Recipe: Banoffee "Danger" Pie

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Do not adjust your sets - you haven't tuned into the wrong blog. Its still culinarily challenged me but this pie was so amazingly delish I had to share it. We had a chance encounter with its gooey yumminess in Africa. Luckily the camp manager was nice enough to share the recipe. I've made a few slight adjustments to account for American markets.

Meet Banoffe "Danger" Pie. Ban for banana + offee for toffee = Banoffe pie. If you are like me, you've never heard the term 'banoffee', no less tasted it. Non Americans are roling their eyes now as its nothing new but humor my astonishment - how has this dessert not won us Yankees over?

Why "danger"? Glad you asked. Danger is this pies middle name not only because is it tasty and calorically sinful but its also incredibly easy to make! A dangerous combination. If you are on a diet, avert your eyes.

Still with me? Lets get started. You will need:
  • 3 bananas
  • 1 tin of sweetened condensed milk
  • 2 cups whipping cream
  • 1 package of digestive biscuits or graham crackers
  • 1 stick of butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 small bar of chocolate
If you don't mind using store bought ingredients you can cut down a lot on the steps but since I was posting it I figured I would make a proper version entirely from scratch just for you.

Banoffee Pie |

Your first step can be done way ahead of time (at least hours but can be as much as months before). Remove the label on the condensed milk and submerge the unopened can in pot of water. Cover and boil for 2.5 hours. Warning: Be sure to keep the can covered by water at all times!!

Banoffee Pie | www.brooklynlimestone.comBanoffee Pie |

After requisite time has passed, take pot off the stove and allow the can to cool. In case you're wondering - you just made magic, er, toffee!

So you're ready with your toffee, its time to do the rest.

To make the crust (*You can skip this step entirely by buying a ready made graham cracker crust.)
  • Grind up digestive cookies in food processor.
  • Melt stick of butter in microwave and pour into crumb mixture.
  • Blend until you have a moist sand mixture.
  • Smooth wet crumbs into pie plate to make a crust.
  • Bake at 350F for 10 minutes.
  • Set aside to cool.
Banoffee Pie | www.brooklynlimestone.comBanoffee Pie |

To make whipped cream (*You can skip this step entirely by using cool whip. )
  • Whip cold cream and vanilla on high until whipped
  • Set aside
Banoffee Pie | www.brooklynlimestone.comBanoffee Pie |

Now its time to bring it all together. Cut up bananas into slices and lay into your crust. It doesn't matter how you arrange them really. Just go wild.

Banoffee Pie |

Open toffee can, mix with knife until smooth, pour on bananas.
Banoffee Pie | www.brooklynlimestone.comBanoffee Pie |

Spread whipped cream over the whole mess.
Banoffee Pie | www.brooklynlimestone.comBanoffee Pie |

Grate chocolate on top (optional)
Put in fridge to set for at least 2 hours.

So there you have it. Yum in a pan. I dare you not to love it.


  1. Wow, this looks amazing! And I didn't know you could make toffee like that! Very cool, can't wait to try it! :)

  2. Holy crap, that's amazing! I bet you could buy canned dulce de leche since you make homemade dulce by doing pretty much the same thing...WOW. I want to leave work right now, go to the store and make this. Possibly eat half of it before noon. My diet thanks you.

  3. Oh that looks yummy, I'll have to try! I love that little food processor. I have the same one; it's really handy!

  4. In the UK this is really popular.....and for good reason! I don't know if you have HOB-NOB biscuits over there (they are gorgeous oaty biscuits) but that makes the base even more scrummy!

  5. Yum Banoffee. Just remember that if you don't let the cans cool enough...they will explode upon ceiling paid the price back in my youth.

  6. Wow....looks so good!!! I will have to try it!!! Neat how the milk can turn into toffee like that! Who knew??? Also, will try it with the Hob Nobs as we have a little UK store here in town!


  7. WOW! What have we been missing out on!? This sounds awesome! I'm definitely going to have to mark this recipe and try it out! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Yummm this looks like a must try for sure. And I love digestives, bananas, and chocolate so a great combo.

  9. Looks absolutely sinful! I noticed in your list of ingredients, you said "condensed milk," but I think you meant to write "sweetened condensed milk" (as seen in your photo). I don't think the other would make toffee that way -- which is very clever.

  10. Yum. We had this in London and I never thought to try making it myself!

  11. Thanks Lisa. I didn't realize there was any other kind of condensed milk but I'll update that in the post so I don't throw anyone off.

  12. To anyone who knows, is toffee the same as dulce de leche? Because that's how I make dulce de leche (when I'm not in Argentina and can just buy it by the dozen).

  13. P.S. Delicious recipe Mrs. Limestone! I'll be sure to try to make it once I'm off my diet (:

  14. okay, i'm not a huge fan of bananas but this is one dessert i'm definitely going to have to try! p.s. who KNEW condensed milk would turn into toffee - amazing!

