Breaking down the bedroom projects

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In spite of some serious efforts this weekend, I'm not quite finished with the bedroom. I need to make a few more tweaks but I'm feeling good about it. (I even broke my personal rule of photographing rooms only during daylight hours to show you...but its not the most accurate portrayal of the color. Ill have some better photos for you next week.)

If you remember last week's post, I put together my ideas. I decided to add yellows and grays to the existing color scheme and now that I see in the flesh, I love it. No surprise that I like the grays, creams and blues (since that is everywhere else in my house) but the pop of yellow adds just what I wanted in here. I know this color scheme may not be for everyone but its exactly what I imagined so Im really happy with it.
But lets talk about some of the details. First off for the walls. I randomly found this fabulous vintage photo on flickr and wanted to use it somehow. So I got out some paintbrushes and did my best in recreating it in acrylics with a twist on the colors.
Hardly a masterpiece, I think its a fun way to subtlely personalize the space with something I did by hand. I'm not convinced its location over the bed is the right place. I might switch this around a bit but I'll have to play musical walls this weekend.

Using some of this lovely fabric from Amy Butler, I pulled out the sewing machine to make two pillow cases. Thanks to the those who answered my calls for help on twitter! It really was a simple project - too me about an hour (excluding the time to wash and dry the fabric first)

After a lot of searching, I finally found a dresser I loved. (This was one of the two items I mentioned purchasing at FIND.) I needed something to sit in the space left of the fireplace tohold the cable box so a little bit of additional storage was welcomed as well. I searched forever for a second hand or budget piece of furniture but never found something that didn't have a major issue. Once I spotted this commode, I fell in love. The curvy shape and the slightly distressed finish was exactly what I wanted.
After I got it home, I realized just how substantial it was. Its made of a very heavy hardwood and its finish is well applied. So it made me feel better for splurging on it.

So I'm just about there. Its not perfect but its getting close to something I'm happy with. More to come before I call it done. Ill share more details then.


  1. I know I was so-so about the yellow on your Flickr - but now I love it! And I love the dresser vignette - even the cable box blends in nicely! And I'm still 100% loving the new Anthro bedding.

  2. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your yellow shoe artwork!!

  3. GORGEOUS room! I love the transformation!

  4. I love the artwork. I saw that print in your previous post, and as a fellow cat owner I think it's adorable! It's wonderful that you have the skills to make a more personal version. The gray/yellow palette seems very "you" and I look forward to seeing the end result!

  5. Decorating, sewing, and painting? You are so talented! I love the way that this room is turning out, especially because it is such a reflection of your personal style. I can't wait to see what's next!

  6. My favorite piece is the dresser. I think it is perfect for the room. And I love the finish. I also LOVE the painting you did above your bed. Perfect!

  7. So pretty! That bedding is to die for. I'm not a big yellow fan - but - seeing it as you have used it is making me start contemplating it for my own bedroom! Thanks for such a wonderful blog - it always feels a little like Christmas morning when I see a new post from you on my Google reader! :)

  8. It's beautiful! I LOVE the bedding!

  9. Your duvet is so gorgeous ! Loving the soothing yet glamourous grays in the room, and those pops of yellow are fab ! Absolutely lovely. That AB fabric is the most perfect touch.

  10. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Loving your yellow touchs, very classy. Your artwork is superb. Where on Earth is your cord from your cable box? Is it snaked through the wall?? Gorgeous room!!

  11. Anonymous11:26 AM

    There's a lot to love in here. The pillowcases look great and I really admire the chest and the wall color. Can't wait to see more!

  12. What a difference this all makes. Your bedroom before was beautiful, but this is stunning! The yellow brings the whole look up a notch...enjoy!

  13. Simply stunning. I am in awe on the bedding and furniture. I can not wait for the final finish.

  14. I love your duvet and your color choices are very soothing. I wouldn't have thought to put the bright yellow in there - it looks great. I'm working on a MBR redo this month and your post gave me some ideas.

  15. Looking fabulous! Duvet and window treatments are making me jealous!

  16. Well done! I love the artwork too. Looks like you hit a home run with the bedroom.

  17. I'm really loving the gray and yellow combination, especially with the color of your walls. The dresser is "wow"!

  18. It's gorgeous. It really is!! xoxo

  19. I'm loving gray and yellow right now - and you pulled off the look to perfection! Your pillows turned out great and I adore the painting, I'm so jealous of your ability to do that!

    I, too, am wondering where your cords are for your cable box?!

  20. It looks so great, come to life! I'm glad you're so happy with your work. It's so nice when it pays off!

  21. i like the dresser a lot.

    we're going with very similar colors and feel (but still very different, if that makes sense?) in our master that i'm working on right now! i'll post some pictures later today...


