Eek! Halloween 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ok, so you've seen how the house looked Halloween. The giant spider was a big hit and Im sure we'll use that again but I wanted to do something different this year. We have an grade school nearby and the feedback we get from the kids is so encouraging - it really makes me want to go all out. So here is what it looks like now...


It could have probably used another skeleton or two but overall, I think the concept worked well. I'm not quite done - it needs a few more finishing touches but we've had monsoon like rains here this week and I'm running out of time.

The idea of the climbing skeleton didn't start with me. I found it here. But obviously we couldn't nail the skeletons into the stone without damaging our house so we used fishing wire at various points to hold them in position. Thankfully the storms this week didn't move them out of place (shocking!). We got the skeletons at Oriental Trading using as many coupons as a I could find, fishing wire from a bait & tackle shop (they looked at me really strangly when I told them I wanted to hang skeletons - it was august!), styrofoam skeleton heads from Michaeals (coupons!), little ravens from the 99 cents store, large raven from my halloween supply box.

So what do you think? Anything (quick and easy) I could add or tweak to make it better?


  1. this is the greatest thing i've ever seen. the door might be my favorite part. what do your neighbors think of it?

  2. I've only heard good things from the neighbors. I don't usually sit on my stoop but when I am out there, I always get a few comments on how they like it. Im sure a few of our neighbors think we are crazy but say nothing - those are the same people who don't give out candy like Halloween in the first place so I don't care what they think :)

  3. It is amazingly AWESOME! I can't think of one single thing you could do to make it better...except perhaps getting one of those fog machines to create a misty glow around your house!
    I wish I lived next door to you...we'd have fun!

  4. Heather - Funny enough I already have a fog machine and it goes on full blast come Halloween :)

  5. I can see why the kids love this. One of our neighbors does something similar every year and it's the most visited house every Halloween. The skeletons crawling up are the perfect creepy touch.

    I am featuring your Halloween decorating on my blog tomorrow. I hope you'll stop by and take a peek.

  6. Stef, this is amazing! And SO creative. I never would have thought to use skeletons like that in a million years. I'm sure the kids love it.

  7. You would have a fog machine! It looks absolutely amazing - I wish there was a house like this in my neighborhood growing up - or even now! I'm sure your guests this weekend will love it!

  8. Love the skeleton in the planter! And you've done such a great job with your spider webs, too!

  9. I am blown away by the amazing-ness of this. It's truly fabulous in a spooky, Halloween way!

  10. Your's must be, without a doubt, the coolest house on the block!

  11. Off the charts! Your house looks amazing. You give Martha Stewart some serious competition! Have you thought of inviting her to your party? Or at least one of her influential editors? This is glossy cover material all the way!

    And I hope you win the contest for your 2008 decorations. That spider makes me cringe...perfect reaction for Halloween decorating! Though I'm sure it would give me nightmares!

    Have a great time this weekend!

  12. Oh It looks wonderful! I got a ton of those ravens and put them in the grave yard I created for our home. Nice to know Im not the only one who looks for those Michael's coupons too! Keep up the wonderful work Mrs.Limestone, I will keep reading!

  13. The house looks so cool! I absolutely love it, you guys did such a great job.

  14. It looks amazing! i'm sure it's the coolest house in the entire neighborhood. What kind of camera do you have? Your pictures are always fantastic.

  15. I love it! I would never be that creative. I bet all the kids truly enjoy it as well - do you get a bunch of trick or treaters?

  16. It looks absolutely amazing!

  17. Love it! It's perfectly creepy...

  18. This is the house I (I mean my kids) would go to! I love it!!! You really set the standard with the halloween decor!

  19. OMG! That is the best Halloween design I have seen. It is way cool and very creepy. Awesome!

  20. Love its creepiness! Just a suggestion, not sure how it looks in the night but it would be cool to have a red light bulb in one of your windows or in your foyer.

    Husband bought red bulbs for our house and it looks creepy in the night when lit.

    Or one of those lights that flicker, it would look awesome in your place with the fog and the skeletons.

  21. Anonymous11:07 AM

    WOW! I love it!!

  22. This is so AWESOME! Love the climbing skeletons and the "SAVE YOURSELF" such a great effect.

  23. WAY TO GO!!! Looks great! Hope you win the contest!

  24. FABULOUS! All I can say is that you have amazing talent!

  25. L O V E!!!

    LOVE it. Especially the one guy who is hoisting the other guy with spider web.

  26. You made me smile , you guys really know how to pull off Halloween .
    Its perfect as it is

  27. Anonymous11:57 AM

    It looks amazing!! I'm sure the neighborhood kids think it's very cool.

  28. It looks great! I think the life-like positons that the skeletons are placed in really adds to the creep factor.

    Do you have any lighting on the skeletons at night? I would add a dim spotlight so that they couldn't be seen from down the street, but become visible as you walk towards the door :).

