Their style could not be more different than my own but its absolutely gorgeous. I really appreciate how the series shows so much more of the reality of renovating than any other show on television. Even for people who have a bundle of cash, full time support staff and all day to focus on their projects, its still incredibly stressful and a lot of hard work. They have to be on top of everything and have a vision to get it all done. This family does it all with amazing calm and cool.
Here are a few shots of some of their work but you really have to see the show (or pop over to their design site or maybe read their book) to get the full picture.

So are you watching? What do you think?
It is my new favorite show. LOve it!
ReplyDeleteI have been hearing such good things about this show, but, alas, I live in Canada and don't get it. I've also tried to watch the episodes on the Bravo website, but it won't let me :(
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. I look forward to checking it daily. It makes me a little homesick since I grew up about a block away from your home. Your photo's are amazing!!! As far as the fun to watch. Where are the nanny's?
ReplyDeleteI love the show. It doesn't seem too staged and to see them juggle life in NYC is great. And I love your blog by the way!
ReplyDeleteI have been wanting to watch it! It sounds like complete madness...and that it might make me jealous. Haha.
ReplyDeleteI am ADDICTED!!!!
ReplyDeleteI think I watched the rerun of the first episode like 4 times this past weekend. I LOVE this show... and love their ideas and simplicity of design.
ReplyDeleteWhat I think is that I apparently complain way too much when 9 months pregnant. They are so go with the flow. I'm still waiting to see the second episode. Our satellite messed up when it was suppose to be taping so I'll have to catch it when it re-airs.
ReplyDeleteNope in Canada they are keeping it from us , bummer !!! them! Posted about them yesterday!
ReplyDeleteOh no, I missed it...I'm sure they will rerun this weekend. Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteTake care
I too have been watching it and am amazed by this couple. Just the stress of remodeling, let along remodeling with 7 children... I couldn't even imagine. I think their ideas are interesting and authentic!
ReplyDeleteShoot! I forgot all about this show coming out!! I knew they were planning to do it and it was in the works, then I forgot about following up to see when it launched!!
ReplyDeleteI worked with them in outfitting their latest boutique hotel on the Jersey shore, supplying them with a bunch of custom-designed "number" pillows for each of the hotel's rooms.
I got their book back when it first came out -- about the time we did the pillows for them -- and I've been hooked on following them. They're quite a family! Can you imagine! Oh the energy they have to have! Or tons of help! I'm certain they have plenty of both. :)
Thanks for the reminder to start watching!!!
ReplyDeleteFive, is my favorite child.
Its amazing how they just barely move in and are already talking about moving out. But I suppose that is the way they make a living, so they have to keep the cycle going!
I love this show so far! It's so great to see rich, amazing designers have the same renovating struggles the rest of us regular folk have! Plus I really love the go with the flow, don't take things too seriously attitude they have with their kids. What I may love the most is that even with all that money their kids seem to know how to fold their own clothes and help out in the kitchen!
ReplyDeleteYES! I keep on catching the last half of one episode and I've quickly become obsessed. I agree with you - if I didn't love them so much I would totally hate them.
ReplyDeleteI think they have a great combination of drive and patience...You'd have to with so many kids. I really can't even begin to imagine, I'd be screaming all the time I swear! Janell
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love that show. now i don't have an excuse for my house not to be blogworthy. i only have 1 son!
ReplyDeletealso, love love love your blog. i even check it before i check my email each morning!
i actually taught the twin girls gymnastics at NYC Elite...They really are a cool, down to earth family!
ReplyDeleteThis is my new favorite show! I'm already obsessed. This couldn't be a more interesting family!
ReplyDeleteI only saw a snippet of the show because I completely forgot it was coming on. Definitely will try to catch the repeat over the weekend. I got their book as a christmas present and I devoured it in one sitting. So much beauty!
ReplyDeleteTotally addicted to this show.
ReplyDeleteI love it. It makes raising three kids look ridiculously easy. xoxo
ReplyDeleteI just caught the an episode last night...don't know if it was the first one or not. I could have sworn that during the previews for the show they had 6 kids and she was preggers with a seventh...and now there is a baby so I'm guessing I missed some? I dunno, but I did enjoy it! Made me want to hop right in with their mellow but strict and serious family.
ReplyDeleteI have this show tivoed but I haven't watched it yet. I saw the preview show and I will just say, I don't know how she can handle the stress. She is more woman than me.LOL!
ReplyDeleteI will probably like this show because I like all the Housewives (except Atlanta) and I am sad that Project Runway switched networks. I will have to watch it tonight.
