Weekend Walk: Park Slope

Your comments about using local photographs in my bathroom spurred my lazy butt to take a few walks this weekend in search of worthy compositions. Sorry to report than none of these photos jump out at me as good enough to frame but I figured I'd share a tour through the neighborhood anyway.
This is probably my favorite house. The trees are obscuring it somewhat but it’s a stunner.

These two are at one of the entrances to Prospect Park. I didn't venture in this time but I might do that in a later post.
Another favorite spot - the Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture. If I could travel back in time and buy a house, it would probably be this one because of the lovely garden space they have. Quite a few movies have scenes shot inside here like Malcolm X and Definitely, Maybe.
The Farmer's Market was absolutely mobbed! These peaches smelled sooo good.
The Grand Army Arch is an impressive bit of Brooklyn landscape but I can never get a good photo of it. Its in the middle of a big round about that is always full of cars and people and other unattractive bits that get in the way.
The coffering inside the arch is purdy.
The fountains just behind the arch have some interesting details. Sort of spooky if you ask me.
I much prefer the kitty cat gargoyles to the scary demon ones.
Obligatory doorknob, gargoyle and face frieze shots are all taken at another beautiful building, the Montauk Club. We almost had our wedding reception here. That was until they changed the rules and stopped allowing music in the main room. Dealbreaker!
The deli where I buy my flowers.
A drug store that I'm amazed is still in business considering the proliferation of big chain drug stores here. I dig their sign.
And finally the famous pink brownstone. This got painted before the area was land marked. Now the shade is grandfathered in. Makes for a funny standout.

On Sunday I moved over to another spot in Brooklyn. I took far fewer photographs as it started to pour about 10 minutes in but I got a few good ones. More to come in the next post.


  1. You have such a gift in taking pictures, among other talents as well. I totally enjoyed all of them. But I seem to remember the pink brownstone perhaps from your blog? Thanks for the tour and I'll be looking forward to more pictures.

  2. I love the idea of you hanging pictures of your neighborhood. That is a wonderful idea. I really think you should consider the photo of the coffered archway. It's gorgeous. I love this post!

  3. I wish my neighborhood looked like that! You take fabulous photos, and I think quite a few are frame worthy. However, I still LOVE your Paris pics. :o)


  4. So pretty! I would hang these too

  5. I wish, wish, wish that I lived in NY! Brooklyn looks gorgeous!

  6. I think you have some lovely shots there, but if they aren't up to your standards for framing, do you have a Brooklyn Historical Society or something similar that sells photos? In my area we do and you can actually purchase beautiful old photos of landmarks around town. I spent an afternoon there once just looking at old photos trying to find a picture of my grandfather's drug store. Just a thought.

  7. Yes that is why I love Brooklyn and the Limestones/Brownstones. I have rarely ventured far from Brooklyn Heights/Bed Stuy though. Thanks for the photos. You did a really great job taking pictures at the arch. I love that stop, even if it makes me nervous driving through that ginormous round-about!

  8. I think there are some good ones in there you can work with! Oh and that pink brownstone is awesome!!!

  9. I actually really like these, they look frameworthy to me! That pink brownstone is awesome, I've never seen that before.

  10. Oh, I LOVE some of these...the architecture is amazing. I think some of these would look fab framed....my favorite is quite possibly the brass door handles, but I do Love some of the others too!!! GREAT job!


  11. What beautiful images! I love architecture and some of those designs are just outstanding! I love all the stone work on the buildings...the pink house is one of my favs :)

  12. you are...good! The second one down is my favorite...great eye. Janell

  13. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I still have yet to ever venture to Brooklyn...hopefully next time I'm visiting my sister in Manhattan with these pics as a guide!

    Love the 2nd pic down, the one of the inside of the arch, and the kitty gargoyle. Looking forward to seeing what you pic for your parlor bathroom!

  14. Anonymous12:01 PM

    These pics are great, thanks for sharing! I went to NY for the first time, and like most first-timers, we stayed in Manhattan. I thought it was great there, but we took a bus tour to Brooklyn and I found it much more interesting! I wish we could have gotten off of the bus! Maybe next time we go, we can head over on foot.

    i love the pic of under the arch. very cool.

  15. I love the first pic, the archway and the golden door handles! What a great neighborhood! :-)

  16. Great Photos! I love the one with the blue door with the brass handles.

  17. Your photos are gorgeous! I often walk around Brooklyn admiring these beautiful homes. I was in Bed-Stuy recently and some of the homes there are jaw-dropping (but unfortunately also neglected).