  22. This bedroom is so soothing...I am loving the addition of the yellow - it's just that "pop" that sometimes a room needs! That duvet is simply divine with all it's ruffles...
    :) rochelle

  23. i love the room- i have variations of yellow in every room of my home- played up much more prominently in my bedroom- cool gray walls, and a huge pop of yellow art- perfect for a room that's seperate from the rest of the house, and just for us- well, just for me, and my husband you doesn't mind either way :)

    my question- the large square frame on the dresser- is that a print, or fabric, or something else?

  24. Beautiful room, the colors all blend so well together and the yellow is the perfect pop needed. Love your artwork! As for the cable box, we have directv and so I was able to buy a remote control that will work through wood and drywall even. So we have our cablebox tucked away behind closed doors, very cool if you like to hide the box that is. Anywho, love it and after seeing the new bedspread you got I think I want to splurge on one for us. We have dark wood furniture and I think it would look fab what do you think? Hugs from Conroe, TX!

  25. What a fresh and unique room, love it!! Great job!

  26. this is fantastic! i love the color combination, and i think i might have to borrow some ideas for our bedroom. it's painted a similar color with neutral bedding and i've been thinking about how to "finish" it!

  27. **************
    The cables are in the wall behind the tv. They snake down to the molding at the left hand side of the fireplace. I know I could hide the box too if I wanted to bother but its not that important its hidden provided the wires can't be seen.

  28. ******************
    Megan - The print inside the black frame is fabric. I want to replace it with a photo but I haven't decided what yet.

  29. Amazing! The room looks sophisticated and relaxing -perfect for a bedroom. Where did you get your rug? I love it (among many other things in the room)!

  30. I love shades of mustard or yellow with blues and whites. Your room is looking really nice. Keep us posted!

  31. I love everything. The gray/marigold scheme is so big right now- wish it would go in my house. Unfortunately gray doesn't go with our carpet... just looks bad.

    Love that new dresser and the black frame with the yellow/white print inside of it is a great pop of color!

  32. My living room is gray and yellow. And I have the same Dwell Pillow as well! So funny how it's become popular.

  33. There are some people in this world who just have a knack for decorating and you are one of them.

    How did you figure out how to make those pillowcases???

  34. I'm in love with the Anthropologie bedding...

  35. Amanda3:13 PM

    This is the first time I have left a comment, but I have been reading your blog for over a year now. I just wanted to say that your house is absolutely gorgeous!

  36. Whoa...nice job on whipping out that painting. That is not easy. I, like the rest of these peeps, think your room is so cozy and beautiful! I'm totally jeally.

  37. Your pillowcases {& of course the whole room} came out beautifully!!

  38. Your accessories are really bringing everything together! I love the paintings over the bed that you just "whipped up" and the dresser and accessories on it on beautiful. I've yet to see one of your spaces that I didn't like.

  39. There are many things that I love about this room but I especially love what you have done with the frame around the TV. Did you repurpose the frame from an old art piece that you found or buy the empty frame from a custom framing store???

  40. The yellow is beautiful!

  41. Truly looks fabulous. I think that the yellow pillows/print and the duvet just make that room pop.

    One question, will you be using the vintage yellow chair you bought at the antique store a while back? I recall it had curvy legs and was a yellow color. I personally liked the yellow in the chair. Plus now it would also just look great in the space.

  42. ************
    littlealexa - yep, I moved that chair in here and the white chair elsewhere. Its just not captured in the photo. The chair is kind of a pukeish yellow and it has some stains but I did my best to clean it up. Eventually it needs to be reupholstered.

    leeanderin - The frame around the tv came from an ornate mirror. You can see more about the various projects in this room here (scroll down for the mirror):

  43. I love how your room is turning out! Just lovely, with those soothing colors. You're doing a great job, even if it does take awhile. I think planning things out is the fun part sometimes. I've run out of rooms, so I'm in the tweaking stage now.

  44. Mrs. L, give yourself more credit! :-P The paintings are great and I think fit your style. They add a personal touch. Room looks great!

  45. That night time shot is lovely and moody , I especially love the art above your bed , fantastic , and the hits of yellow are perfect , it really has evolved nicely , just shows others it takes time to find the right pieces , it doesn't happen over night .
    great job

  46. It looks beautiful! I wish I could settle on a color scheme for our bedroom. I'd like it to look "thrown together" but purposeful to-- know what I mean?

  47. The yellow looks perfect in your bedroom. I think the Amy Butler fabric was just the right touch of pattern that you needed. I'm looking forward to seeing daytime photos.

  48. I love the yellow!!! I've been secretly eyeing a similar blanket at Anthropologie and I think I might have to just get it!

  49. If it looks this lovely now, I can't imagine the offical "after" photos! You can't go wrong w/ grey & pops of yellow!

    And the new comforter is BEAUTIFUL. Your handpainted canvases are AWESOME--give yourself some more credit, girl! My only suggestion is perhaps hang them a bit closer together?

