Steal this Idea*: Punch Pop Art

Friday, September 24, 2010

Its Friday (yippee!) - time for another Steal this Idea* feature - a tiny little show of appreciation for a well executed tutorial. Today's know how comes from Londen of Sixty-Fifth Avenue.

I had somehow missed her beautiful blog in all my surfing. Thankfully she emailed me this simple, cheap but impactful decor idea that I think turned out just fabulous. The best part is - it requires almost no skill whatsoever - just a little bit of punching and glue and you're done.

Londen took a butterfly paper punch and some old magazines and made the most adorable wall art for her family. From this....

to this:

in just a few easy steps. Check out all the details at her blog.

What I really like about this project is that it can be reincarnated in a lot of different ways. This version is very cheery and kid friendly but with a different punch and some different ephmera, it could have a totally different vibe. It would also be a great way to reuse some sentimental scraps you've been keeping but don't need in their original form anymore like old cards or letters.

Has anyone done a similar project but with different results?

*When I say steal, I really mean borrow nicely and give proper credit!
**If you have an idea/tutorial you would like me to consider for a feature, email me. I'd love to see!


  1. I also LOVE this one:

  2. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Ephemera is transitory written and printed matter not intended to be retained or preserved. Yup, that's right, I had to google it. LOL

    This project does look very cool, thanks for sharing and Happy Friday!!

  3. I've seen that puncher before. Who would have thunk it!

  4. Adorable...and does look easy. Isabella would love doing this project with me! Janell

  5. That is such a cute project. I may have to look for punchers now when I run to the craft store for lunch!

  6. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Check out this:

    I love her stuff. She has an etsy store as well.

  7. This is so neat!! I've been waiting for something to jump out at me, because I have a bare wall. I love this! I am gonna try it.

  8. I did more or less the same project for my daughter's nursery. She and I both love it.

  9. I've seen a few of these around. They're lovely!

  10. Thanks for posting this! I was looking around Hobby Lobby yesterday for a butterfly punch with no luck. I saw this project, but couldn't remember where. I think or dreamed of something similar to this, but they used a cupcake punch and hung it in a kitchen.

  11. Anonymous1:04 PM

    This project appeals so much to my covert girly side - I have been trying to buy the Martha Stewart punch in a real shop (somehow ordering it online is too official - I want to pay cash!!) and haven't tracked it down.

    Only thing is I wish the butterflies were bigger...

  12. I love this idea, I also recently saw it done with bats for Halloween! I guess it could be done with lots of things when it comes down to it! It really is a fun visual punch!!

  13. This is such a fabulous idea, I love Londen's blog. Her home is so gorgeous, but cozy looking at the same time.

  14. that would be so adorable in a little girl's room!

  15. Wow! I completely love it and I think that is something I could actually do and afford. How great would it be to do it in a series featuring a different little creature in each frame?

  16. this is really cute -- loving it~

  17. That's cute. I love the idea of using it with old cards or letters~ I always feel bad about throwing those things away.

  18. melinda KE5:48 PM

    Love it, what a cute idea!

  19. Thanks for featuring my project today; it was a lot of fun to put together.


  20. I love it! I saw something similar in Marshalls recently and thought it was a cute idea. And you're right - there are lots of different ways you could change it up and make it your own!

  21. I too was going to share Lolly's project but see someone beat me to it :)

  22. Cute! I have some of these in my daughter's nursery :)

  23. That's adorable! So sweet :)

  24. I have been brainstorming about what I can do with my leftover wedding thank you cards and this may be the ticket. Thanks!!

  25. I love this idea! super cute! xoxo's nancy

  26. This is such a great idea. It has inspired me to do something like it as a gift. My brother and his wife will be having their first child in a few months and I think something like this would be adorable hanging in the nursery. Thanks for the inspiration!


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