  18. I love them all and would hang some definately- such great photos. Those brass door handles are stunning!

  19. So Jealous... we have very few buildings in the area that are older than 40 years... Great pics!

  20. I can't even begin to tell you how jealous I am that you get to live where you do! I don't know that I'd love schlepping two kids all over Brooklyn, but it sure is nice to see your gorgeous photos. :)

  21. Wow you live in a beautiful city , I have got to come some day it is a dream of mine .

  22. As great as your photos are, I think that you should put together a photo book on Brooklyn. I think it would be wonderful!

  23. As you already know, Park Slope is my dream place to live. I would love for you to do something similar for my City Escapes series. You're an amazing photographer. You should pursue it.

  24. Beautiful images! That neighborhood is like a free outdoor art museum.

  25. These are gorgeous! I'm especially loving the black and whites...and under the arch shot is amazing. Really, really lovely photos. I think the architectural shots would be right at home in your home.

  26. Beautiful! I like the idea of fountain photos in the bathroom. Something about the water spraying all over seems to fit a bath.

  27. Lovely photos. I really like the black and white ones though. I'm hoping to go to Brooklyn in a few weeks; now I know it's a must.

  28. i love them all!! they are all frame-worthy to me...(except one..the one of the door knobs...they are not symmetrical...- both are facing the same way...that will drive me nuts!)

  29. Aww, love the pink brownstone.

  30. I love the photograph of the drug store. Your photos are gorgeous! I think you should reconsider framing some of them. Great job.

  31. Many of those are frame worthy!

  32. Your photography skills are superb.
    You do make your neighborhood proud!

  33. So pretty. I'd have to leave my wallet at home walking around that 'hood.

  34. I disagree with you! I think there are multiple pics that would be worthy of display! Did I mention I LOVE NY and I am insanely jealous of you?! :)

  35. Love the pics. If it wasn't pouring the rain I think I would go walk around my neighborhood and see what I can see.

  36. Wow, your images are stunning. I especially love the angles that you use, fantastic.

  37. I think you have some great shots there!! What a great exercise just to make you stop and look around at your daily surroundings and what a beautiful world we live in!!

  38. The photograph of the inside of the arch is soooo pretty!

  39. i love fruit photos...something so pure and timeless..i love the price tag to..

  40. oh man i MISS park slope and especially Prospect Park - i lived on the park block of President Street for many years... sigh.

  41. I want to be your neighbor.

  42. Fabulous photos. Thanks for the tour of your neigborhood.

    Was You've Got Mail filmed in your area? The facade of one of the buildings looks like the one in that movie.

  43. Wonderful pictures! Love that pink brownstone!

  44. What beautiful photographs!

  45. Beautiful neighborhood. I'm itching to visit!

  46. Oh Man~I am LOVING your Brooklyn!! Beautiful glimpse into a great place!

  47. Love the architecture. I especially love the picture of the inside of the arch. Our city's buildings unfortunately tend to lack these gorgeous architectural details.

  48. great photos...really enjoyed viewing them.

  49. Anonymous11:58 AM

    your neighbourhood is stunning! soooo much to photograph and what great architecture. it would be a dream to walk around for the afternoon and photograph.

    i think the photos are great and a few really jump out to me as frame worthy!

  50. These photos are great! But, of course, I'm sure you're looking for the perfect one for the loo. The peaches and flower shots might look nice framed in the kitchen though... just a thought.

    PS: I adore that pink brownstone! Have never seen it in person, but that is awesome.

  51. Love, love, love, love, love (x a million). I stumbled into your neck of the woods when I was about 16 and visiting NYC. I was overwhelmed and it made my heart hurt a little it was so beautiful.

  52. Not good enought to frame? I beg to differ!! I loved this tour through your neighbourhood. I want to visit!! Everything is so incredibly beautiful!!


  53. Anonymous9:16 PM

    You are a great photographer! I truly enjoyed your photos!!

  54. Stopped by way of The Beautiful Life blog. Gorgeous photos, thanks for sharing!
    ~ Rebecca

  55. i almost thought the pink house was done by you and your creativeness.

  56. Thanks for sharing all of these great pics of your 'hood. Makes me miss my summer living in Brooklyn Heights. If you're ever snapping photos around Montague Street or the Promenade I'd love to see some what your talented shutter finger captures up there. Great stuff as usual!


  57. Lovelly Idea for your walls and the Architecture is beautiful I just love New York I love the gothic, art deco, medieval styles, so much more interesting than some of the boring british architecture and i am allowed to say that being british!


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