Halloween Invitation Reveal: Creature Survival Kit

Thursday, October 22, 2009

With Halloween just a little more than a week away, its time to (finally!) reveal the Halloween invitations. Sorry for keeping this under wraps for so long - I hope I haven't raised the bar too high.


Exterior box. I wrote in the guest's addresses inside the oval.

A little backstory: My original idea was to put the invite on a full size wooden stake (the vampire slaying kind) using the same method I used for the bachelor baseball game invitations. My problem was I wasn't quite sure how to mail those. So I raised the problem to Mr. Limestone and he came up with the idea of making a mini survival Halloween kit complete with silver bullet and holy water. My love of boxed invitations is well known so it should come as no surprise as I loved that idea and got to work on all the particulars.

I'll admit that this invite was quite a lot of work for something that is essentially completely unnecessary. But I just love getting little parcels in the mail (don't you?) so I thought this would be a great way to celebrate Halloween. If there is ever a time to be cheesey and frivolous, Halloween is it. My guest list is pretty small so I didn't have to make too many of them which made the job a lot easier.


Inside the box, a tiny booklet is tied down with some black grosgrain ribbon.

Untie the bow to release the booklet. The cover, meant to mimic the look of an old book, reads:
All Hallow's Eve
Creature Survival Kit
Non Timbo Mala

(latin, loosely translated to mean : FEAR NO EVIL)

Turning the page, the invitation itself is revealed. Clever verse penned by none other than Mr. Limestone. It reads:
May the contents of this parcel
be your blessed charm
against the beasts of the night
awaiting to do you harm.
May your journey be ordinary
If you decide to leave
to join us in celebration on
All Hallow's Eve.

Underneath the booklet, you catch a glimpse of the survival kit contents
1. Wooden Stake for vampire slaying
2. Silver Bullet werewolf extermination
3. Holy Water exorcism rituals and warding off evil spirits
4. Mirror undead detection
5. Matches destruction of monster remains and lighting of torches

The final page of the booklet just reads "Happy Halloween" along with an RSVP date.

So that’s it. I hope my guests got a kick out of the idea. I was happy with how it all turned out.

Disclaimer: No real bullets or holy water was used in the production of this invite.


  1. What an amazing invitation! Did you come up with this yourself? It looks great. Your guests should feel very excited; if the invitations are that wonderful, I wonder what the event holds in store!

  2. These are so fantastic, I absolutely love the idea.

  3. Wow! Absolutely amazing!
    Great job!

  4. I love this!!! Your use of typography is perfect too... don't you just love the font Nelly??

  5. Please invite me to your party! I want to receive one of those in the mail. I love it!!!!

  6. Amazing! You are so creative. what lucky guests you have.

  7. Melissa11:40 AM

    Those are fabulous! I would shriek with joy to get one in the mail.

    I'm curious--how did you get white print on the pages?

  8. Its FANTASTIC!!! I knew they were going to be very creative.

  9. Oh my - these are awesome! What a great way to surprise your guest list and entice them to come.

  10. If I were a guest, I'd keep the invite out as decoration for my own home!

  11. WOW, that is a LOT of work. GREAT JOB. I wish I had that patience/talent :-)

  12. WowZa! These are incredible and for my favorite holiday no less = LOVE!

  13. You did such a FANTASTIC job! It's just SPOOK-tacular (sorry, couldn't help myself)!

  14. Wow you are crazy talented and creative. Did you have any issues mailing liquids?

  15. I love it! Great job as always!

  16. Love the detail~ The toe tag was good, but this is GREAT!

  17. Seriously awesome. I hope you plan to take and show us pics of the party.

  18. You always surpass the bar, mo matter how high it is set! Spectacular! But where did you get your stake and silver bullets?

  19. Those are great! Did you glue all of the supplies to get them to stay neat or were they just all jumbled in the box? Also how did you seal the box for mailing?
    PS Love your nail polish!

