See no evil = Living Room Window Treatments

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I'm sure you were all waiting with bated breath about my living room window treatment conundrum (first mentioned here and then ranted about here) so I'm happy to report the issue is now solved. My neighbors can no longer peak in to see me in various states of undress lounging around watching trash tv. Take that lookie-loos!

The bare naked windows before:

Now complete with shutters that can be closed
or opened.

Ideally, I think curtains would have added a more visually appealling softness at night. But practically, having the light coming in from the top half of the window was a lot more important to me.

So happy to have this checked off my to-do list. There is still a bit to do in here but I'm a little bit lost on exactly what. It needs more personality injected into it but I'm not quite sure how to do that without overloading it. I sort of like the calmness that the monotone scheme brings to the space. Ideas?


  1. What a lovely room. To liven it up a bit, I'd put some bright flowers on the table by the windows and a few colorful accessories or a stack of books on the coffee table.

  2. I love shutters, but you do need that softness that curtains usually provide. Maybe some kind of life over there on the small round table? Flowers? Better yet a tall plant?

    Whatever you do, I'm sure it will be gorgeous!

  3. Anonymous1:53 PM

    the shutters are perfect. i agree with jen, a stunning flower arrangement is the ticket.

  4. I gasped when I saw them , they are perfect , I have lower shutters in my bedroom , I love the light and the privacy.
    You could add just side panel to the outer portions of the bay to soften , but I think it looks clean and classic just the way it is .
    Did you have them made for you ? or find them?

  5. Definitely - the room needs accessories. Im thinking it needs a little more than that too but I don't know what exactly.

    Chris - I had them made by the guys that did the rest of the work on my house. They are definitely NOT perfect but they work well with the very imperfect woodwork all around. Looks like they were there all along, you know. Not sure if I should add a little knob or handle or not...what do you think?

  6. Great idea!
    I agree that having light shining in is important enough to sacrifice a bit. But these aren't even a sacrifice! Like other said, i think once you accessorize the room will be that much more awesome!

    { Lindsey }

  7. Beautiful! That room looks so inviting. :) We have drapes on the huge window in our living room b/c T likes to lounge around in a teeshirt and his boxers at night while he watches TV. I figured the neighbors were getting an eyeful, so the drapes help. :)

  8. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I think you should still keep your eyes open for some curtains.

  9. What about outlining the inset panels with black or dark charcoal or whatever color works best in your room?

  10. I love the shutters! A perfect solution!

  11. Anonymous3:28 PM

    The shutters are PERFECT! Love them! What a great solution! I would hate to cover up any of that beautiful trim with curtains...but I agree with Chris - perhaps a pair hung above the trim and pocketing to the outside of the windows might add the color and softness you're looking for? Whatever you decide will look gorgeous (as always)!

  12. We have shutters on our parlour floor too but I hate them. It's amazing how they look so different in different spaces. Yours look elegant. Ours look like a 4th grade craft project.

    I think dressing the table you have there will help.

    Have you thought about hanging sheers inside the window frame? I'm not sure about sheers AND shutters but if you really want fabric it might work. It wouldn't cover your awesome moldings then.

  13. Yay! Love the look of shutters-so clean & chic!

  14. SO jealous! Our old house had plantation shutters on every window and they are the ONE thing I miss to this day...enjoy yours!

    Where can you get paneled shutters like yours?? They're fabulous!



  15. I love them! Question(s): Are these custom? I priced out for one (large) window in my living room and nearly passed out when I heard the price. Literally. And if you don't mind are they attached to the window looks like such a clean, minimally invasive job! Sorry to be so nosey but I'm a bit obsessed (can you tell?) and am very much looking forward to ditching the Target tab tops that are serving as place holders for the perfect shutters. :-)

  16. Scratch first part of my question...I see you had them made...

  17. Yes, I had them made. I also passed out when I heard the price. I got a MILLION quotes - everything from local wood shops to online "discounters". Not matter how I sliced it, it was going to be expensive. After hemming and hawing for more than a year, we just bite the bullet. Took the contractors 3 whole days to build them...they seem simple but all that little molding and stuff takes time. (Craftsman style shutters that are more angular would be A LOT easier and you could DIY if you have the tools).