  15. This looks YUM! I am just coming across your blog and I AM LOVING IT!! I am your newest follower!!

  16. As someone who is also challenged in the cooking department (my only specialties being rice or pasta - which works out nicely since I'm half Asian / half Italian!), this looks super simple and delicious!

    I just shared a simple cupcake recipe over on our ol' blog yesterday. Great minds think alike.

  17. You guys have heard of banoffee pie before! In Love Actually, Keira offers it to the guy who's in love with her and says "you would have broken my heart if you'd said yes."

    It's that good!

  18. A friend is in London for the first time this week and was blogging about the deliciousness of Banoffee pie....thanks for the recipe!!

  19. Yummy! Boiling the can of condensed milk is one way to make arequipe aka dulce de leche, which is one of my favorite colombian treats.

    This looks amazing. Totally blaming you if I don't fit into my jeans this summer!

  20. Looks so yumm, I never knew what the pie was until recently when I watched a BBC America show and they featured the pie, thanks for sharing the recipe!

  21. i hadn't heard of this pie until a few months ago i had a slice at a diner in canada and fell in love ... i couldn't believe that it hasn't caught on ... thanks for posting this recipe with pictures

  22. I have family in the UK and last time I was there they tried to convince me that banoffee pie was of American origin. So now I have always wondered where it came from, as I have never seen it in the U.S. It still looks gorgeous, though.

  23. holy moly. i always wondered how to make that "toffee". i'm going to make this pie soon, healthy eating be damned. thanks!

  24. OH YES PLEASE!!! This will be moving to the top of the "To Make" list.

  25. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Banoffee pie is talked about in "Love Actually!" Kiera Knightly's character offers it to the guy (can't remember his name) who is in love with her but she's married to his friend. <3 Banoffee pie!

  26. I make this all of the time and the short cuts work great. It is a quick and easy preparation (say, the night of a dinner party) to use a pre-made graham cracker crust, whipped cream and canned dulce de leche. Tastes *almost* as good as from scratch (I usually prefer to use a less sweet biscuit for my crust to balance out the sweet toffee and whipped cream, but that is just me.)

  27. i am an american who lived in england for 3 years. this was my favorite dessert!!! my american friends and i would seek out resturants that had this luxury on the menu. it is the best - and i too, am surprised that the american's haven't taken this recipe over the pond :) thanks for sharing.

  28. I echo all the sentiments of the previous commenters...
    1. Sounds delicious
    2. How did I never know that that is how you can make dulce de leche?!?(I live in South Florida, so it is very popular given our large cuban population)

    Just think Mrs. L, you can singlehandedly be responsible for making banoffee pie a new American favorite!

  29. I ripped this recipe out of Oprah's magazine years ago and never made it. Now I will!

  30. This sound delish! It's pretty too:)

  31. seriously? boil it for TWO AND A HALF HOURS on the stove top? keeping water in the pot the whole time? really?
    has anyone done this? is this right? i am sorry to be so incredulous but i have never boiled anything for 2 1/2 hours (and have never heard of dulce de leche)

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      The best way is to place a small saucer in the crock pot and place the 3 cans in there, cover with water and cook on low overnight. Let cool and use. Always perfect. Stove top method didn't always work for me.

  32. okay, i wanted to make this SO BAD when I came across it this morning, so I checked and I had all the ingredients. Yay!!

    I put the can in the pot with water to boil for 2 and 1/2 hours, and thought to myself i'd run a quick errand. BIG MISTAKE!!!! The water boiled out before I got back and the can EXPLODED and I spent the next 7 hours scrubbing "TOFFEE" from my walls, ceiling, etc. It was a mess!

    I am going to try again tomorrow, only this time I will not leave! :)

    It looks scrumptious!

  33. This looks so delicious!! I can't wait to make it! :) It's a good thing I'm an expert in boiling water, yay!..I can make toffee, I'm so excited! I had no idea that's how you make homemade toffee!

  34. Anonymous4:32 PM

    It seems so easy and your rave reviews have me thinking that I'll need to make this.

    For the record, I don't eat bananas BUT my son is starting school and I need to make desserts for several events during the school year. I think this will be on my list... and only because you make it sound amazing and my only goal is to win over every teacher and staff member by my amazing creations. Seriously, I only want to make stuff that will have people gushing over my family. :)

  35. You mustn't not not NOT let the water boil away or it will explode! You can avoid that whole faff of boiling by just buying a tin of dulce de leche, all ready to pour!

  36. doris2:42 PM

    this sounds so awesome! you should have warned preggo women to stay away from this post. i'm probably going to cheat and either buy ready made toffee sauce or make it the old fashioned way (which i believe takes less than 2.5 hours?)

