Inpsired Halloween Tabletop Ideas

Wrapping up this year's Halloween inspiration posts, I have a little collection of last minute favorites I want to share with you. While it may be a tiny bit late for some of these ideas, there is always next year!

Check out this fabulous dessert table from Shauna Younge. Would you believe its made with items entirely sourced from Target? Well done! To add to all this lovely and some fabulous freebie downloads from Bethany Hway created some beautiful and FREE printables that she shared along with these photos on Twig and Thistle.

Take it up a whole different level for this whimsical Halloween wedding from Blue Moon events via Save the Date for Cupcakes

Or how about this amazing children's Halloween party from Jackie Culmer via Hostess with the Mostess

If you want something a little more adult check out Cirque Du Noir for some really chic costume inspiration.

And if you're looking for something simple and easy, mummify your tabletop with this project from Citified Country Girl.

So thats all I have up my sleeve for now. Wish me luck for our party - I'll be sharing photos next week.

And speaking of next week, our Nate show airing (yes, all 60 seconds of it) will be on next Wednesday, Nov 3. Eek! Thats the scariest thing of all.

Inspired Halloween Spreads: Study's Mad Scientist Lab

In the home stretch to Halloween now and I'm trying to plan my attack on the interior and buffet spread. (Nope, I haven't done a thing yet - I have a very busy Saturday ahead of me.)

So what better time to share a few inspiring spreads that others have managed to pull off beautifully? And if you have others inspiring ideas, don't forget to leave them in the comments. I need them!


I'm so excited to share what John and Andrew, the dynamic duo behind STUDY shared with me this week. They were kind enough to send over some snaps of their mad scientist party from last year. I'm in love with the whole look. Not only did they pick a fun concept and really commit to it, they created a fabulous backstory (hello? we are kindred halloween spirits!) to go along with it. Rather than me going on about it, I'll let them give you the deets.

STUDY Halloween Party 2009STUDY's Halloween 2009STUDY Halloween Party 2009
STUDY's Halloween 2009

As you probably gathered, we're big proponents of the "themed" party. Last year we decided to go for a mad scientist theme, but we didn't want to just go for generic laboratory with crazy-looking specimens lying around. Our process always starts with, who's the person we're trying to tell a story about?

Last year that person was a brilliant scientist who - after years of not receiving recognition from his peers AND a botched love affair that may or may not have ended in murder - has holed himself up in his crumbling manse where he continues to conduct his increasingly deranged experiments… in between still holding dinner parties for fellow mad scientist cohorts.

The living room acted as our scientist's own living room, but also his de facto lab where he keeps specimen jars, x-rays and anatomical charts.

STUDY's Halloween 2009

For the mantle we purchased a few oversized jars, filled them with cabbages and twigs submerged in water, and backlit them with two florescent blacklight bars. Your average highlighter glows under blacklight, so to achieve the glowing jar effect we cut open a few highlighters and drained them into the water we used to fill the jars.

STUDY Halloween Party 2009

STUDY Halloween Party 2009

STUDY Halloween Party 2009

If you want to try this out it's important to wear gloves and protective clothing as this tends to get everywhere. When draining the highlighter's filament, have a large bowl of some kind under your tap and keep the water going at just a trickle.

STUDY Halloween Party 2009

The x-ray boards were made by taping actual x-rays to the back of our bookcase doors with black electrical tape and then emptying the cases and placing two lamps inside each. Our bookcases allowed for this setup, but you could also use battery-powered lanterns and then you don't have any cords to worry about.

STUDY Halloween Party 2009

X-rays are also fairly easy to come by at medical surplus stores and on ebay, but try not to get too freaked out when you realize that you're holding in your hands another person's real medical drama. Adjacent to the living room, our scientist has his formal sunroom, where he can look out and spy his next victims guests.

STUDY Halloween Party 2009

The chandelier was made from a typical brass chandelier you'd find lying around any Salvation Army. These are easy to find at thrift stores and really, the wonkier the better since you want it to look a little "off".