  20. This is by far the best Halloween invite I've ever seen. You did an amazing job!

  21. fucking fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Anonymous12:32 PM

    amazing, and mr. limestone penned the perfect verses! i'm off to pick up my jaws off the floor. doris

  23. You are too creative!!

  24. I'm picking myself up off the floor because I think I fainted...at the amount of work that must have gone into these and at how clever they are!!! Fantastic. What a great spin to take...congrats to Mr. Limestone for the idea and the poem. Its elegant and fun and whimsical and classic all at the same time!! Your party is gonna rock, have fun!

  25. You are seriously one of the most talented/creative people I have "met"! Those are fantastic invitiations, I would LOVE to get one of those in the mail!

  26. This is incredible - has me already planning a Halloween 2010 party in my head!

  27. That is so cool! I want to be your friend and go to your parties!

  28. you outdid yourself! so coool!!! i have the same question as vanessa....how did you keep them from shifting when you mailed them. did you glue them down??? hope you had a fabulous time on your trip. anxious to see more pics.

  29. I.am.smitten. I so want to come to your party if that is what the invite looks like... and did I spy Over the Taupe polish on your fingers? It is on my toes! Hope your party is wonderful!


  30. what a wonderful invitation. I would be so excited to get an invitation like that one! i bet your guests are giddy with anticipation.

  31. I wish you were my neighbour , you blow me away ...we are going to our first adult Halloween Party on Sat I am so looking forward to it , it is their 8th annual , should be fun .

  32. That's quite the fancy invite ya got there! Love the creativity!

  33. I am so happy I came across your blog! My heart was all a flutter looking at these invites! I love love love them!!

  34. Wow! I love your Halloween ideas - you are so creative.

  35. Amazing! I would just be thrilled if my mailman ever delivered something so utterly creative. You rock!

    { Lindsey }

  36. I kinda sensed your invitation would be dracula-ish, from the box (it is quite lovely).

    Very nice, I had seen someone do the stake with the invitation attached to the stake (think they got then at HomeDepot).

    Your box and the additional elements (in particular the holy water and the bullet) are fabulous!

    Couldn't help but notice your grey nailpolish, totally awesome!

    So are you and Mr. L gearing up as vampires?

  37. WOW!!! So how does one get on your guest list?

  38. This is awesome! How could a guest not go to the party after receiving one of those invitations! My only quesiton - how much did it cost to mail them?

  39. You amaze me. Well done!

  40. Unbelievable. I have nothing else to say!

  41. Ummm, Seriously those are the most amazing invites EVER!! I am obsessed, I want to do mine over now, booo!

    Best.invites.ever! hands down!

  42. WOW! You have seriously outdone yourself! I love getting parcels in th email too! :)

  43. These are REALLY nice! One thing, I never recieved mine....

    I'll keep checking the mail!!!

  44. Bridie7:08 PM

    These are amazing! I would love to see a behind the scenes post about how you put these together.

  45. Amazingly and lovingly thought out! I imagine your invitees will feel most honored to receive it!

  46. Sooo COOL! What a great idea! Will you post any photos of your Halloween party?

  47. These invitations are so amazing. You are SO creative. Always love your invites.


  48. Wow...just wow! I can't believe how much you put into your invitations. They are amazing!

  49. IG.muse11:24 PM

    These are absolutely incredible. I can't imagine how you made these, I have so many questions. How did you print on cardboard boxes, what kind of printing did you use for the books, where did you get all these things, how did you ship water and glass? Hope I'm not asking you to give away any closely guarded secrets. A behind the scenes post on this has my vote too. You are one talented lady. And Mr. L is such a poet.

  50. Hi there! This is so awesome! I had a busy day at work so I am just now getting to see your awesome invite. You guys ROCK! Hugs from Conroe, TX!

  51. I found you via Make Under My Life and I love your blog! Your ideas are absolutely awesome!

  52. This is the most unique and creative invitation I've ever seen. Kudos to both Mr. & Mrs. Limestone! You make a great couple.

  53. What beautiful invites! I love the use of grey!

  54. I do hope that you frame this afterwards....behind glass with a frosted edge...and a frame that is worthy.

  55. Anonymous11:32 AM

    OH MY GOSH...that is just too awesome! You're a girl after my own heart and totally get into Halloween as much as I "usually" do! This year my 2 yr. olds' events have taken over. Wish I could be at your party!!!