  37. Yummy! I have eaten that before and it is super delish!! Here we call it dulce de leche banana cream pie. :) Happy eating!!

  38. Katherine12:33 AM

    You can also open the can slightly and then boil for about 20 minutes, keeping the water under the level of the cans obviously. No worries about exploding toffee cans then.

  39. I will definitely be trying this one - looks and sounds delicious!

  40. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I made this over the weekend, and it was magically delicious! Good thing I boiled 3 cans of toffee, because we're hooked on this now. Thank you for the recipe!

  41. Banoffee Pie was one of my favorites while living in England! Will definitely be trying this soon!

  42. I've been lurking on your blog for quite some time now, and I adore it. Thanks for posting this recipe -- I am soooo excited to learn about the "secret" toffee technique!

  43. I just made this pie today from your recipe and can't wait to try it. My only concern is not putting a little bit of sugar in the whipping cream before whipping. I just did the vanilla and it was really bland. I'm wondering though if when the pie is cut all the other sweetness will combine with it and you won't even notice.

  44. Joannakathryn6:12 PM

    I'm in Texas and I've been making a similar pie since the 1960s. To brodyopt above--the whipped cream will be sweet enough when you eat it with the SCM, so adding sugar will be gilding the lily.

    If you read the Sweet Potato Queen's book, she tells how to caramelize the milk (Eagle Brand is a brand name, but has become generic through the years) and calls it "Danger Pudding."

    Like somebody said, BE CAREFUL when you do this. Once, when I was very young, I had two cans on the stove and forgot about them overnight. Next morning, one had opened and burned away. The other had exploded across the kitchen ceiling and into the living room. We had to repaint, and the underside of the cabinet next to the stove was a mass of solid caramel.

    I open both ends of the can and push out the block of caramel and slice it. You can also use strawberries. Ben & Jerry's Karamel Sutra ice cream uses the caramelized SCM, too.

  45. I'm so glad you posted this. I have made this before, but the directions I had were different for the sweetened condensed milk. I think this will be much easier.

    This is one of my all time favs.

  46. Thank you for posting this! I made this recipe for a family picnic in September and needless to say it dissappeared! Everyone was impressed with how the toffee is made. Tempting to keep it a secret!! I'm actually in the process of making it again for a get together and took your advice for boiling more than one can at a time... perfect to have extra toffee on hand for the holidays!

  47. Jackie from Sussex England ;)5:14 AM

    Anne, You can tell your UK relatives that Banoffee Pie is definitely a UK invention - it was created at the Hungry Monk Restaurant in Sussex, England I've eaten there and of course had to have it's most famous dish - which was fabulous. 

  48. Tiffany@TheGraciousPantry.com12:31 AM

    Can you recommend any way to boil condensed milk if the can has already been opened? Can I put it in a canning jar and boil it?

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Put in a crockpot overnight on low. No exploding cans and perfect caramel every single time.

  49. MrsLimestone6:45 AM

    I've never done it but I think you could just cook the milk in a pan over low heat until it carmelizes.

  50. graciouspantry2:09 PM

    Awesome! Thanks!

  51. guest5:53 PM

    You can use a double boiler 

  52. Pamskidd2:46 AM

    This is wonderful.  I am going to try this--yummmmmm

  53. Liljak19964:54 PM

    it went GREAT for me!!!! yummmmm!

  54. Lauren12:55 PM

    I can't believe I stumbled on your blog! I lived in the UK for a short time and LOVED Banoffie Pie but couldn't figure out how to make it in America! I found a lot of recipes that said to use the sweetened condensed milk but none of them said to boil it (you can imagine how that tasted!). I am trying this today! Thanks for posting this on Pinterest!

  55. Theshabbycottage12:29 AM

    I eat one to two bananas everyday. This is the pie for me, al
    My favorites!

  56. Lzmuir6:45 PM

    I just did a review of your pie on my blog.  I tried to e-mail you about it but could find your e-mail address.  I wanted to say THANKs for sharing this recipe!  If you want to see the post you can go to  

  57. Kcase3:33 PM

    Is there a substitute for the boiled condensed milk? 

  58. MrsLimestone4:05 PM

    If you can find premade dulce de leche in the store, that is the same thing. But otherwise, I don't know if a sub could be made. Its kind of the key ingredient.

    In a message dated 8/14/2011 3:33:25 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:


  59. Sarah Ellwood10:39 PM

    You can also make this dulche de leche/toffee in a crockpot so it'll be ready when you get home from work or let it cook overnight and it'll be ready in the morning.  Put the can in the crockpot and fully submerged and cook on low 8 hours.   here's the link:

  60. Britleigh2411:17 AM

    Do you cover the pot with a lid?

