Happy New 2010!

Friday, January 01, 2010

If you haven't already, don't forget to enter the New Year's giveaway here.


Wishing you a wonderful 2010.


  1. Anonymous10:24 AM

    From one blogger to another, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here's to your desires and their completion in 2010

  2. Happy New Year! I have to admit it makes a little part of my day when I get to see your blog! Keep up the fabulous work!

  3. Aww such a cute photo! Happy New Year xxxx

  4. happy new year to you!

  5. Happy 2010 to you too!!! Have a fabulous year.



  6. Yes, good to know when to rest. I could take a page out of this cat's book.

    I look forward to getting to know you and your blog this year.

    Happy New Year!

  7. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I hope you have a wonderful 2010 Steph...

    Kathy :)

  8. how great would it be to be that cat? le sigh... happy new year!

    xo katherine aka. urban flea :)

  9. I just saw that you made the Times Top 50 list. Congratulations!!! What a great honor and it couldn't have gone to a more deserving site. Keep up the good work.

  10. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Oh! what a happy new year. I just discovered your magnificent blog and have been spending hours gasping. Gasping at your and Mr. L's bravery and vision (the pre-renovation bathrooms alone--green and pink nightmares) would have stopped most mere mortals cold. Gasping at your impeccable taste and your ability to edit.

    Thank you for your generosity in sharing your home and the process.

    When I first saw your post-renovation kitchen, I thought "These owners must be enormously wealthy--mutual fund managers with million dollar bonuses."

    I have a bunch of questions, but I'm really curious about (1) what products you use to keep these gorgeous improvements clean and (2) what you do with your dirty clothes. I didn't see any hampers in the pictures of your bathrooms and bedrooms and I don't think there is much room in your laundry area.

    One good but deceiving thing about shelter magazines is they never show things like hampers or garbage cans. Maybe we don't want to see them, but they are a fact of life.

    My fantasy is that the titans of Target contact you and pay you a bazillion dollars to design a line of home furnishings and accessories, like bedding, dishes, accent tables, curtains, etc. In your renovation saga, you must have discovered gaps in resources ("See a need, fill a need" as the they say in the movie Robots.)



  11. Happy New Year to you too! Love your blog! Keep the fantastic work!
    Paula Grace

  12. Hi Anon - To answer your question about hampers and garbage cans. I have a garbage can built into my cabinets (it pulls out and its on the left hand side of the sink. Takes up a good bit of storage space but I love not having an ugly garbage can sitting out so its worth it for me). I keep a clothes hamper in my closet. Obviously when I take a photo, I don't have my dirty clothing strewn about but I assure you its all there :)

    For cleaning - I use the usual stuff. Windex, etc. Nothing fancy.

    Your fantasy about Target sound right about perfect right now. From your keyboard to gods ears :)


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