Master Bedroom inching along.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Still quite a far way from being "finished", the master bedroom is getting there. After much yapping about it for the past few months, the ornate frame is now hung over the fireplace and the television was mounted inside. (Yes, we do watch and enjoy plenty of tv in the bedroom without apology.)

In case you missed the whole frame play by play, I got the inspiration from a quick peek inside a London shop, Mr Limestone got me a fittingly ornate frame on Craigslist, a very nice stranger (more on that in another post) spray painted it to match the walls and everything was just recently hung with care. Ahh...all is right with the world.
But still a lot to do. I definitely need a rug in here, I need to paint the other nightstand, find a suitable dresser to hold my various goodies in the space left of the fireplace (to replace the plastic bin that is there now!) and of course accessorize as needed. But for now, this is as good as it gets.
What do you think? Suggestions for improvement?


  1. that looks awesome! what a fantastic idea! it looks great above your fireplace in the bedroom.. and don't worry, we watch tv in our bedroom, too!

  2. Either move the chair or get a new bedspread. The frame looks great.

  3. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Fun solution to the TV issue!

  4. Brilliant to frame the tv! Great idea. Gorgeous frame!

  5. I think it all looks wonderful..!!! Also, I look forward to your "yapping", very much so. Keep up the great work.

  6. I love that look! I could deal with a TV in any room if it is displayed in that way!

  7. So beautiful! I am going to be scouring craigslist now for my own ornate frame. Just so lovely!

    { Lindsey }

  8. I love the interior molding around the grate in the fireplace. There's a significant possibility I'll be "borrowing" that idea.

    Whole room looks fabulous!!

  9. I love the idea of the ornate frame around the TV, and painting it the same color as the wall. Cool idea. We don't have TV in our bedroom. I wonder what else I could "frame."

  10. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I love this!!! It's looking so great! And I especially love the framed TV...definitely doing this. :) Thanks for the (constant) inspiration!

    (P.S. - The cake stands arrived! - I LOVE THEM! Many thanks to you and Houzz!)

  11. It's coming along so beautifully! I love how the warm tones in the new canvases balance out the warm tones in the fireplace tile, and the blacks play off the turned-off TV so well:) (We have one in our bedroom too, its where we watch all the shows we've tivoed!) That frame around the TV was a brilliant idea...and how I wish I had a fireplace in my bedroom...sigh...

  12. It looks gorgeous! You have really done a tremendous job :)

  13. Great touch with the frame around the TV... : )
    Btw, here's an idea on how to hang the LOVE print..

    I like how she clustered other cute items next to it to fill some wall space & balance things out.

  14. I love the frame around the TV - perfection!!!
    I NEED a frame like that (at least 16x24) and have not been able to find ANYTHING!!!

  15. Very cool, unique and classy!

    You've piqued my interest...tell us about the spray painting stranger? Only in NYC!

  16. Mrs. L, you did it again! Such a fantastic way to frame and "hide" a TV in a space! Love it!

  17. I love the tv in the frame. Looks great.

  18. Is there stuff you can put on the mantle that doesn't block the TV? I'm thinking a short stack of leatherbound books + a small vase.

  19. I think some ornate sconces on either side of the tv/mantel would look nice; filling in the blank space and balancing the two large kissing frames, without competing.

    Oh - I just finished reading through your archives. Love it. Had two thoughts to pass on -
    First, your kissing photos and the photos you chose from remind me of my great-aunt (grandmother's sister) who was a war bride and lost her husband in Europe in WWII. She's still going strong today.

    Second, I love your dining room table and the fact that it was one of the few artifacts left with the house, but sympathize with your need to seat more people. What about moving it down to the man's room/basement and mounting a pool table top to it?

    Thanks for blogging!

  20. Kate - Definitely going to put some stuff on the mantle. Not sure what fits but it needs some 'layering'.

    Chris - Thanks for stopping by and reading. Electrical work is out of the question for a number of reasons but its a good suggestion anyway.

  21. Only you would have such a charming tv. Well done you! : )

  22. Anonymous7:34 PM

    First of all, I have been lurking on your blog for awhile and this is my first time commenting. I absolutely positively LOVE LOVE LOVE your kitchen. You have a wonderful sense of style.

    I could see a nice arcing floor lamp on the left side of the chair so it sort of comes over the chair to give it a bit more presence.

  23. That frame is TDF!!!

  24. Anonymous10:57 AM

    oh wow! to be honest when looking at the first picture i only noticed the frame - i didn't realize a tv was in it until i read your post!

  25. That was such a great move to paint the frame the same color as the walls. It looks like it's an original architectural detail! This room is coming together so wonderfully.

  26. The room looks goregous so far. I really like the ornate frame (we watch lots of TV in the bedroom to)!! So far so good :)

  27. Wow! Yet again you surprise me with your ideas. TV looks fantastic in that frame. Love your bedroom, you are doing a wonderful job putting it all together.

  28. How come I don't meet very nice strangers like you do?


    Looks the framed telie!

  29. I could not live without a TV in the bedroom, so no judging here. I think the frame looks great, and now I want one of my own.

  30. I love the frame idea. I actually was planning on making a frame for our television so it could rest IN it but this solution seems much easier and looks nicer in my opinion.

  31. Hmmm. I commented earlier in the week but don't see it so I must have forgotten to do something. Oh well, love the frame it looks awesome! I want to do the same thing with a frame I found that will fit my lcd tv. Did you have someone come in and do the wiring? My hubby is super handy but not at electrical work. Hugs from Conroe, TX!

  32. i love love this. your tv looks like a piece of art. i'm not ashamed to admit that tv is better when laying in bed! thanks for all the great ideas.

  33. Oh my, I love the frame around the TV. Love. It's like a piece of art, and perfect to watch trashy TV shows. Swoon.

  34. That TV frame is perfection especially in the same color as the wall. Makes the TV not seem so TV-ish.

  35. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I found your blog in the most accidental way, but it is quite nicely done and I loved the story of the painted frame.
    Mr. Limestone knows the way into a woman's heart, that is quite obvious!

    Red in Ca

  36. I absolutely love the frame the tv idea and the headboard is TDF. Can you post some instructions about how you actually hung the frame - I know it's kind of silly but hubby said he would do it with instructions :)

  37. Lindsey9:22 AM

    LOVE the frame! Great idea. Do you just have regular cable or??? where are your boxes (DVD player etc)

  38. Lindsay - we have our cable box on a dresser to the left of the fireplace. (Actually its on a plastic bin right now but I plan on putting it on a dresser as soon as I find the right one). The cables are run in the wall.

  39. LOVE IT! And that fireplace is amazing. I would love to know how you hid the cords but maybe it's in a post somewhere - I shall search :)

  40. LOVE.THIS.IDEA!!! And we too watch tv in the bedroom without make me laugh, sister.

    Thanks for linking up with us over at The CSI Project.


  41. I LOVE this. I love my TV in the bedroom, also without apology, but it is so modern looking and my BR is so not! I was going to go find a rustic armoire but how much am I going to save finding a rustic frame instead! THANK YOU!!!!!!

  42. Yes, paint the end table!! My eye did 'jump' back at the un-painted the room so warm yet fun! Excellent job...


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