  61. MrsLimestone5:28 PM

    I usually do but you don't have to as long as the water completely covers the cans throughout the cooking.

    In a message dated 8/28/2011 11:17:59 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:


  62. Debbiemullins3:23 PM

    Looks great! How well does it slice?

  63. MrsLimestone12:00 AM

    Once it's set, it cuts pretty well.

  64. Mrsgerdel4:49 PM

    I LURRRVVEE banoffee pie, it was actually invented in a pub near where I went to school in Brighton England. Definitely dangerous :)

  65. James8:58 PM

    I'm not personally one to be overly concerned about BPA in the lining of cans.  If I were, however, this boiling of the can business would be very hard to me to swallow (pun intended).

  66. Actorsdiet12:09 AM

    wow!  who knew?!?

  67. Dutchy7:16 AM

    I'm scared the tin will explode! Am I being unnecessarily worried?! I'm just an unlucky kind of girl... =)

  68. Looks good but you didn't make toffee you made dulce de leche

  69. Wow!! today seems to be Banoffie pie day for me. I've come across four blogs thars featured this recipe and like you I cant imagine how this amazinly easy recipe escaped my notice all this while. Looks absolutely yummy and I love the easy toffee idea. Genius!  

  70. niamh5:49 PM

    I grew up with this -- fantastic isn't it !!

  71. Hey! So I plan on making this really soon and was wondering if you have to refrigerate the milk after you boil it or just let it sit at room temperature until it's cooled?

  72. MrsLimestone6:34 AM

    No, just let it cool down (more for safety than anything else) Its pretty thick even at room temps.

  73. Pure sin!  I love it!!!!!

  74. Chznone28:44 AM

    Is the pie supposed to be " soupy"?, I made it a few days ago and the filling never there a trick to make it not so runny? It tasted fine....but as soon as I cut a piece.....the rest of the pie rushed in to fill in the missing piece...... Has anyone else had this problem as well?

  75. MrsLimestone9:28 AM

    Did you leave it in the fridge to cool for long enough? If it's at all warm, its not as firm. Also you might try cooking for a longer time or using less of the dulce de leche. A little goes a long way.

  76. Chznone29:36 AM

    I just realized my mistake....I used 3 cans of milk.... Somehow I confused the 3 bananas and the picture of 3 cans in the boiling water........ No wonder it was so runny ( doyyyy ) .... It was delicious though......thank for all the inspiration that you give me!

  77. MrsLimestone5:37 PM

    That would do it. That must have been some rich pie. Yum!

  78. Supperann3:40 PM

    are you kidding me!?  i found your site yesterday and made this danger pie today..holy malohly!  first of all, i cant believe the magic really happened haha..and secondly.. heaven.  just. heaven.

  79. Benn339312:40 AM

    Just be very careful, when you clamp your can opener down and poke into the lid, it can spray across the room....or into your eye, if you're looking directly at it and you don't flinch faster than the speed of toffee.....

  80. Minob_0810:49 PM

    So I made this tonight and it is the best thing on earth, however it came out really runny.  is that normal??? I did everything as stated above as I bought a premade crest and used cool whip.  Is the outcome suppose to be runny??? 

  81. MrsLimestone11:11 PM

    No it should be too runny. Did you let it set in the fridge before cutting?

  82. Minob_0811:23 PM

    Yes, it sat in there for a few hours prior to cutting. I looked at pictures of other banofee pies and they looked so much more together. The only thing I can think of is maybe I cooked the condensed milk for too long? But it was cooked for a little longer than 2 hrs!

  83. MrsLimestone12:55 PM

    I dont think you can over cook it really. Sweetened condensed milk is pretty thick to start out with. What brand did you use? Maybe some brands need more time?

  84. Minob_082:33 PM

    Weird, I just used the Store brand.. maybe that is why.  Yes, it cooked for just under 2 1/2 hours.  I made 2 cans... but only used 1.  Should i maybe put the second can in boiling water for longer, see if maybe I do need to cook it for longer?? It was runny when I laid it over the bananas. 

    1. Anonymous9:34 PM

      Did you use Sweetened Condensed Milk or just Condensed Milk they are not the same?

  85. wendy @HerBallistic Garden7:09 AM

    Wow!  I can't wait to make this!  Came over via Pinterest (your written on dishes).  Following you now! 

  86. Bekbye8:47 PM

    what did I do wrong?!  I did it...Looked beautiful...Smelled wonderful...When we cut into it - it was all mush!!!  Was it supposed to stay together?  The taste was good - the presentation was bad...HELP!

  87. Bekbye8:53 PM

    WAIT!  I just read some comments (my comp set to read oldest to newest, so I reset them to feed newest to oldest) and saw some other with the same problem.  It could well have been the milk I used (store brand)...I will try again with Carnation or even possibly use dulce con leche...Thanks!!!