  29. This is Brilliant!! I adore it, and I'm not even really into Halloween decor. It is creepy while being so creative and well done at the same time!!! You absolutely have the best house for Halloween should be published! Janell

  30. WOW!!! i love how the one skeleton is pulling the other up with the spiderwebs. and a fog machine!?? even better!

  31. This is OUT OF THIS WORLD!!! Seriously amazing...don't know how you outdid yourself...but 'cha did!

    Love the blood writing on the door...Now you just need a do not enter sign from the Department of Health or the CDC tacked on the door!

    Bravo, Girl...all this and world galavanting?! Wowza!

  32. It's spooky spooky _ I love it! You did such an amazing job!

    Q: How do you get your cobwebs to look so amazing and perfect, like a giant nasty spider made them?

  33. Wow! Joining the chorus to say this looks amazing. Wasn't sure how you'd top last year, but now I know to have faith! I love that it's both creepy and clever.

    The door creeps me out (in a good way)!

  34. Unbelievably fun!!! I want to trick-or-treat at your casa!

  35. Wow it looks wonderful. You should be featured on HGTV for your Halloween decor. LOVE IT

  36. i LOVE. are you kidding?! this is the coolest thing i've seen all day. makes me want to go grab a pillowcase and pretend i'm a 12 year old. great job!


  37. Thanks everyone for all the great feedback. The red bulb is a great idea...ill have to look for one.

    I'd love a little bit of spooky lighting out front but we don't have any outlets out there so I've never figured out a good way to get it lit without ugly cords everywhere. Last year we used a flood light but it didn't have the effect I wanted at all.

    The spiderwebs are no means perfect but the trick to them is to pull really really taught until they are super thin. One bag is enough to cover inside and out of the house.

    And yes, we get a ton of kids trick or treating - almost have to take a mortgage out to buy enough candy :)

  38. <3 it! The kids are going to die (not really) when they see it! I bet their parents are gonna have to step-it-up next year! Is that your bloody art work and hand print or is it a decal? Either way it's SCARY!


  39. Thats my hand handwriting and handprint - I used a very dark red lipstick I had left over from a costume makeup years ago.

  40. Soo very very cool. I love the skeletons!

  41. How about a skeleton with a "back-pack?" That would really get those school children.....

  42. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Mrs. L - this is AWESEOME and even better than I expected (and that's saying a lot seeing how high you set the bar last year!!!!)!!!

    I love that it's a CLASSY take on Halloween - just like everything you do. It's spooky, creepy and yet not the least bit tacky. High five!

  43. Genius! Attack of the skeletons! Love the bloody handprint!

  44. Seriously AMAZING!!!!

  45. hmmm. i tried posting a comment, but it won't let me. i'm trying again. sweet mother it's to die for. i'm speechless, as usual! great job!!

  46. Love it! I think I may like it even more than last years decor.
    The "Save Yourself" + bloody hand print is amazing. It is refreshing to see spooky yet still tactful Halloween displays like yours. GREAT job!

    { Lindsey }

  47. Is it too gory to put some red "bloody" footprints on your steps? Looks awesome though! (and I'm not even a huge fan of Halloween! shhhh!)

  48. Anonymous3:37 PM

    This reminds me of I Am Legend for some reason!

    It's totally awesome...I wish I had the willpower to go all out like that!

  49. Awww, I bet the kids loved it! That's so sweet! You've seriously outdone yourself and I love the placement of each and every skeleton!

  50. It's grotesque in a good way!!! Anyway, I had to share something a friend who decorates for Halloween: a black light will make white things sort of glow in the dark. I'm wondering if it will make your skeletons glow (they are cream colored), anyone know?

    Also, there are strobe lights available that are battery operated. Only bad part is that you have to run out and turn them on/off. Maybe after halloween you can buy some really cheap for next year!!!

    I get the heebee jeebies just looking at your door, that is so freaky!!!

  51. This is seriously amazing. FANTASTIC!!! I'm in awe.

  52. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Are you kidding me? As if that can be improved upon! Your creativity has inspired me to get back on the Halloween bandwagon next year. I skipped this year!

  53. I think it all looks great. I wouldn't change a thing.

  54. Can I come to your party? Looks amazing!

  55. Well, Done! I love your kit and the front of the limestone, looks fabulous. I wouldn't change a thing.

  56. Wow, I really can't improve on this - however, if you want eerie lighting, you could always put some hidden lamps with red bulbs inside the windows so the whole house glows red. The bulbs can be taken out and saved until next year, too. Wonderful job!!

  57. Ooops, I see now that littlealexa beat me to the red light suggestion! Oh well.

  58. Anonymous6:13 PM

    SPOOKtacular... the kids are going to love it...

    I play a Halloween CD with all the creepy chains dragging, howling etc....the kids love it !!!

