Bali, part 2

Monday, November 30, 2009

Only 6 weeks late, the finale to the Bali trip. So where did I leave off in the last post? Oh yes, I had throughoutly recounted our first day and impressions. After that first day, we were feeling a bit run down so we decided to scale back the pace quite a lot.

We ate more unusual fruit.
We relaxed poolside (not pictured.) I got a lot of incredibly cheap massages. (also not pictured)

We went to a 'cultural park' that had new statues and traditional dancers.

We visited more temples.

We encountered wildlife.

We had a beachside dinner at sunset

We rode on top of an elephant

Before I got there, I was really excited about the shopping but try as I might, I couldn't find much worth dragging home. Im told the furniture deals are amazing but I didn't find anything worth shipping home. And no matter how many stores I looked in, I didn't find anything I just had to have. So I purchased almost nothing.

And then we were back in the air waving goodbye.

Overall, it was really an interesting experience. There are a lot of beauty and culture in Bali that you will not find elsewhere. My expectations were very high so I admit it fell short just a tad - but that is why traveling is so important. Visiting is appreciating both good and bad.

Like my photos? You can buy select prints starting at just $6! Click here to browse.


  1. Gah!!!!! You know what a talented photographer I think you are, already. These are just great! I think my favorite is the roosters in cage baskets.
    Oh yeah, and that is one angry cat!

  2. melissa11:19 AM

    Wow, that cat is really cool looking! Great pictures. What's next on your list? Have you been to Alaska yet? you could do some great photography there!!

  3. melissa - I went to Alaska in May. Here were the trip recap posts:

  4. Cheap massages and awesome temples? I'm there. These are amazing photos, Mrs L. Thanks for sharing your travels with us!

  5. Wow gorgeous photos for sure! Makes me want to travel to Bali. I know what you mean about sometimes being disappointed in a place though. So fun to follow your travels through the blog.

  6. Don't you hate it when you can't find something to bring back home (especially when you're told there's deals to be had!)? I think the photos more than make up for it though, that cat shot has attitude written all over it!

  7. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Great photos! How do you get that black vignetting effect?

  8. Have you read Eat, Pray, Love? I'm currently in the middle of it and the author is spending time in Bali... These definitely help set a picture in my mind of what the place is like.

  9. Anon - Sometimes I burn the edges a bit when I want the vignetting. (like in photo #7) Sometimes it just works out that way if I happen to catch the light right. (Like in photo #6)

    J&K: Yes, I read Eat Pray Love a few years ago. Its obviously very popular there. I should probably read it again but I don't feel like the book gave me a good sense of Bali. Maybe it was very different when she was there? Or maybe living there is so completely different?

  10. Anonymous5:08 PM

    You don't know me, but ever since I came across your blog, around Halloween time, I've been hooked. I love your photographs. I've thoroughly enjoyed looking at past posts. You are very talented. Know that you have a huge fan across the country near the Seattle area! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Awesome. Thanks for sharing. I'm a traveling Guru so I always adore seeing and read others' opinions on places I've yet to be.

    Anon- Vignette can be achieved in CS4 by utilizing the Lens Correction feature under Filter. Just add a white fill layer set to Multiple and adjust the filter to achieve the look you are looking for.

  12. Wow, your pictures are amazing. I love the details you captured. Was that a mangosteen? I was obsessed with them since a NY Times writer said they were the perfect fruit.

  13. Absolutely gorgeous pictures. I hate it fell short of your expectations but the images are beautiful.

  14. Beautiful!!!! Can't wait to see pics from your next escapade...they're always gorgeous!!

  15. Looks like we've visited some of the same places in Bali. Was that a sunset dinner at Jimburan Bay? Oh, how I miss the seafood! Great pics.

  16. Great Photos.. love the elephants...

  17. As I commented after your first Bali post, your photos (while wonderful) don't reflect the images of Bali I've had in my head for years. Where did those come from? Some movie I'm sure and I am racking my brain to remember exactly which movie that was...hum.

    Regardless, how wonderful to have the opportunity to visit this beautiful local.


  18. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Your pictures are stunning! Something cheerful to look at for me on this gray November morning!

  19. Gorgeous pictures!

  20. Absolutely stunning!!! You have a real talent!

    I know you use a Nikon, but care to share what type of lens you fancy? : )

  21. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Woman, you have some sick photography skills! That is one freaky kitty, very cool.

  22. Still, your pics are fabulous! Sorry the trip fell short. I over anticipate and then feel let down sometimes ~ a bad habit for me :( Look on the bright side ~ you didn't spend money unwisely there so now you have more money to spend on Christmas presents or home improvements.
    Paula Grace :)

  23. You get to travel to some beautiful places.And some beautiful pictures too. It's good to have you back home .

  24. mmmm...mangosteens! (the fruit in the first picture) --- that's apparently known as the queen of fruits...the king is the "durian" from the other post

  25. wow! I read your interview over at apartment 412. awesome! and now i came to check out your blog and i am blown away. your photos are gorgeous! beautiful blogging!


  26. Beautiful photos! I'm once again jealous of your travels.

  27. love your photo please to meet you. located indonesia


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