  88. MrsLimestone8:56 PM

    Yes it seems some others have had the same issue. I've made it a ton of times and it always sets so I have no idea what could be different. Even before it sets, it comes out of the can pretty thick so I'm not sure why it's different for some.

  89. Jackie Savage3:05 AM

    Re the "setting" debate is it possible that some people may have used Evaporated Milk rather than Sweetened Condensed Milk, the tins look very similar (Well they do here in the UK)  and the Evap definitely wouldn't thicken to the same degree. Just throwing another variable in to the mix :D 

  90. oh my my my!  I made this pie for Thanksgiving and have had 3 helpings and it's not even 4:00 yet!  Delicious!!

  91. Paquita1:28 PM

    Looks so yummy! 

  92. Monique4:06 PM

    My family boils the sweet. con. milk all the time - we use Eagle Brand and boil it for about 3 hours then put it in the freezer to cool overnight. We've never had a problem with it being too thin. (The longer you boil it the darker the color. I wouldn't go over 3.5 hours.) I've never made this pie, we usually roll the caramel/toffee in nuts and serve it with apple slices. See... health food! Heh, heh. I would suggest taking a look at the website for some more amazing desserts.
    Thank you VERY much for the recipe and terrific instructions. I will certainly be making it this Christmas. 

  93. Jessica H.8:50 AM

    We need a picture of a slice!!! And that's totally NOT TOFFEE AT ALL. It's DULCE DE LECHE Silly!!!!

  94. Tonya5a8:39 PM

    I made this in junior high and won a contest. We called it caramel can pie :)

  95. Pgruell8:49 PM

    My mother made this years ago and we love it!!! We do it the easy way(your directions in parentheses).

  96. DO NOT make the toffee by boiling the cans!!!!

    Even if you don't cause the cans to explode (a very real possibility), you are boiling the chemicals used on the inside of the cans -- including the solder -- into the condensed milk.

  97. Mdgraves978:52 PM

    I am so trying this. Thanks. looks really good!

  98. Laura Weinzettel11:22 AM

    Thank you for sharing this recipe.  I ordered a slice of an amazing banana pie at a resturant in London about 8 years ago.  Since then I have never quite put my finger on the ingredients.  Definitely going to try this for the holidays!

  99. Sle4life12:20 PM

    I will be trying this one  Sounds delicious!

  100. Chris1:42 PM is not toffee but rather caramel....there IS a difference

  101. Julie8:26 PM

    I tried it with a shortbread crust, and added a tablespoon of Kahlua to the whipping cream... delish!  :)

  102. Kaullannie11:51 AM

    Thanks for the warning!!

  103. stacie4:49 PM

    I was gonna say....its caramel, not toffee.

  104. Stacie4:54 PM

    I am making this right now! :) As for the post about not boiling in the can...really how bad are the chemicals inside the can??  Please let everyone know how this can 'hurt' us.....

  105. MrsLimestone4:57 PM

    Actually its neither toffee nor caramel.

    I used the word toffee because of the name Banoffee and assumed it was correct but as it has been mentioned above, the heaven in a can is actually dulce de leche. As far as I know, there isn't a one word subsitute for that.

  106. I just thought you should know that I LOVE YOU! Thank you so much for posting this. I was just frantically searching the web for recipes to use for a fast-approaching Christmas party (Monday, the 19th) and just happened to find this!! 

  107. MrsLimestone10:47 AM

    Glad you like it? Its my go to recipe for easy desserts. (and I only make it when i have company because otherwise I would eat the whole thing myself!)

  108. Looks great. Although it's not toffee it's caramel. Def gonna try this

  109. barbara donelson10:36 AM

     hi, Im Barbara from kentucky and I tried your pie recipe and it was fab.
    Had a few problems.  I didnt realize the pie had to stay cold or frozen to prevent the toffee from running.  I got confused and only but half the bananas in it....But my husband took them to work and after seeing them become running he stuck them in the freezer there and saved them.  Later everyone ate and loved them. thanks for the fab recipe.

  110. MrsLimestone3:05 PM doesn't have to stay cold. It can't get hot again but I just leave it at room temp and it works out okay for me.

  111. Beth Scivally5:21 AM

    OMG, I totally want to make this pie! YUM!!'

  112. GeeBee11:54 AM

    It helps if you chill the pie in the fridge for a couple of hours to give everything time to solidify.

  113. GeeBee11:58 AM

    The toffee is the same as dulce de leche.  You can save yourself some time if you just buy a can of dulce de leche instead of sweetened condensed milk.  I usually scoop the dulce de leche into a glass pyrex measuring cup and zap in the microwave for 20 sec to loosen it up a bit so it will be easier to pour and spread onto the graham cracker base.

