A lamp's journey.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thanks to suzie's (of Decorpad) fabulous bedroom makeover, I have been eyeing that lamp for quite a while.

Love the shape, the color, the size. Back when I was debating the art over the bed thing, I had decided it was just right for our bedroom too. I even photoshopped them into the photogragh to be sure. Ever the cheapskate, the original price tag of $80 seemed steep so I decided against ordering.
Then one day a few weeks ago I decided to visit the site again to see if they might be on sale. Eureka - they were $45 and I had a 10% coupon. Sold! Days later, they were sitting on my doorstep ready for their perch.
But as if my luck weren't good enough, a wonderfully sweet reader who remember me bitching about the price sent me an email to tell me they were on clearance at $20 something bucks each!! So I quickly contacted World Market and they did a price adjustment - no muss no fuss. I was really impressed with their customer service and highly recommend them.

The lamp is out of stock now but it looks like they adjusted the price back up and expecting more.
As for the lamp itself, its a lot better quality than I expected - its got a nice weight to it and isn't as shiny as the photo suggests. It comes with a lovely shade - which isn't always the case with lamps. Definitely a great value even at the higher price.
As for our bedroom, its inching along but at a snail's pace. As you can plainly see, I haven't quite managed to paint that left nightstand yet nor have I managed to buy a rug. What you don't see is the plastic bin that is substituting as a dresser on the other side of the room. Baby steps I say.


  1. I love those lamps!

  2. I love those lamps, too. Great choice. I love the glass lamps everyone is posting about, but these have a great silhouette and look to them. I must keep an eye out for them at World Market. Besides, it gives me an excuse to get my fave wine from there if I HAVE to stop by.

  3. major score! and they look great.

  4. Fabulous!!!! They look great in you bedroom. And hello? What a steal!

  5. I love these lamps! They look perfect in your room...and what a deal!!! $20!?!?!

    { Lindsey }

  6. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Hi Mrs. Limestone!

    I follow your blog on Google Reader and let's just say I'm more than impressed! You're one of my DIY superheroes! Those lamps cast such an awesome light and look great next to you damask- what a steal! ;) Anyways, I've wanted to ask for a while, but where did you get your fab headboard?? I wanted to get an upholstered headboard, then thought I could DIY, then I fell in LOVE with yours!

  7. I love the lamps. You got them for a great deal, and I thought my recent lamp switcheroo from Home Goods was a good deal. I'll have to blog about them soon.

  8. I love the lamps - the shape, color and the shade.

    You just made my day. As embarrased as I am to publicly admit this, I too have a plastic bin from Target as the only dresser in my bedroom. I really need to buy new bedroom furniture, but for some reason my husband doesn't like drawers - he only likes shelves. So, I'm trying to find something that will appeal to us both. Although, I think I'll buy a normal amount of bedroom furniture (that hopefully we will both like the look of) and then use it all myself. We have a closet of all shelves that he uses and seems happy with. Anyway, I'm sorry for the long story but you made my day!

  9. Bethanie: I got it from a bedding supplier showroom - they were changing their displays. Read more about it here: http://www.brooklynlimestone.com/2008/07/headboard-hunt-halted.html

  10. What a great choice, I love how they look in the room with that bedding- and at such a great price how can you beat that?!?

  11. Love the new lamps. They remind me of Christopher Spitzmillers style, but marvellously cheaper of course. They look just smashing with your bed cover! I have very little black in my decor, but doesn't it look so crisp and sharp?! Very classic.

  12. I've always been a fan of those lamps!

  13. I'm in CA but am originally from the NY city area, and I would def miss Cost Plus World Market if I moved back east. Half of my home (and patio) has been purchased there. The quality over all is very good, and their sales are amazing.

    The two things (besides beaches, weather and electoral votes) that LA has over NY are CPWM and Trader Joes (which you finally have)

  14. Love the lamps and think the bedroom is looking great.

  15. Love the lamps and your bedroom paint color!! What color is that?

  16. Kara - its Benjamin Moore's Silver Marlin.

  17. Good things happen to those who wait. I'm happy that you've finally gotten the lamps that you desired. They look great in your bedroom.

  18. Love those lamps and still loving your room!

  19. Great deal! I did the same thing with a pair of shoes I bought on piperlime. They send me a coupon via email the day after I made a purchase. They adjusted the price for me :)

    Isn't is great that your readers are looking out for you.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Your bedroom looks amazing. I've been looking back to see if you talk about the headboard. Super love it. Stan

  22. Did you see what Mrs.Blandings did to her lamp-shades, she painted the rims - top and bottom and that would look smart on yours too - perhaps a bit of black or gold...paint....voila!
    Love the lamps.

  23. I think I must've just crawled out from under a rock... hello World Market! Love those lamps!

  24. They look wonderful and you got them for a steal! :)

  25. I love the lamps. Great find! The fit your room perfectly!

  26. looks nice..glad your happy..

  27. Ooh those lamps are lovely ~ and what a steal!

  28. Hello! I'm fairly new around your blog -- in fact, can't even remember how I came upon it. Probably one of those link to link to link blog stalking crazes I had one night. Seriously, though, your home is GORG and I absolutely love the color of your bedroom!

  29. You have such a great sense of style! Love the lamp, along with everything else you have done to your house. You are one talented gal.

  30. lovely bed...i just bought the target kissing bedset that i posted about and love it. its so soft and comfy..even mr styles likes it. (haha)


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