Giveaway winner and some blog business...

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Before I get to the winner of the Ghost Chair Giveaway, I just want to thank everyone who left lovely comments. I expected it would be popular but I didn't expect it to be THIS popular. For those that are new here, I hope some of you liked what you saw and will be back. I really wish I could help get each of your very own but now comes the bittersweet part of these deals.

Without further delay, the winner is Melissa of the lil bee

A very big thank you to modern furniture retailer, All Modern for being kind enough to give one of these cuties away. For those of you that didn't win and really and truly want one for your tiny tot design affciandos, go ahead and get one! You, er, your baby deserves it!

In other blog business:

  • I'm going to be cleaning up my blog links at the right all month long. It's gone way too long without review and its missing some really good sites I visit often that I'd like to share with you. With that in mind, I'd love some link love as well.

  • As you can see from the sidebar, I've started to accept advertising. I know there are a lot of small business owners out there and I'd love to have you over here. If you you are interested, please see my rates here.


  1. I can't believe it!! Thank you SO much...this is amazing. My little girl is going to have the chicest seat in town!

  2. I have you linked on my page!

  3. Oh Lil' Bee so deserved this for her wee bee! Yipppeee!

  4. I was crossing my fingers the entire way down that scroll! But congrats to The Lil Bee!

  5. Mrs. L,

    One of the photos from your WW: Park Slope post is getting major kudos over at Brownstoner.

  6. hooray hooray for Ms. Bee! WE love her mucho at our house. What a great giveaway.

  7. I linked to you on my blog too!

  8. awww, Congrats Melissa!!

  9. bzzzz. congrats to lil bee!
    what a lucky bee.

  10. Mrs.Limestone,
    Count me in again, I am happy to do some fun give-aways that you could post...

  11. yay! So happy for lil bee. What a great addition to the nursery in progress for babe bee.

  12. congrats lil bee...great prize! thnx for the hope mrs limestone.

  13. ConGraTs...lil bee! Great giveaway.

  14. Congrats to lil bee. Enjoy!

  15. Congrats Lil Bee!!!


  16. I am seriously jealous of that lilbee child right now :)

  17. I was so excited when I saw The Little Bee won! Perfect for the nursery!

    Thanks for the reminder about link love. Mine need cleaning up too. I'm going to add yours to the list.

    { Lindsey }

  18. I'm so happy The Little Bee won! Her nursery is going to be fantastic!


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