    They are attached with brass hinges. Nothing too fancy there.

  18. Love the shutters! I think a small valance on each window would finish it off. Hang them with tension rods so no need for hardware. Now that you are such a sewer (not sure about that word) you can make them. I've done a bunch for my house and it is so easy and the results so good. No matter what you do I'm sure it will look great!

  19. the shutters were a perfect solution. They look great. Really great. I envy you getting to spend time in that room. Okay, face it. I envy you having that house period. So much character and charm. Living vicariously....

  20. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Great shutters - love them

    But OMG - those floors!!!!!!

  21. Nice work on the shutters. I've been reading your blog for a few weeks. I enjoy your posts and style...I'm trying my hand at blogging now...check it out if you have time!

  22. lucky you!!! wish i had itchecked off...looks nice...

  23. oh, shutters! I adore them. Perhaps a stellar sculpture on that table or a mobile hung from above. I think bring some whimsy in would be nice!

  24. I absolutely adore your blog! And, what a great look you got going on in that room...Can't wait to see what you come up with...with all these great ideas!

  25. Love the new shutters, I think they are perfect for that bay.

  26. The shutters are absolutely perfect. I know what you mean, my grandmother's house has the same windows and she has curtains - does block a lot of the beauty of these windows, whereas this solution accentuates!

  27. Love the shutters, it's just what you need it. I especially love that the natural light can still come into the room!

  28. I just realized that I'm messing up my TOP comment count! Need to stay on as 'Laura' I guess. Hee hee.

  29. Mrs. Limestone,

    Love these shutters. What a clean and classic look! If you really want to add some fabric, maybe sheers? But your molding is so beautiful I'd hate them to be covered. Your living room is so gorgeous and inviting!

  30. Perfection. Simple, crisp and sophisticated. What I love about your style is that it totally shows off the architecture and period details of the home. It's a great balance of decor and architecture which is hard to pull off, IMO. Too many times you see an overpowering decor and don't even notice beautiful floors (like yours) and ornate mouldings. Love what you've got going on so far! : )

  31. These look so great, I love what you picked! They could even be layered with curtains down the road if you decide to add them- either way I love it!

  32. WOW they look great! I love those types of shutters..

    Jen Ramos
    'Cards & Prints You'll Love...'

  33. Nice job! And I so do love your chandelier! Hugs from Conroe, TX!

  34. i love shutters and you can always layer over them if you get it the mood to add i envy your life in NYC!

  35. Valerie10:53 AM

    So perfect! I love the shutters. In fact, I love the entire room! Nicely done!

  36. Thanks, Mrs. L! Hinges make me happy -- the "custom" ones we were looking at had an odd frame contraption that mounted to the window sash in a not-so-attractive way.

  37. I LOVE the shutters. Fabulous!

  38. I love your shutters! They are simply gorgeous. I love the serene feel of your room. You can always add color with fresh flowers ... especially on that beautiful round table in front of your windows.

  39. That's a big one to scratch off the list...window treatments are hard.

    They look beautiful!

  40. I love it! This really solved the too bulky curtain issue. You still get your light... AND privacy.

  41. They look great!

  42. well done! these are a much nicer option for your home than louvered plantation shutters.
    we have the same dilemma in the front parlor....2 1/2 years & the windows are still naked.

  43. What a perfect solution! Great job!!!

  44. Perfect choice! I love them so much more than potentially-fussy curtains. They give such structure and class to an already beautiful space! Well done. (And I like the monotone, too.)
    ps- Found you through Inspired Room. Thanks for sharing!

  45. The room looks amazing. I run a shutter company and I don't think I could have done any better myself. Good work!

  46. The shutters work so well, Great choice. What a fab look

  47. Amazing shutters, brillant view and super photos. The lighting is amazing is it pure natural light or did you light the scene.


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