    Happy Halloween,
    Kathy :)

  59. This is incredible! You have an amazing gift! You should do set design!! Happy Halloween!!!

  60. WOW! That is the coolest thing I've seen.

  61. Oh dear, I might have possibly just crapped my pants. Not only did your setup this yr creep the bejeezus out of me, it is my fave (so far--who knows what next yr will bring?). The crowning touch is the bloody handprint on the door. PERFECTION!!!!

    Now, do you have a clean pair of pants I can borrow? =]

  62. OMG that is fabulous!!!! Such great ideas!!! I'm definitely copying some of those.

  63. That ROCKS!!! Dang, the kids must love you and coming to your house!

  64. You are amazing! Somehow you managed to do scary/creepy and classy at the same time! LOVE IT!!!!!! Thank you for sharing - this post totally made my day!

  65. LOVE this. I've always wanted to be the super-creepy house for halloween. This looks awesome!

  66. Wowzer! That's great!

  67. So fun! I love that you have a simple theme--skeletons this year, spiders last. So many people decorate for a season or party with too many different elements and it ends up looking like a bunch of junk. One of the homes in my neighborhood has decorated the same way for several years--black spiders of all sizes climbing on the walls and roof. Classic, creepy fun. This year though they ruined it. Three of the spiders are bright crayon colors and have smiley faces!

  68. Looks great, Stefanie!! I love them trying to scale the walls...

  69. I LOVE IT..!!!!!! Do you sit outside and hand out candy? Some spooky music would be my suggestion.
    A former neighbor of mine use to pass out "brains in a baggie". They put spinach elbows macaroni in little baggies, with a squirt of red food coloring, while they were on a heating pad to keep the "brains" warm. Only close friends were allowed the "brains" the others got candy.

  70. This looks soo amazing! It looks so good I think I want to go out and get more Halloween decorations and do skeletons like yours!!! I am always in awe of your amazing decor, you go over the top and it always turns out amazing!!


  71. Wow - this is AMAZING! If I was a grade-schooler I would be terrified (in a good way). Have a wonderful Halloween!

  72. You guys truly do know how to Rock Halloween! I wish I lived there so I could come check it out in person! You guys would be awesome neighbors and friends! hugs from Conroe, TX!

  73. Doris1:26 PM

    Can't add much more to what everyone else has said. I love all the things you've done for Halloween!

  74. Looks incredible!!! I have never seen a home done so well! I don't think you need anything more, it's perfect!

  75. I love the skeletons! Great idea!

  76. Very clever idea!!! So cute!
    I have a question that has nothing to do with Halloween. :) What kind of camera/lens do you use? Your pictures are amazing!

  77. oh my gosh it's AWESOME!!!!!! i love it!!! :)

  78. it!

  79. Anonymous10:00 PM

    I wish I would have thought to come in here and tell you this sooner but I'm taking classes at NYSID on the Upper East side and this home across from the school did a really huge Halloween thing. I think there was a mummy hanging from the balcony and lots of cob webs and such. I saw it as it was being put up by a team of folks and it looked pretty fab. Made me think they probably outsourced the task as the production was pretty wild.

  80. Anonymous10:01 PM

    How did I not add... your place looks REALLY great. The details are so clever.

  81. Wow, that's amazing! Makes me miss Brooklyn so much! I just moved from there to Jersey in September.

  82. This looks amazing!! You are SO creative and talented :)

  83. omg, I know you were the best on the block! It looks absolutely fabulous.

  84. You are amazing, you know that? Absolutely fabulous job. You're unstoppable! :-)

  85. AMAZING! I love the skeletons and had no idea Oriental Trading had those big 5 foot ones. Next year!

    Read the comments...I used colored bulbs this year (green) and Target definitely had red bulbs, too. I think red lighting would look awesome.

  86. Anonymous12:06 AM

    awesome! i'm a fan of your house and your design ideas. love the skeleton body languages. were the exterior trim and molding originally black?

  87. I didn't know Oriental Trading Company had coupons. Brilliant! Where do you get them?

  88. Your blog is so fun to read! :)

  89. Wow...never in my wild imagination would I have thought of this! This is awesome and so realistic! Keep up the great work....

  90. that looks incredible! we don't really celebrate halloween here in Australia, but your spooky decorating makes want to do it next year!

  91. This comment is a wee bit late, but what you have done is beyond amazing! There's nothing else you needed to do, as it is perfectly spooky. Those are some darn lucky kids in your neighborhood!!

  92. I found you on Mathew Mead. You do amazing invitations, but it was your Halloween invite that got me. I am working on my invite for this years Halloween party and I love the idea of the survival kit box, I may try that next year. This year I am putting my invites in poison bottles and hand delivering them. I can't wait to finish looking at your posts.

  93. Robin4:52 PM

    I absolutely LOVE it.  You have so many creative bones in your body, it's scary! 

  94. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! you should put burgular masks on the skeleton

  95. Ha. That is a good idea. Too bad I didn't think of that.


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