STUDY Halloween Party 2009

We spray painted the chandelier and a few twigs black, then affixed the twigs to the chandelier with black electrical tape. Everything got another coat of spray paint. Black tapers were secured to where the sockets would have been and further secured with wire. We should caution that if you do use candles, this thing has to be watched at all times. You could also use battery-powered flicker candles and then you've got nothing to worry about.

Our theme continued into the hallway where the incandescent bulbs were replaced with florescent blacklight bulbs.

STUDY's Halloween 2009

Surprisingly these were the absolute hardest items to find. There were some some sort of shady storefronts online that sold florescent blacklight bulbs, but they were usually overpriced. We ended up finding them in, of all places, a Walgreens. They even let you check each store's inventory online!

The bathroom became the aviary, where our mad scientist studies birds that fly in from time to time. The story goes, he didn't intend to have an aviary, but when a tree began to grow up through his tub, well, he just went with it. All the better for us.

STUDY Halloween Party 2009

STUDY Halloween Party 2009

STUDY Halloween Party 2009

The "tree" growing in through the tub was from a huge branch that blew down onto our garage the previous summer. Dried leaves filled in the bath, string lights were roped along the branches and fabric birds were wired to the branches. The overall effect ended up being not so much scary, but more magical and made us want to live there forever. We're still sad that the tree had to come out, but bathing sort of necessitates that.

Finally, the dining room is where the mad scientist lays out a spread fit for a deranged academic. We used cheesecloth, lots of inexpensive brass candle holders spray painted black and black tapers to bring the whole look together.

STUDY Halloween Party 2009

STUDY Halloween Party 2009

Halloween 2009

There was a lot of prep time involved in bringing this party to life, but it was also a ton of fun every step of the way. Most of all, we whole-heartedly advocate throwing your own mad scientist-themed shindig in the near future.

Countdown to Halloween: Costume Inspiration

With just 4 more days to Halloween, it's time to talk costumes! Here we are last year. (We were dead Victorians)

Stef3 StefandLuke4 StefandLuke6
This years costume isn't turning out quite so well. I had an Etsy seller make up my concept and got burned - its so not what i ordered! I'm not happy at all. (I ordered last years costume from etsy as well and it worked out great.) I'm trying to salvage it but its a bit frustrating. Oh well, they can't all be winners.

Speaking of winners, I've found the following amazing costumes on Flickr and just had to share. I'm always impressed by creative costumes. Aren't these fabulous?

Fab DIY Halloween Costumes

1. tiger cub, 2. Halloween in My Closet Part 2... Can-Can Girl, 3. photobooth_018, 4. No Justice., 5. My Costume :D, 6. Peacock, enjoying herself (3), 7. The Son of Man, 8. Inspiration: BEST HALLOWEEN COSTUME, 9. zombie marching band, 10. The Shining Twins, 11. Best Halloween Costume EVER!, 12. Best Halloween costume: Bob Ross

I know some of you are Halloween nuts just like me. I'd love to see some of your costumes from years past right here. Come on, don't be shy - add a link to your photo or blog post about it below!

Halloween Decor: Step right up!

If you read the previous post on our Halloween invitations, you already know the concept. Every year I like to have a little backstory that inspires the look. (i.e. spider infestation, dead bodies trying to crawl into the house) This year its a Haunted Victorian Side Show/Circus. So without too much babbling, here is how it turned out.

HalloweenDecor10 HalloweenDecor3HalloweenDecor7

If Im being honest, Im not really loving it. Its too chaotic to me. A real shame because this years decor was, by far, the most time consuming. I think its because the color scheme isn't as unified as I normally like. The nature of a carnival look is a bit chaotic anyway so its not that I hate it, it just doesn't polish. But it is what it is and its up so there you go. I hope the kids like it :)

Im going to try to carry the theme a tiny bit into the food for the party as well. Working on that this week so wish me luck!

Some fun facts about this years decor: The concept of "Carnevil" was suggested by my brothers girlfriend. My brother wrote the news article that is hanging on the fence. I made all of the signage (with a lot of inspiration and imagery pieced together from what I could find on the web). I didn't want to shell out for printing large posters so I printed everything on letter sized paper and glued it together on sheets of plywood. The clothing for the "ticket seller" came from a thrift store in Staten Island. The fabric "banner" that is hanging from the top floor is painted drop clothes. Any other questions - just ask!

