Ding, ding, we have a winner.

Well, that was easy! The overwhelming majority voted for painting the nightstand gray. Your wish is my command.

And speaking of winners, I think its about time we had a giveaway round these parts. I have something in mind for true old house lovers but I'm not sure how many of you readers are in the midst of home renovations that would make this prize worth winning. Would you mind responding in the comments about what brings you to my blog: are you about to or in the middle of a renovation? are you more of a home decorator? or are you just here to read along with my rantings? here for some other reason (pls explain)?

A few people asked where I found the nighstand. Where else but my favorite haunt - Englishtown Used Furniture & Antiques. I'm pretty certain Mr. Limestone curses the day I stumbled upon this place as I now make him take me there at least once a month. As I've mentioned, its completely disorganized and filled to the brim with old crap - so you have to really dig and even then its hit or miss. But I definitely love this place.

Want to see what else I snagged?

This little ceramic bust marked at $3 but the owner brought it down to $1 because there is a crack at the back of the head.
And this etched silver plated tray for $2.50. Again, I had to search through a mountain of crap to find this one but for $2.50, can't really complain.

Should you happen to visit there one day and find a raggedity looking woman with a glazed look in her eyes scanning the piles, that's me!


  1. I visit for inspiration! We will soon be moving into a home of our own. Definitely decorating it and possibly some renovations as time/$$ allow!

  2. I'm hear for the rantings and the inspiration. Initially it was your style that did it for me, now your writing. I love all of the amazing before & afters.

  3. Anonymous9:07 AM

    We just bought a house, built in 1952, so semi-old and we are moving in in about a month. Some renovations are planned and will be taking place slowly over the next year.
    I visit for inspiration and ideas! Also just to follow along with the story, of course.


  4. I visit for inspiration.

    Ever since I first 'met' you on Gardenweb you've been a true mentor (without knowing it!) In fact I'm a little embarassed to say that if you walked into my master bathroom you'd be surprised to see it's almost identical to yours. . . and when the time came to make a decision about painting my kitchen cabinets I used your gorgeous kitchen as insipration- all the way down to the appliances. Seeing how fantastic you made yours without going for the 20k stove etc gave me the courage to make a move. Thanks Mrs. L

  5. I've always loved New York's brownstones and limestones, so I was beyond excited to find your blog! I visit it mainly for inspiration and your DIY projects. My husband and I live in a 3 story townhome in South Florida. I've been using your blog as inspiration on how to decorate our home and use our space. Keep it up!

  6. ...constantly renovating, always decorating....and love a good rant or two.

  7. I come to your blog to see the great things you do..I get inspiration!

  8. I am more of a home decorator but was completely fascinated by the renovation of your limestone. I keep coming back because I like you. ;)

  9. I visit for inspiration. I'm in college right now and live in an apartment on my school's campus, so I can't exactly renovate or do much of anything yet. I dream of the day when I own my own home and can renovate and decorate my heart away!

  10. Originally, I found you on HGTV's Rate My Space when you posted photos of your office. I was hooked at that moment as I love old homes and enjoy the stories (both good and bad) of renovating. I own an 1888 Carpenter Victorian and have worked on it 3+ years and of course it's still not done, but I enjoy seeing what other's have completed as it's inspiring to me.

  11. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I found your bathroom on gardenweb, then found your blog, and have been reading for a few weeks now. I'm currently doing a gut renovation and expansion of a 1930's colonial style house in the midwest, and it's been a challenge (not nearly as challenging as yours, but a challenge nonetheless). I'm simply overwhelmed by all the choices to make. Seeing the thought process you went through with each decision has helped me immensely, plus I think you have impeccable taste.

  12. Morning! I visit because just purchased new home and looking for inspiration as we as to follow your progress - ranting is GOOD!

  13. I get inspired and check in when looking at renovating our old house. Our bathroom got its color from you and my kitchen will soon be undergoing a renovation, so I'm back. You also do really cool things with the stuff you pick up. Much more organized than I am, but then again, most are.

    On the topic of a kitchen reno, did you like/would you recommend your architect and/or contractor? We're looking to overhaul our kitchen and add sliders to the yard area. I'd love to get a rec to someone good. At this point, I don't even know where to begin.


  14. I am here for some inspirations and ideas on how to "DYI".

  15. I keep coming back because I enjoy your transformations. Your unique decorating style, while not my own, is very inspiring. Not a bad writer either chickie- keep up the great work!