  114. Daldebs8:32 AM

    My sweetened condensed milk did not come out as dark as your photo I boiled it a second.d time in a mason jar why is it not working? I really want to try this but mine is a light tan color.

  115. MrsLimestone8:58 AM

    You don't have to cook it in a jar or can - just pour into a pot over heat and stir. Should caramelize that way.

  116. Passionofthemom1:28 AM

    Oh holy lord, this pie is freaking AH-MAZING!!!! I made it at Thanksgiving, and it didn't make it 10 minutes into the dessert phase of the meal. So fricking delicious!!!!!

  117. Lilbamagurl081:48 AM

    was your "toffee" super runny? i made it this morning & it was fairly thick when i spread it on the bananas but it got too runny to eat later.

  118. Kerriee0811:48 AM

    Can't wait to try this!

  119. Cruss5001910:05 PM

    Can't wait to try this, it looks easy and yummy!!

  120. Amanda Spencer4:52 PM

    I made this yesterday and it was a huge hit!! It was a little runny today when we cut into it, but it was still yummy! Thanks for sharing!! My kids loved it!

  121. Courtney10:27 PM

    OK so I just made this today. It came out like soup...I made it the way it said (even boiled the cans last night so they cooled in time) What did i do wrong? When I ate this pie in Ireland, it had a good texture....Flavor is the same though...something isn't right though..HELP! :)

  122. Claudiamccarthy539:46 PM

    This looks amazing.  Can't wait to try it.

  123. I made this last night with premade crust & reddi whip.
    The reddi whip WILTED and is all runny now. Next time I'll make the whip myself...However, I added PEANUTBUTTER to the whip and it added a great flavor to the pie and cuts a bit of the sweetness with savory peanut. I used about 2.5 tablespoons of Peanutbutter and folded the whipped cream in.

  124. Stephanie3:27 AM

    I just finished making this!! I am yet to try it but it looks like it turned out perfect!!! Is it normal for the toffee to be kind of chunky when you open it? I mixed it really well and most of the small chucks came out.

  125. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I just made this pie and it tastes great but very runny. I did read the comments about the pie being runny but was wonderding what sweet condensed milk everyone was using that dosen't have the runny problem. I am going to try and boil it longer to see if that helps.

  126. Toffee is whatwhat we call in Chile Manjar, or in the rest of South America Dulce de Leche. I use to make it like that the whole time, but instead of boiling them in a conventional pot I boil the cans in a pressure cooker, in just an hour they are done, but always make sure to keep the cans covered with water at all times.

  127. Ginger5:21 PM

    i just made this and put it into the refrigerator to cool. It looks just like yours. Nice, thick and creamy. I am so excited to try it. I will post later and report how great it is!

  128. Jprincipi3:06 PM

    This toffee/caramel sauce can be found in the Mexican section of your grocer, called Dulce de Leche. Save yourself the trouble of making it. My mother used to make it, and spread it in the middle of an angel food cake, then frost with whipped cream. (40 years ago) This sounds delicious too!

  129. Anna Virginia8:06 PM

    My mom is from Uruguay/Argentina, and they make "Dulce de Leche" out of sweetened condensed milk like that.   Something my mom didn't do, though, was boil it in a pressure cooker - you can cook it faster (40 minutes!) and then let it cool.

    Love how you combine it with the bananas... I think I shall add three extra bananas to my shopping list... :)

  130. Do you put anything on the bananas to keep them from turning brown? I was going to make it tonight for supper tomorrow.  Will the bananas be ok?

  131. My boyfriend lived in London last year for work and we are now both hopelessly hooked on this flavor! Can't wait to make this!

  132. I just buy the carnation caramel and there is no need for the boiling then :)

  133. What I would do for some of this now! I adore banoffee pie. I think I could live on it for quite some time haha!!


  134. It doesn't really matter too much if the bananas turn a bit brown since you are covering them in the brown dulce de leche anyway. That said, if you cut them right before assembling the whole thing, they wont turn brown since between the dulce and the whip cream, the bananas don't get exposed to air.

  135. Hawaiibums27:53 PM

    This pie sounds awesome and I'm not even going to worry about all the calories.  Will try it the next time we have guests over for dinner.

  136. Michelle8:02 PM

    that looks good!! I am making it tomorrow :o)

  137. Junelundhere6:06 PM

    I tried this desert, and it was a huge hit. I was the easiest ever to make. I used all the short cuts suggested to save time. The sweetened condensed milk turned to toffee and it was delicious. Great recipe

  138. Here in California this would be called dulce de leche banana pie. And it would be eaten gloriously.

  139. Just wanted to let you know that I someone pulled this post and made it there own. I saw a sponsored ad on Facebook and it took me to this page: at the VERY bottom, there is the word Source with a link here but I still think what they did was wrong. Just wanted you to be aware.