I love the show and it is amazing how we clamor for space and they moved 8 people into a 2 bedroom temporary apartment. Their kids are so cool and work together well, cooking together, compromising on bed location, 6 kids in 1 very tight bedroom and everyone!
ReplyDeletei love the show...although i wish there was more renovating/building and less yelling. I gives me a bit of a headache...but they do seem like good kids and a great, close, well rounded family.
ReplyDeleteTheir taste is just unbeleivably cool!
Really amazing they do this with so many little ones. Makes me feel like a lazy bum...or maybe just broke?
Did anyone see that the house they're building in the show (west st) was in the Prudential/Elliman sales brochure that came in the sunday NYTimes? listed for 19 mil. whew!
have to say...i'm a fellow renovating brooklynite and i really love your blog!
Great show.
ReplyDeleteWonderful and talented people who are not posers or pretentious.
A nice great big family that doesn't look like trailer trash, or some weirdos from the religious kooky set.
xo xo
PS Your trip is amazing - thanks for sharing all the photos and reporting!
I like it. Poor Five! :(
ReplyDeleteI love it although I do DVR it and then skip the portions of show that include screaming children. I love their style.
ReplyDeleteMy friend Christie just blogged about it too at I hadn't even heard of it!!!!!! Must, must, must tune in to it!
ReplyDeleteI live in the UK so I haven't seen the show but I really like their style. I'm surprised by how much I like their style as I consider my style relatively conservative. Maybe its just my wild decorative side trying to get out!
ReplyDeleteYour the second blogger I read to post about this family. Am thinking ab out brining back extended cable so I can watch!
ReplyDeleteI wanted to hate them but after the first 15 minutes of the show I was hooked. I have been through 2 large renovations and many small ones but not with kids and I didn't think I would survive any of them. So when I saw how they handle it all I was amazed. The end results are super cool, as you said maybe not my style but great none the less. I now have the series dvr'd so I will never miss a show. I only hope they don't end up like the Bravo show RHO being snarky and just plain miserable.
ReplyDeleteI am surprised that everyone made a positive comment about the show. You should see the super heated debate it generated on Apartment Therapy...
I've lost my life to Bravo programming already and then Andy Cohen throws 9 by Design in the mix. I loved that family, their style and the show. It is design porn at its best.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely love your blog!
Interesting. The only review I've heard is "that family is a trainwreck!" I'll have to watch it to see which side I fall onto.
ReplyDeleteI bought the book when it was first released. I love their since of style and their ability to sell their homes after putting such blood, sweat and tears into them. I would have never left their last house! Robert, the dad, is my least favorite. I can't get into him wearing hats and sunglasses all the time. He even had a hat on in bed!!
ReplyDeleteI have seen every episode. I saw a preview and knew it would be right up my alley. Courtney manages to say so calm even though their life is in constant chaos. And how cool and well adjusted are those kids! They must be doing something right.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for those kids having to keep moving.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't name a pet Five, nevermind a child.
uhm ya i am totally obsessed with this show.
ReplyDeleteBeing raised one of 7, I am so happy we were not reality TV material back in the day. I am sorry, are we monkeys? Why are we fascinated with this/ I mean they are probably great people, but are they that much greater for everyone watching - like they are living in a fish-bowl?
ReplyDeleteI really want to hate them, but I can't. Fun show to watch and envy what they're doing. And while I now want to change my childrens' names to something much more cool than Jake and Hayley, I still wouldn't want 7 of them! I'm anxious to check out the apt therapy blog with all the controversy.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure exactly why, but this is my new favorite show too. Wish they'd show a bit more of the house and less of the kids, but it's very entertaining. Off now to check out the Apartment Therapy drama!
ReplyDeleteI am crazy about this show!! I watched the last episode 4 times!! They are amazing!! XO C
ReplyDeleteI haven't watched it but I am quite certain I would enjoy it. I love the photos!
ReplyDeleteNot watching...YET. The more pictures I see, the more I'm thinking I'm really missing out! Thank goodness for tivo...
i thought the show would be more about design (and they are good designers) but I can't help to compare the show with jon and kate... just noisier...
ReplyDeleteI love them, and this pictures too
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, I am obsessed, I love the show! The houses they design are amazing!!
ReplyDeleteI too am OBSESSED. Love the family, love their style, and can't stop staring at that view from their new house on the W. Side Highway.
I'm so hooked, I started doing weekly recaps of the show:
Also, I'm kind of in love with George...and those eyebrows!