  16. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I also visit for inspiration! We are getting ready to start building a new home and I am always looking for inspirations (and have found lots here!)

  17. I like to visit your blog for inspiration, mostly related to decorating. And if we ever attempt a renovation, then I will know where to look for ideas and real-life examples of how it's done! :-)

  18. I'm in the middle of renovating my house (over a period of years as I have the time and money). I'm currently planning my kitchen reno, a complete gut job if I have my way about it. My house was built in 1960, so it's not that old, but it's all original (read: icky). So far, the projects include new roof, new patio, a sprinkler system, new lawn, refinishing the hardwood floors, new garage door, new windows, new trim throughout, painting etc.

    I'm ok with the construction side, but I'm not exactly what you'd call a "designer." So seeing lovely homes like yours (and on GW, where I was so excited to see you) really helps me out. Basically I need all the help I can get, so I'm game for renovation, decorating, crafting, whatever you've got up your sleeve. TIA!

  19. I'm just about to close on a house built in 1901, and am going to be spending the next two months doing serious renovation work before moving in later this summer, so I first came here for the logistics of doing that kind of overhaul, and stay for the hope that my project can turn out as well as yours!

  20. As an owner of an old, er I mean charming, house, I am always looking for new ideas for restoration as well as design. I have broken many a nail pulling out carpet, prying up lenolium and knocking out old windows. Great ideas and funny rantings.

  21. I'm here for a little bit of everything!

    We're fixer-uppering our fixer upper home (it's a child of the '80's, so no beautiful old home here). But I'm obsessed w/ home decor and you're a constant source of inspiration for me!

  22. We're purchasing (inspection's tomorrow & *hoping* to close May 15!) an 1850's rowhome in Newark, NJ. The place we're buying needs a bunch of work.

    I came looking for ideas on how to renovate & live in a row home (as I grew up in the burbs) and someone already going through a journey similar to what we're about to embark one. Also - we're SO close, geographically speaking!!

  23. I visit your site for inspiration, ideas and I also have an old house, about 90 years. We are always renovating in some fashion.
    Glad I cked out today, I don't think Englishtown is far from me, live in the suburbs of Philly. I'll def have to make a trip and ck it out.

  24. We are renovating a home we moved into about 8 months ago..it is about 45 years old. I visit for inspiration.

  25. Anonymous2:01 PM

    You know I just like to live vicariously. If we do end up buying an old home (which we'd like to) it's likely to have a very different style than yours. But I love your taste, even if it's not the same as mine!

  26. I visit to remind myself that I'm not the only crazy one. We are currently renovating a triplex on our own...as soon as that one is done, we hope to buy a real dump of a place with great bones and strip it bare and remodel from scratch. I love that your renovations stay true to the character of the home and are well done, even if you don't do it all yourself!

  27. I first came across your bathrooms on Gardenweb. Ever since then, I check your blog for your before/afters and inspiration. I own an old house and am constantly helping DH with it (although it is hard with 2 little boys). I like that you shop on a budget (I shop antique/resale, garage, walmart, target, etc.). I have been working on my powder room (got a vintage sink) and next will be the basement (family room).

    I absolutely love your old house and what you have done to it. Keep it up.

  28. I'm here for the inspiration. I'm in a 1917 house in Seattle that was BADLY "updated" sometime in the early 80s. Ugh. I'm slowly renovating (as time and money allow) the things I can't stand to look at anymore, and creatively decorating around the rest of the flaws. Love ideas on repurposing cheap finds and/or what I already have.

  29. I have a brand new house. I visit for your inspiration and oh your writing is so enjoyable. I absolutely love your style and your photography skills too.

  30. I love your style! I still remember the first time I saw your blog, I fell in love! :)

  31. We just started our renovation and addition to our old home. I have no less than 3 antique, beat up chests in my basement waiting to be smothered in yummy paint, knobs and such... 2 wing backs and 4 parson chairs to be recoved... so I come to look at your beautiful house and fabulous DIY ideas! My husband was to constantly toss my basement treasures... if I bring home one more chest of drawers he's going to lose it... ha!