  140. Just wanted to let you know that I someone pulled this post and made it
    there own. I saw a sponsored ad on Facebook and it took me to this page: at the VERY
    bottom, there is the word Source with a link here but I still think what
    they did was wrong. Just wanted you to be aware. They also adding Pin it buttons all over.

  141. Wow! How obnoxious. Thanks for letting me know.

  142. This toffee is the same as manjar, also known as dulce de leche. When I as little, mMy mom would make this and put it on toast.

  143. Patsy5:17 PM

    We have a little Bar-B-Que place in Alabama that has been serving this for years. It is wonderful and easy and very few people left there without having a piece.

  144. Wow sounds very dangerous but yummy!!

  145. Sydneyrb12:53 AM

    I really liked this. It was a great way for me to use up a few extra things sitting in my pantry. 

  146. Shannon5:46 PM

    I have been looking EVERYWHERE for a banofee pie recipe. I fell in l-o-v-e with it at the Farmgate in Cork, Ireland. Can't wait to give it a whirl and see if it measures up!

  147. Patty1:46 PM

    I had a Sweets and Treats Ladies night out a few weeks ago and made your pie. It was huge hit. There was only 1 piece left and the hostess kept it. I am boiling 2 cans now to have when I want to make it. I will have to say living alone and not cooking so much I read you directions and it said to boil the cans and do not lift the cover for 2 1/2 hours. Well a had a big "DUH" moment not thinking of course the water will disappear  I almost blew up the can and burned my pot. My daughter and I got a big laugh out of it. I now know better to add water. This is the easiest best tasty pie I ever made. Thanks for sharing!!

  148. DelfinFlip4:23 PM

    i would put it under broiler for a couple of minutes before spreading whipped cream... just to see what is gonna happen :D

  149. Joefish10:53 PM

    This is absolutely amazing - made it tonight for the first time, and it will forever be my go-to dessert recipe! 

  150. mamastew1:12 AM

    How do you store the extra cans you  boil for the future?  Do they need to be refrigerated?

  151. No. I just keep them in my pantry.

  152. Wellswmn9712:37 PM

    Made it today and can't wait to eat it tonight,the only weird thing to me was that there was no sugar in the whipped cream in the recipe. I put some in, but it seemed odd, especially cause cool whip was mentioned and that is very sweet.

  153. I dont think the whipped cream needs sugar when added to this recipe but its all personal preference. Cool Whip is definitely sweet but as far as I know, there isn't a non sweetened pre made whipped cream so it was the only alternative for those who don't want to whip it themselves.

  154. Glad you liked it! So yummy.

    Im not sure if I understand what you are saying about the directions. It says keep the cans covered by water at all times. What was the confusion?

  155. Karyn9:23 AM

    I saw this recipe and just HAD to try it! My husband LOVES this! Thank you so much for sharing this. It was very easy to make and delicious!

  156. Josie11066:03 PM

    cn this be made night before or will bananas turn brown?

  157. Yes, you can make it before. It doesn't really matter if the bananas turn brown b/c they are completely covered in the dulce de leche.

  158. Josie11063:57 PM

    thanks!thats what i was thinking!!

  159. Rachelle Hughes3:18 PM

    Um you just schooled this pie girl on  a whole new pie. Yum!

  160. I made this the other day and when I went to cut it it was really runny. Anyone know what went wrong? I followed all the instruction exactly. Tasted really good, but you needed a bowl to eat it.

  161. Like other people said, this is dulce de leche!! Please dont confuse it with toffee, we argentinians are very proud of this cuz we invented it! Its like our peanut butter, we use it for every dessert or sweet snack!

  162. I think I am going to try it and just eat the toffee!!!

  163. i think I am going to try it and just eat the toffee!

  164. Rneihart5:44 PM

    I made the toffee by dumping the sweetened condensed milk into a large  bowl and microwaving for about 15 mins on 50% power.... turned out great.
    Watch it carefully because it really foams up...thus the LARGE bowl.
    Power and time will vary depending on microwave. Hint..when the foam reduces it's ready. BE CAREFUL it's Hot and sticky. 

  165. Really? That would be way easier. I'm shocked it works so quickly. I thought the rule was low and slow.

  166. can't wait to try it!

  167. yuuum thank you for this!

  168. My mom used to cook the sweetened condensed milk that way and we would eat it with a spoon!  What sweet memories this recipe brought back.  I'll be making this pie soon.

  169. MusicMama10:41 AM

    For the record - it is simpler to put your can of sweetened condensed milk in a crock pot full of water (completely submerged, as clearly stated above) and let it cook overnight on high (8 hours). Go to sleep, and in the morning: magic! No fussing, no hovering around the stove, no water boiling out. I like things simple :)

  170. Just made this for Easter tomorrow. Can't wait to try it. Everyone thinks I'm crazy for boiling the scm so I can't wait to show them I'm not a wacko. Haha. Thanks for the recipe!!

