
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Remember when I mentioned I was participating in an A to Z photo challenge? Well it certainly has been a challenge to shoot a relevant image every day. I admit I've been a bit of a slacker in using my camera phone most of the time but at least Im still treading water. Not sure if I'll make it all the way to Z before being kicked out but Im trying.

In case you are 'P' day but I haven't taken that photo just yet. Here is 'A' to 'O'. Click on any of the images to see them larger.
SaltandPepper4B is for blue in unexpected placesC is for change you can believe in.D is for Diana, goddess of who knows what.E is for Empty (for now)F is for Fountains
G is for GruesomeH is for handsH is for Hurry HomeI is for ideaJ is for johnny pumpK is for Kansas
L is for LimesM is for MondayN is for NaughtyO is for Open Book
A is for Accident: B is for Blue; C is for Change You Can Believe in: D is for Diana Goddess of Who Knows What; E is for Empty (for now); F is for Fountains; G is for Gruesome; H is for Hands and Hurry Home; I is for Idea; J is for Johnny Pump; K is for Kansas; L is for Limes; M is for Monday Morning; N is for Naughty Chains & Leather; O is for Open

Now that I put these all up I realize I did H twice. Doh! You can probably also figure out which days I had more or less free time based on the quality of the photo. I'll let you be the judge. 11 more letters to go. Wish me luck!

Thanks to Miss B for creating and running Sovenir Foto School in the first place!


  1. That sounds great fun!

    I've got a photo project coming up soon on Modern Country Style, which I can't wait to share! I love taking photos more and more and more.....

  2. This is very cool... I'm sorry I missed out on doing this from the beginning. You have done a great job!


  3. What a cool challenge...don't think I'd last long! It was a treat to meet you, even if it was while coming out of the stall in the ladies room! My mind screamed when I saw you, and then quickly tried to figure out what the proper etiquette is when meeting someone in a bathroom. I wanted to hug you but knew that probably would break a dozen rules!! Glad I at least got to catch up a bit more at the Nest party...Janell

  4. Hugging in the bathroom is totally fine by me Janell :) Im not fancy. It was great to see you even if we didn't get to talk for too long. You'll just have to come back so I can show you around next time.

  5. what a cool concept. you're dedicated to the cause, even with little or no time.

    @ Janell...I would've screamed in my mind, too had I run into Mrs. L!

  6. What a great challenge, reminds me of "I spy with my little eye" Remember playing that??

  7. Love this - very creative - I didn't even realize H was in there twice as I went through them!

  8. So good to find you! Such a great site...

    I have a Giveaway from the French Basketeer I think you will love!

    Art by Karena

  9. You know that was my assignment in my college Photography class. We had to take 26 photos one that represents each letter. You are doing a great job.

  10. next up..virtual photo class taught by you! did i say how excited I was to meet you...ok...done..

  11. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Enjoying your take on the A to Z assignments! Everyone has been pretty creative with the photography and with the choice of words to go with the photos, don't you think? It's been fun to "get acquainted" with you from a different perspective.
    Your fellow Souvenir Foto School particpant,
    Terry (TAAmmons)

  12. I love the coffee cup shot!

  13. I never get tired of looking at your photos!


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