More Nate + New Blog Design

Check it out, Im touching Nate Berkus.*


You are probably wondering how we managed to mysteriously summon a photo with Mr. B himself after I specifically mentioned not getting one at the taping. Well, turns out there was some kind of technical problem with our original taping so they brought us back to do it again. (Im sure it would have a been a lot easier for them to just edit us right out and forget us - so I'm very grateful they were sweet enough to have us back instead.) I was just as nervous and excited this time around even though we just doing the exact same thing again. The entire Nate Show team are soooo incredibly nice and made us feel as if we are important celebrities. (Even though that we know that they know we are just regular people they found blabbing on the internet.) And yes - I wore the same dress - I couldn't deal with thinking up another outfit at the last minute without medication.

If you happened to catch us mentioned in the promos last week, I'm here to set the record straight that we won't be on today's show (But you should still watch and/or tivo it because Sherry and John of Young House Love are on in a major way!) The exact airing date is still unknown to me so I'll get back to you on that.

You may also notice that it looks a little bit different round here. Yes, thats right - finally managed to get a new design up. I did the design mock up 7 months ago and figured it wouldn't be that hard to get someone to do the code. WRONG! I would have never guessed that it would have taken forevah. (If you are wondering - patience is not one of my virtues.) Waiting is like mini torture sessions for me. But it'sall worth it now. So much more organized. Its still a work in progress but I'm really happy with how it looks now. Huge thanks to Penny Lane Designs for making it happen.

Stay tuned - tomorrow I'll be sharing the Halloween decorations.

*No, not that way you pervs!

Steal this Idea*:

Yes, its Friday - so I owe you another Steal this Idea* feature. But its just been a crazy week and I haven't had a chance to properly comb the web for an impressive tutorial. (The dog ate my homework!) So instead I'm going to do some shameless self promotion and remind you of the tutorials I've shared right here over the years.

One of the most popular is this kitty cat bed. And yes, he still uses it.
Cat Bed Step O Finished2

One of the easiest (and cheapest) is old dictionary art.

Another easy and cheap art project are this passport stamp set.

Further proof that we are crazy cat people pretending to be normal is this family portrait pillow.

I've done a few others but I think I'll stop droning on here. Looking at some of these, it reminds me I want to do another tutorial in the near future - now if I can just narrow down what I want to show you. (So many ideas, so little time!)

*When I say steal, I really mean borrow nicely and give proper credit!
**If you have an idea/tutorial you would like me to consider for a feature, email me. I'd love to see!

Some Perspective.

In case you were under the impression that I ONLY thought about Halloween all October, I wanted to share this photograph taken during our trip to Venice a little over a week ago.


We had an amazing time and this photo certainly captures a lot - the beautiful weather, the cliched gondolas, the flooded streets, the gorgeous architecture, the striking colors, the wearing effect all of the elements have on the city, etc..

And guess who snapped this photo? Mr. Limestone! Pretty good, huh? (I can't get him to guest post no matter how much I beg so this is as close you'll get to seeing something through his eyes.)

A proper recap of our trip is in the works - stay tuned for that. Hungry for a virtual trip? Stop by any of my previous travel posts.

Fab Halloween Freebies

Last year I offered up a free Halloween Toe Tag invitation download. I want to make a fun freebie download for this years celebrations but haven't had any genius ideas yet. (If you have any requests, let me know)

My lack of imagination notwithstanding, there are quite a few fabulous freebies all over the web that deserve a mention.

Case in point, Blush Printables made up simple yet spooky cupcake flags thats free for the taking. Download them here.

And then there is this easy but haunting eyeball cutout idea courtesy of the Graphics Fairy that I absolutely love! Download it here.

And I can't forget the queen of Halloween, Martha Stewart. You can download these simple candy jar labels that helped make this fab display. Download them here.

Have you shared some Halloween downloads I missed (or used any of these in your entertaining)? I'd love to see them.

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