  171. Christy10:48 PM

    This is so AWESOME! ! ! ! No other words can desribe.  YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY  Thank you somuch for this recipe it is amazeing!!!!

  172. Martha Ordonez8:06 AM

    I made two of these pies, following the directions.  What did I do wrong?  They were both so runny.  A friend told me she had tried this recipe and the same thing happened to her pie.  Both ended up in the trash.  I was so excited to use this recipe, BUT ended up so disappointed.

  173. Martha Ordonez5:07 PM

    I made two of the pies and they were both runny, my friend had the same problem.  Both of my pies ended up in the trash.

  174. Seems some people have an issue with the dulce de leche turning out too runny. Did you wait for it to cool completely before putting it on the pie? That might help. Otherwise you can chill it a bit to make it more firm.

  175. This is exactly what I needed!  Love that you can make toffee in such a clever way.  Fun post and looking forward to more.

  176. Amazing! I can not wait to try this! What a great twist on normal banana creme pie!

  177. smile19612:25 AM

    I will look it up but recently their wes a recipe for doing the same thing only in a slow-cooker.  Doesn't sound as dangerously.  Knowing me I would probably let the water run dry.  LOL

  178. Martha Ordonez9:35 AM

    Yes, it was completely cooled before making the pies.  I had cooked it the day before.  I did refrigerate the pies overnight before serving.  I will try again and let you know what happens.

  179. Nia Rocha8:36 AM

    You are right, that's one way of making it. If you go to brasilian blogs you will find so manny yummy recipes with  condensed milk. This recipe is wonderfull, thanks.

  180. Alorena6710:07 AM

    que delicia ...

  181. Britt8:16 PM

    Very easy and very yummy, I love it! Thank you! :o)

  182. easternfan119:04 PM

    Dolce de leche  is a Brazilian (Portuguese) treat... never thought of it as toffee before.  It's not exactly Banoffee pie, but it's a great substitute!

  183. easternfan119:07 PM

    Condensed milk is something people put in coffee or use to make pumpkin pie.  Sweetened condensed milk is thicker in consistency and is, of course, sweet.

  184. Cmhawk3312:06 PM

    I just have to get to the store and get the ingredients.  It sounds wonderful and sinful!

  185. Laura Welk5:00 PM

    How long should I wait to open the can?

  186. I made this yesterday for a 60th birthday party - HUGE hit!! Thanks so much for the recipe :) 
    I added about 2.5 tsp to the whipped cream, which sweetened it up perfectly! 

  187. edit above - I added 2.5 tsp of powdered sugar to the whipped cream

  188. Janet Dewling10:34 AM

    I have never seen a recipe with sweetened condensed milk boiled; however I do it all the time to make rice krispie cookies.When I tell people how they are made they ask,doesn't the can explode especially the new ones with pull tabs.I boil mine for 3 hours and while it still hot combine it with 6 cups of rice krispies,make into 2 inch balls and roll in coconut.Growing up we called them 'Muck Balls" and I still do.Everyone loves them unless they don't like coconut.They freeze well and should be kept in fridge.

  189. Yes I know I will love it, hence I am scared to try it!! My mouth is watering just thinking of how delicious this is!! Thank you for sharing!!

  190. Dena10158:26 PM

    So you don't put any sugar in the whipped cream and vanilla? 

  191. I don't because I think the whole thing is sweet enough but you can if you prefer.

  192. anedu6:23 PM

    We  do a version of this at our house , but we use canned "dulce de leche" instead of making toffee with condensed milk.  Since we live in Mexico finding the dulce de leche is very easy!!! We're going to try your version next time, thanks for sharing!

  193. Theresaj017:44 AM

    easternfan11, I think you are confusing evaporated milk with sweetened condensed milk....if it is condensed milk, it's sweeted, evaporated is sort of condensed milk not sweetned, it that makes any sense.  lol

  194. Plain Jane12:32 PM

    We call the boiled condensed milk "Dulce de Leche"  It is defintiely delicious and addictive!

  195. Toni Mcfadden623:40 PM

    My mom used to make the "toffey" and give it to us in a spoonful.  It is so delicious.  Can't wait to make this pie.

  196. Lynn D.5:50 PM

    Note: In South America, that "toffee" you made is called "dulce de leche." It can also be made in a slow cooker -- put however many cans of sweetened condensed milk as will fit into the cooker, cover with water, and cook on LOW for about 7 hours. NO babysitting the water. It doesn't boil off. 

  197. Janellewiersma11:23 AM

    I made this last nite and it is delicious but I had mine set up in the refrigerator for 3 hours and it still didn't set up enough that it would slice like pie. It was a mess in a pie shell. Anyone have any suggestions?


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