  50. Incredible. Seriously, you make it all sound so breezy and easy (I know it's not, but I love your writing style!) and I am positively envious. This room is gorgeous. Every detail...I mean, really, you painted those portraits? So great...

  51. I love it.. and I think the painting is darling... I have the coordinating fabric to that Amy Butler and it is one of my favorites!


  52. Oh my gorgeousness!! I can't wait for more pics of this room. I love the dresser and those black lamps. Just WOW!

  53. Everytime I see that bedding regardless of the color I swoon! The print above the bed makes me smile and how can you ever go wrong with Amy Butler! The room is looking beautiful!

  54. Ever feel like your design eye changes as you change? Lately I've been thinking that even though I love my place- it's more who I was two years ago when I moved in than who I am now. Thanks for this fabulous post- extra thanks for the motivation it gave me.

    Link Love:

  55. I just LOVE the gray with the yellow....and the Amy Butler fabric! AMAZING job on the artwork too! And I love the painted frame around your TV.....I have to copy that! The room looks LOVELY so far!

  56. I was in one of my fabric haunts about 1 month ago and was blown away when the ladies were talking about the surge of yellow and greys in home decor. I guess I needed to see it in order to grasp the color together.

    You my dear....have OPENED my eyes.

    Fabulous job!


  57. very well done. love it.

  58. So far it's GORGEOUS! When you show us the completed room can you give us a breakdown of the paint color, comforter, curtains etc?

    I can't wait to see the finish product.

  59. Love the vignette with the the way, where did you find those? I would love something like that for my vanity.

  60. Wow, this really is gorgeous! It's been so much fun watching you transform this room :)

  61. You are one talented lady, that's for sure! I love the paintings, love the color scheme and LOVE the frame around the TV. Seeing that frame alone has me reconsidering putting our TV over our fireplace.

  62. The artwork is lovely! I'm finding myself really drawn to grey...I can picture my whole future house with all grey walls in varying shades. That dresser is a great find!

  63. I am a lurker on design blogs. Especially when well-intentioned people DIY or design their own rooms. But the photo of this bedroom at night evoked such an emotional response from me, that I came back to next day to tell you. The seductive power of this room has me in its grip. The textures, the simplicity, the handmade, the collected, the colors...oh sweet jesus, the richness and warm of the cool colors. It's truly breathtaking. And will serve as an inspiration for my own bedroom makeover.
    Why is the bedroom the hardest?

  64. This is crazy good. I adore the color scheme.

  65. It's looking FABULOUS! I'm a huge fan of yellow and gray (I have one of those Dwell for Target pillows too). Bravo on the artwork too. I really don't know how you find the time to do everything. I've been wanting to break out my paints and brushes forever but can't seem to find the time.

  66. That comforter was worth the price. I know that you didn't want to spend that but it is just lovely.

  67. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Yes! That is a fabulous color combo. Just lovely.
    I adore the art above the bed.

  68. Long, long time reader, first time poster. What I think is so great is that you have found the perfect gray/blue. To me, it's one of the toughest colors to choose and find that perfect balance. Best of luck to you in your bedroom. I can't wait to see the end result!

  69. Anonymous10:01 PM

    i love how elegant and glamorous the room feels - yet completely personal. i'm working on a grey and yellow color scheme for my office so i appreciated the amy butler fabric tip!

  70. WOW! It's amazing bedroom designs it's very authentic and eye relaxing bedroom.Love It

  71. Robyn7:02 AM

    Your bedroom is beautiful. I love the dresser!

  72. I love the dresser. The shape is so unique and interesting. Your entire home is filled with such beauty and character! I'd never considered the gray and yellow color scheme before (i'm not a big fan of yellow) but your room turned out so well. I may just have to incorproate this in my own home. Thanks for your inspiration!

  73. I LOVE your dresser! And the pops of yellow are perfect!

  74. You did an awesome job! I love the artwork you did. It makes the room so personal. I'm glad you splurged a bit, Your master bedroom is a great place to spend a few dollars more to have it just the way you want it. Love the yellow pop. It is a wonderful addition. Fabulous, just fabulous!
    Paula Grace ~

  75. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Hi! I'm new to your blog and love it!!! You have a gorgeous home. I was wondering if you would mind listing the details of your bedding. The quilt is from Anthro. Are you using the shams also? What about the sheets and the two smaller yellow pillows? Sorry for so many questions, I just love the whole thing!!

  76. your bedroom is so inspired

  77. ummmm.....Your skills are a little (okay a lot) better than mine! I love your painting!!! I was thinking more like 'abstract' art. Your bedroom is beautiful!

  78. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I know this is not a new post, but I love exploring your blog. I just had to tell you how much this space spoke to me! My husband and I are just purchasing our first house and this room embodies most of the ideas I have in my head!


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