Guest Post: Linda's Eerie Ephemera

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Today's guest blogger really needs no introduction. She is none other than Linda MacDonald of Restyled Home. Linda's blog was one of the first I started visiting regularily (ok, I admit, Im a Linda groupie) because it is chock full of fabulous yet attainable ideas for the home.

She even decorates her blog banner for Halloween! What more can I say?

Because I am such a huge fan of Mrs. Limestone and her impeccable style, I jumped at the chance to guest post here at her beautiful blog. What I also love about Mrs. Limestone is that she shares my love of Halloween and yet manages to elevate the holiday to one of elegance and a perfect blend of spooky meets chic, urban style. To that end, I mulled and mulled over what I could possibly write about that would do her blog justice.

Behold my offering:

Each holiday finds me striving to create new décor on a budget. I like to repurpose and re-use that which is already at hand, and this year is no different. Recently, on a trip to my favourite antique haunt, I picked up these old photos, and carefully selected them for, well, not their beauty.

Each one, I felt, held a certain creepy factor, or at least held the potential for it. With all due respect to the subjects in the photos, I embellished, glittered and spookified each photo…and I can tell you, it was a whole lot of fun!

Aren’t they suitably Halloween-esque? They also allow for a variety of display options like the ones you see below. I pressed into service an old rack I recently purchased and it makes the perfect display space to show off more than one photo at a time.

I also love the photos hanging from my chandelier. They hang like eerie sentries over us as we eat. What’s not to love?

And that is that. I hope I have measured up to the other talented and creative bloggers who are filling in for Mrs. Limestone while she is otherwise occupied this week. I am so appreciative of the opportunity to step into her shoes today, and I hope some of you will pop over and visit me at my humble abode sometime!

Happy Halloween!

Thank you so much Linda. Using old photos for Halloween is so clever.

Absolutely kicking myself for not picking up so old photos when I was at the flea market last time. I always look through the bin but then walk away empty handed because I don't have a purpose for buying them. Not anymore!


  1. Love that idea! I too LOVE Halloween! I have a few old photos of actual family members. One of my Grandmother when she was about three and its sort of creepy looking with the expresion on her face. It's a B&W and on my bar with some of my Halloween decorations.

    I am in search of great old photos for an idea I have for my dining room and even though I don't know the people in the pictures I think its fun to make up stories about them.

  2. I did a search on Flickr this morning for Halloween inspiration and came upon a whole crop of old and eery halloween pics. They're fabulously creepy!!! I've saved tons to print out and place in frames around the house...Check 'em out!
    Check out "Halloween in the time of Cholera" and "Halloween Countdown 2009" sets. Pure awesomeness!
    On a similar, but random-ish note: I've been a tad fascinated by "Momento Mori" ever since I saw the movie The Others. It's a strange old practice and completely creepy. Here's my question: Is it in really bad taste to use some of these photos as decor? For Halloween ONLY, obviously. I know it may be a fine line and I apologize to Mrs. L- not trying to make an open forum of my own on your blog, just looking for some input!!!

  3. What a cute idea- I love making old things new again like this!

  4. Oh please, oh please don't use actual photos for this project--especially photos of family members! I'm an archivist, and as cute as these turned out, I kind of cringed inside when I saw them. If you've got photos you'd like to use for this project, scan them and use printouts.

  5. Linda, I love it ! Thanks for featuring, Mrs. L. Those are so creative and perfect for Halloween. I especially like the upper left witch - I can hear her now. "I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too !!"

  6. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Great idea for using an old skirt hanger to display your photos!

  7. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THESE!!! Fantastically fun and funny! Looks great and still screams Halloween! Everything I've seen this year has either been tacky, or too subtle. This is fabulous!


  8. They reminded me of the photos one would see in the Haunted Mansion at Disney World. Great idea!!

  9. Katie McC4:13 PM

    I always love the projects you feature, but I'm not so keen on these. These are real people, even if their pictures have been set adrift and no one knows who they are. It seems disrespectful.
    Glitter paint on old fashioned pictures looks like the mustache and glasses drawings that my brother did in magazines I left lying around the house. Not up to your usual standard.

  10. Love Linda! Love Ms. Limestone!

  11. I agree with Melissa and Katie McC. Cute, but using the real photos just seems wrong somehow.

  12. I think these look like good fun! I've got some great sepia photos of my family dressed up in victorian outfits; I'm going to print them out and decorate them (and see if they notice who the pictures are of!)


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