Shore Files: Mod Beach Bathroom Cheat Sheet

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ok, so a tiny bit delayed but as complete as I can make it, below a source list for the shore bathroom. If you are just joining, read part 1 and 2 of the bathroom remodel. I did my best to look up prices and links but in some cases I just estimated.


  • Wall Tile: 9x12 Bonda Glossy White Ceramic purchased from Classic Tile at $3.50/sq ft
  • Floor Tile: 12x24 EdiMax Space Spaz Porcelain Tile from Classic Tile at $5.75/sq ft
  • Accent Tile: Jeffrey Court Silver Tradition Mini Brick (a mix of clear glass, frosted glass, gray glass, white marble and dark blue stone). Home Depot carries this and it ended up costing $4/linear foot for the 4 rows we used.
  • Trim Tile: Carrera Marble "Pencil" from Classic Tile. Don't remember the exact price but its about $10/linear foot. (I later saw these at Home Depot as well.)
  • Wall Color: Zinc by Martha Stewart from Home Depot
  • Ceiling Light: 10 arm Sputnik purchased on ebay from a seller named lamparts for $135
  • Vanity: Hutton Powder Room Washstand from Restoration Hardware
  • Medicine Cabinet: Framed Wall Mount from Restoration Hardware. They also sell it for full price online but we snagged at their Virginia outlet store for half price.
  • Faucets: Tub and Sink both from Kohler's Bancroft line purchased online with coupon code but I don't remember the site.
  • Fixtures: Towel Bar, Shelf and TP holder all from Restoration Hardware Outlet. Don't remember the specific prices or style names but they were discounted 50% at the outlet.
  • Art: Reproduction I ordered online from Ocean's Bridge for $285.
  • Bottles: Blue, green and white bottles sitting on top of the medicine cabinet are from Ikea for $8.


As I mentioned in the first post, we did not do the work ourselves. We found a contractor who was able to do it in his spare time. Since we don't live here it was pretty easy to have the bathroom out of commission for a few months in the winter while he got around to finishing it up. It took longer this way but we were okay with that.

Hope that answers all of the questions you had in this space. Maybe in a year or two, I'll be just as excited to share a redone shore kitchen but I wouldn't hold my breath for that one!


  1. I LOVE this bathroom. Thanks for all of the info as well.

  2. love the bathroom....... esp the sink....


  3. I'm loving the accent tile you used and the art piece looks wonderful!

  4. I like the paint color you chose. How was the quality of the Martha Stewart paint?

  5. Well done! I can't believe that Sputnik was SO CHEAP! I will have to look that seller up. Thanks for the source!

  6. uber-rad. what a deal on that Sputnik!

  7. That is the perfect bathroom gray. Great job!

  8. Great bathroom Mrs.L! I like how it is decidedly different from your city bathroom.

  9. house things: It was fine. Its such a small space and its so new that its hard to give much of a review on it. I guess I'll have to wait to see how it stands up to the elements in here before I can say for sure. I think the color was great and it covered well.

  10. I really love it, especially the paint color. Lovely! And what a DEAL on the light fixture. We were thisclose to using that same border tile, but wound up finding some green seaglass-ish tile at such an incredible price at an odd little tile store (lord only knows the story behind the mega cheap tiles, but I don't ask questions) so wound up adjusting our design. For like the 20th time. I can only hope our bath comes out looking half as good as yours!

  11. thank goodness for ebay! that 10 arm sputnik is amaze cakes!

  12. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your sources. The bathroom is just fantastic! Now, I'm off to take a look at where you found that great art piece!!

  13. I am SO surprised at the wall color! I love that you didn't pick something expected, like light blue or turquoise or light grey.

    Keep us on our toes Mrs. L! Or is that Ms. Beach?

  14. I keep coming back for more of your bathroom redo. I love it. It's simple, clean, yet interesting.

    I especially love the tile work. Fabulous choice!

  15. I love it! I am behind in all my blogs so I haven't been following the redo but I love the final outcome. Love the print and the light.

  16. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I remember that painting from "Something's Gotta Give". It was in Dianne Keaton's bedroom! Who is the artist? Love your new beach-bath!
    Thanks Dana

  17. I love subway tile...can't wait to have some in my house someday! You are great at bathrooms....


  18. So in love with this bathroom. The painting is amazing, and I'm always a sucker for subway tile!

  19. I love that you chose a little bit of a larger scale subway tile rather than the classic 3x6 (which I also love).

  20. Beautiful choice on all the tile selections. You've done a great job transforming this bathroom from blah to wow.

  21. What a fabulous makeover! The artwork is wonderful--perfect choice.

  22. What a beautiful bathroom! Great job!

  23.  Glossy White Ceramic through create home design task work look for really good. I have access that concern all being news.

  24. Type of tile design and it's concern information being looks for really quit. It through many useful news I have collection for create my new home.


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