  32. Anonymous6:12 PM

    I love that you have done the work on your home yourself. Your style matches the style of your home- but with a modern twist. I grew up in an old house that was constantly being renovated, so I appreciate what you've been able to do. :)
    Mrs. Petrie @ casapetrie.com/blog/

  33. I love NYC, thrifting, and decorating, so your blog was a perfect fit for me. :) I love to read about (and see) your fabulous finds, and I also like to see the progress you've made with your home. I'd love to see what *real* life in Brooklyn is like. ;)

  34. When we lived in the city, we would frequent a spot by the 59th street Bridge and found many an item by digging. I love places like that, where when you get home, you feel the need to shower.

  35. My husband and I brought a house in Hattiesburg, Mississippiin 2006 that was creamed by about 4 pine trees. It is a 1950 house. He has put it back together and even made me a laundry room, master bath and master closet. So with all that said we are in a continually state of repairing and decorating....

    just picked out the most beautiful red for the kitchen that goes with our choc glazed cherry wood cabinets.

  36. Actually, my Google Reader recommended you to me based on things I like to read about...Thanks for that Google!!! I love your style, enjoy your rants, thrill at your bargain finds (like that silver tray today...WOW). I am moving from the big city back to my small country hometown soon & hope to buy a house there...even at the cheaper country prices I know it will have to be a fixer-upper, so I'm learning from other people sucessess and mistakes early...and just getting great inspiration all round. I love your blog & your style. Oh yeah...and I'm in Australia :)

  37. As you know I live in Australia. I found your blog one day while googling New York. We had a holiday there five years ago and loved it!

    I'm here for the story, the photos and the rantings :-) Love them all! I'd give my right arm to wake up every morning in NY and walk out the door of my Limestone onto the footpath (yeah I watch too many NY based movies hehe).

    Your blog has had me enthralled from the very start. I am always amazed how you turn an item or a room into something spectacular!

    I love looking back at your photos from when you bought the house and then see how it is now. You have done a fantastic job! I also love how most of the things you pick up don't cost an arm and a leg.

    I sit at my computer every morning loading my blog list and I wonder what surprise you have for me today.

    One day I will visit you ;-)



  39. I visit b/c you're my friend from DP, I love to see your home updates, and by far your photography is my fav!

  40. I'm here for the inspiration, definitely the writing, the photography, good ideas for "future treasures" I have rescued from city clean-up every year (although my husband has always dreaded city clean-up because he knows that "projects" will be piling up for him in the garage...). You and your blog are just pure class.

  41. Anonymous12:43 AM

    lol - as you know i'm a home decorator (hopefully a renovator one day!) but i continue to drop by because yours is one of the first blogs i began following consistently and find it inspiring, with great diys, entertaining tips/photos, and just a nice read from someone who doesn't take this whole decor thing too seriously (which i love) - you keep it light hearted and fun.


  42. I am in the process of surviving a major home remodel (going on year three) and I love reading all about how other cope, especially on a budget. Love your blog.


    aka www.CentsationalGirl.com

  43. I love your blog and the tranquil colors you use. I don't know how I happened upon it but have been reading it for about a year. You have great taste. I am a renovator. Husband and I have been renovating our 1950's rancher. It is "old" to us. First home, but it has been challenging, fun and rewarding!

  44. Inspiration, decorating ideas, how to on the cheap! I love your blog, and stop by several times a week!

  45. we are in the middle of a renovation, we moved into our new (old) house last july and have been busy working ever since. i like your style and ideas and love seeing how other people are renovating and personalizing their homes. i'm not sure how i came across your blog, but i have been following for awhile.

  46. I'm an apartment dweller/renter but I love and appreciate your DIY posts.

  47. Hi - I visit also because I am currently in the process of renovating a home that was originally built in the 1900's but then updated in the early 90's. The current early 90's version is not my style. I also like all your before and afters and they give me hope that eventually it will be home I have wanted!

  48. Hahaha...I would be the other raggedy looking woman with the glazed look. :-)

    So, that said, I come to your blog for your amazing flea market and thrifty finds (hello....trash frames? FAB!), for your decorating (and party set-ups -- the BEST), and renovation. Even though our reno of this past year is WAY less complicated than yours (ours is mostly cosmetic), I originally came to you when I gathering ideas for our place. And I haven't left your online home since. :-)

  49. Anonymous8:57 PM

    We are in the middle of renovating... Our house isn't super old but old enough to be falling apart...

  50. Anonymous8:59 PM

    P.S. I come to your blog because you are creative, mad talented and funny.


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