Floaty Friday

Its Friday. The sun is shining. Two days of blissful freedom await me in just a few hours. So I'm going to share with you something that has been catching my eye for no good reason whatsoever.

Giant, perfectly round balloons.

Erin Hearts Court, Martha Stewart, Joanna Goddard, Amy Atlas

Aren't they lovely? I'm not normally a balloon as party décor kind of girl but these have a symmetrical beauty to them that captivates me. Don't they make you smile just looking at them?

Giant balloons can be purchased here and here.

What is making you smile today?


  1. having recently tied the knot and being able to get engagement pics taken, i noticed a ton of people use balloons as their props! super cool!

  2. Hmm... Well, for one, it's my daughter's 19th birthday. I broke away & took her to iHop for breakfast (decadent!) and now she's off to Disney with friends. That makes me happy.

    Your blog is great, too -- that also makes me happy. ;)

    Have a great, balloon-filled weekend!


  3. These are gorgeous! Balloons always remind me of happy times =)

  4. Love these... so funny bc I have kind of been obsessed w/ these same balloons! :) I will be using them as a prop in my halloween costume!

  5. It is the eve of a New Year and that is always something to smile about. I just had pumpkin pie and coffee for lunch. I smiled the entire time eating it as it was a treat.

  6. Anonymous2:28 PM

    i LOVE these big round balloons! so perfect.

  7. Those balloons are so much fun! I love how whimsical they are. I'm smiling because it is Friday and I'm going to dinner with friends tonight.

  8. Wonderful~light balloons. I love that first image. Hope that your weekend is all that you want it to be.

  9. My really clean house is making me smile! It will only last for a few hours, but for right now...bliss!

  10. I too love those big balloons! So pretty!

    A dinner date with my hubby tonight is making me happy.

    Happy weekend to you,

    { Lindsey }

  11. thanks for the comment! i'm going to be a hot air balloon!!! :)

  12. Happiness is a big round balloon.


    It's also coming to visit your blog daily.

  13. Yes they do! I grinned like a child on Christmas when viewing your cheerful images. Hope that you have a wonderful weekend!

  14. lovely pictures! I saw your guest bedroom over on All the Best for the bedroom contest...love it!! Good luck, I hope you win :)

  15. They are fun...like the "red Balloon".

    I loved that movie.

  16. i've been loving large round balloons too! i've used them for several parties lately. they are perfect and so cheery!

  17. Thanks for the balloon links Mrs. L! I'm not a huge fan of decorating with balloons either, but I LOVE the big red ones. Very Sex and the City(ish)...Remember? Carrie at the beginning of all the episodes? Anyway, I just bought a few red ones for a birthday party! Can't wait!

  18. Blogging makes me happy!

    I just awarded you the "Honest Scrap" award so please stop by my blog when you have a chance for the details

    L. Duncan

  19. I love a good blog and yours made me smile. I have to confess that I just found it after midnight sometime and spend quite a bit of time on it last night (umm this morning) --err more like hours. I love your style and the processes and steps you've shown on how you've made this wonderful space your own. Thanks for sharing it!!!! It's beautiful.

  20. I love balloons!! What made me happy this weekend...shopping for our oldest daughter's first homecoming dress...finding the perfect one, her coming home and trying it on for her daddy and seeing the tears in his eyes.

    I love, love your home...it's a beautiful, living work of art.

  21. Those are cool.

    The weather is making me smile like a big dope.

  22. I'm in full balloon swoon! Especially the last set-up would be perfect for a fun loving wedding reception.

  23. Anonymous10:31 AM

    LOVE THEM TOO! After searching all the party stores in my area (only to find the largest they carry is 12"), I ended up buying 16 (from a wholesale distributor) for my son's 16th surprise b~day party.


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