Thanks for all the kind words on
our Halloween invites. I was quite happy with how they turned out so its fun to share with all of you too.
Bridie asked for a behind the scenes post but I'm afraid I can't oblige. I put these together a little at a time over several weeks and didn't photograph it.
(Even if I had, you'd mostly see the back of my head at my computer playing around with the design itself. Not something I can break down in a few bite sized steps.)That said, there were a few direct questions raised
Vanessa IG Muse,
koodeker Rebecca, littlealexa,
Vintage Junky,
Wanderluster Mrs. Jetplane I figured I'd answer here.
How did you print on cardboard boxes?I didn't really print on them but rather transferred the image I label design using
this hot iron tool. It’s a little time consuming to do this way - if I were making more, I could have them hot stamped by a pro shop.
Did you come up with this yourself?As I mentioned in
the original post, I can't take the credit for the idea - it came from the devilishly twisted mind of Mr. Limestone.
How did you seal the box for mailing?I used brown mailing tape from Staples on each side of the box. It just so happened to be the exact same shade of brown paper on that was on the box so it was a great match.
How much did it cost to mail them?I don't remember the exact amount. $1.50 is coming to mind but it might have been $1.90.
What kind of printing did you use for the books?I was only making a small number, I used my crappy old ink jet printer and it worked just fine. If I were doing more or was doing client work, I'd have them professionally printed.
How did you keep them from shifting when you mailed them?Hot glue is my friend. Only burned myself once - must be a record!
Where did you get all these things?Short answer: Here and there. Long answer: Stakes came from a toy set of child size spatulas I bought from the 99 cents store and had to be shaved down with a dremel followed by a little distressing and cheeseclothing; Silver Bullets were inert brass bullets with a coating of silver paint, little bottles and mirrors came from ebay, holy water came from the tap, matches came from my kitchen drawer.
How did you ship water and glass?As far as I know there is no issue with shipping glass. The rules on the water thing seem a bit fuzzy. This was a tiny amount of water in those little bottles so I figured I'd live on the wild side and just see how it went. (The more stringent rules seem to be about mailing liquids greater than 4 oz. but I might be wrong) Seems like it worked out.
Will you post any photos of your Halloween party?I am notoriously bad about photographing any kind of entertaining as it happens because Im usually too busy enjoying myself but I'll share what I have. I don't have anything out of the ordinary planned for that day - its going to be a pretty laid back get together.
Are you and Mr. L gearing up as vampires?I wouldn't consider this specific to vampires really - its more generic Halloween fictional characters. Anyway, we're not dressing up as vampires. We're not dressing up as anything specific actually - more generic ghoulish types. I'll share photos when I have them.
Did I spy Over the Taupe polish on your fingers?Close. Its called Chinchilly by Essie. (now long gone and replaced with torn up nails and overgrown cuticles)