!

    Debbie Myers

  58. Meeeoooooww. How soon can I come for a visit please? hahah I'm very quiet, and i'll even be tidy.

    This is fantastic.

  59. Yes, please post where you got everything! I think it helps us all know what kind of stores carry certain kinds of accessories. Plus, we can go out and steal your ideas:)

  60. This room turn out to be awesome! Great job

  61. What a lovely guest room. Beautifully pulled together.

  62. Anonymous11:52 PM

    hi there! Just found your blog and WOW!!!!! What color is the guest bedroom? I love it!

  63. What IS that paint color!??!

  64. What IS that paint color!??! Pretty please?

  65. oops Saybrooks sage... sorry!  thanks! :)

  66. Ilana Graf1:07 AM

    Another beautiful room!  I really liked seeing where you got everything from.  It shows how resourceful you are!  Design on a budget is what I'm all about. 


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