  56. Once again Stef.....perfect.
    You leave us all to shame.

  57. Ok, those are incredible. You seriously could sell these invites for a loot! You are so creative and beyond talented! I LOVE them! Wow!

  58. unbelieveable. you are so creative. also, when do you find the time to do things like this!?!?

  59. This is the BEST Halloween invite I have EVER seen, amazingly creative, just perfection!

  60. Wonderful! Perfect for Halloween!

  61. Oh my word....I'm just speechless. These are spectacular! Your guys' attention to detail astounds me. ::sadly looking at my Halloween e-vite::

  62. Your talent and creativity blows me away. What a gift from God you have!

  63. What a fun invite. Very creative, I can't wait until I see how you decorate for the party.

  64. Amazingly cool invite. I love it.

  65. You've really outdone yourself, Mrs. L. :-)

  66. I absolute love these! The attention to detail is wonderful :)

  67. Anonymous12:35 AM

    You've done it again, Mrs. L! Love it love it love it! I think Martha will be giving you a call one of these days!

  68. super clever invites!

  69. WOW! these are amazing! and not to take the attention away from your invites but what brand and color is your nail-polish? i love it!


  70. Nail polish is chinchilly by Essie.

  71. Love these. You're so damn creative.

  72. I am so late to this but it's the most well thought out and coolest invite package I've ever seen!!!

  73. Anonymous3:12 PM

    This Halloween inviation is more than amazing it is the bomb! What will you think of next?

  74. Sarah1:41 AM

    OMG! Those are the COOOLEST!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please tell me you make them and sell them cause I'd totally buy!

  75. WOW WOW WOW! I want to be your friend:)

    They are gorgeous as every!

  76. LOVE!!! i can't wait to peruse your blog for more of your work.

  77. There are amazingly done. I am thinking of using something like this as an invitation to a Halloween treasure hunt. Thanks for the inspiration!

  78. WOW! That is so amazing. I am totally floored by that invitation! I already have plans brewing for Halloween 2011 now. LOVE it and LOVE your blog!!!

  79. jskell9118:43 PM

    Wow I LOVE that! The details are awesome

  80. João Real1:19 PM

    Amazing job congratulations 

  81. Michaelroddgers12:23 AM

    A beautiful Halloween card is present here. This is nice post that it will giving nice tutorial on this card to how to make it. Best tutorial, an easy to make this card.  A black color is giving feeling that this is an Halloween card.

  82. Mishlunt10:59 PM

    I'm having so much fun with your fabulous Halloween ideas. SO GREAT!

    Warmly, Michelle

  83. Making Halloween invitation, I always do it together with my family. We always share our idea about the theme we would make for the invitation. Invitation above can be my inspiration to make my next Halloween invitation card.

  84. Meg and I are getting excited for Halloween already and I can't tell you how much I love this invitation.  So good Mrs. Limestone.  So good.

  85. Nancy LaGuardia9:18 PM

    Mrs. Limestone,

    I too have a problem with Halloween.  It is and has always been my favorite holiday.  I have a party each year and turn my home into a "haunted house''.   I love your idea for the Halloween Survival Kit!!  I would love to borrow your idea.  Any tips that you could give me on recreating it would be greatly appreciated.   I purchased a magazine on Halloween a few weeks ago and was thrilled to see you in it.  Fantastic article. 


  86. Thanks!
    If you do a search, you'll see I answered some of the questions others had on making this invite. Hope that helps.

  87. Aimee3norton3:35 PM

    Where did you find the silver bullets? I have been looking everywhere with no luck.

  88. They didn't come silver - i painted them. You can find this answer along with others in another post I did about this invite. Just do a search.

  89. Betsydesigns7:56 AM

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! how wonderful-- Are you selling them??? i need some!! betsy

  90. I want this for my wedding!!!

  91. Michelle2:20 PM

    How do you create the invites?  They are fantastic!!!  What program do you use?
    GREAT!!! IDEAS!!!!

  92. If you do a search you will find the answer to this and many other questions about this invite in another post.


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