Best of 2009

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Another year over. Can you believe it?

I thought now would be a good time to recap some of the most popular posts from 2009. For anyone who is new to Brooklyn Limestone, consider this the cliff notes version for the year. (You can see 2008's top 10 here.)

JANUARY: Shopping for 'junktiques' in NJ Englishtown_PlateAisle

FEBRUARY: About us.

MARCH: Guestroom Complete
PriceBreakdown_Guestroom copy

APRIL: A weekend in London

MAY: Brooklyn Botanic Gardens

JUNE: Master Bedroom inching along. FramedBedroomTV4

If you are actually reading all of these posts, thank you. I've likely exhausted your patience. I'll finish up the time warp tomorrow.


  1. I completely forgot about the framed TV. Mind if I steal that for my inspiration file? Think it would work in a living room?

  2. I'm smiling over here, imagining how you captured the last photograph. :)

    and..Thanks! I appreciate the year in review, since I'm new. looking forward to the rest..

  3. My two favorites? The fireplace and the headboard! Beautiful. Just beautiful.


  4. Wow... I could look at pictures of your house all day long, it's just absolutely stunningly perfect! Will you come design my home next? :)

  5. I can only hope my blog has as good of a recap at the end of the coming year :) Your wedding pics were my favorite. So glad you shared them.

  6. Ohhh, that top picture of the junktique store in NJ sends my heart aflutter!

  7. that framed tv makes me all warm and fuzzy... hope you have a wonderful new year my dear!

    xo katherine aka. urban flea :)

  8. So enjoying your blog! Can't wait to read more this year!

    Happy New Year!

  9. I love all of these posts- I think the Guest room one being my favorite- that room is just stunning!!

  10. That was a fun recap of 2009, and I liked reading more about you. As a professional creative director, I can honestly tell you that you have, by far, enough talent and ideas to pursue these creative endeavors full-time (if you'd like), and probably get paid very well in the process. I never would have pictured you in financial services!!! (I've haven't been reading your blog for very long, so didn't know too much about you, so it came as a surprise)
    Best wishes for a happy 2010 to you and your husband (and of course, lovely getaways to fancy hotels!)!

  11. what a great year on your blog it's been! looking forward to what's coming in 2010!

    p.s. YAY! for the monkey vase! it is larger than you expect, eh? I keep mine on my stainless steel shelving unit so it's on display...or on my counter top. I can usually find something cute to put in the bowl.

  12. I have enjoyed all of your post. You are so talented! I love your Christmas cards. My favorite thing so far. Have a great New Year!

  13. I sure have enjoyed seeing all your decorating projects this year. Your limestone is looking outstanding. I'm having a Top Projects party next week, so feel free to join in if you'd like. Just do a post of Before & after projects to share with a Linky. I think your office space is my FAVE!

  14. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Great synopsis. Love that I found this fellow-NYC blog!


  15. Stef, I have not had a chance to comment much lately but have been quietly folloing along. You are always an inspiration and such a talent. Thanks for sharing with us...
    Big hug from Terri and Happy New Year to you and hubby and kitty.
    xo Terri

  16. Your guestroom is so lovely!! It was a pleasure seeing that picture again.

  17. I was a pleasure to see these posts the first time as well as this time. It's always a great place to visit everytime.

  18. LOVE the budget breakdown for your FAB guestroom!

  19. I just found your blog! Love the cliff's notes version for 2009. Happy New Year~Lisa


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