Ciao Venice!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wrapping up our trip to Venice (read part 1 here), we spent most of our time just walking around and soaking the city in.

Only an Italian could pull off the ridiculous look of a gondolier uniform and still look suave.


This is one of my favorite shots from the whole trip. Its not right technically but there is something about it that I find worth looking at.

Also fascinated by the strung laundry everywhere. Italians don't like electronic dryers. Makes for interesting scenes when you look straight up.


Without even meaning to I seem to have left Venice with more than a few images of the local furry residents.

PigeoninFlight KittyoutthewindowCatonLedgePoshItalianDogDogSellingTshirts

No trip is ever complete without going to a food market or two. Even though we can't really buy any of this stuff, we like experiencing a little bit of local life.


We spent most of our time away from St. Marks but we couldn't resist a quick visit to the Cathedral.


No matter where I looked, there was always something interesting to see or something beautiful to appreciate.

StatueformerRedLightDistrictReflectedintheWater Masks
TrafficJamHaloStatueCichettiTour2UmbrellaDragon StefSip
After a few days of that, it was time to fly. We hope we'll make it back again one day.


Want one of my photos for your own?


  1. Great photos. I think the first one is my fav too.

  2. Love your photos and love Venice! Just wanted to drop a note and let you know how much I love your blog! I love all the projects you do and it's given me lots of inspiration for my own house -- I've bookmarked more pages than I can count for ideas. Keep up the good work!

  3. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I love Venice! You have me itching to get back to Italy (sigh)!

  4. I think the first image is really special, I'm curious, what isn't technically right about it. I could learn something. If I took that photo I would be thinking I had done something pretty special!

  5. I love the little dog laying on the ground. Your photos have reminded me how much I really want to visit Venice.

    Giveaway on my blog today!

  6. After coming home from Nepal I decided I want to start line-drying our clothes - but this post confirms that it's chic too! (Because everything in Venice has to be chic, no?)

  7. venice is the most magical city. i spent a few days there with my family and since my train left later on the last day i had hours and hours to explore by myself. it was one of the best days of my life. i wouldn't trade if for anything.

  8. That puppy's too adorable. I also line dry most of the time in our basement. I feel guilty running the dryer.

  9. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Great pics, I really LOVE the first one................that fish face one under the octopus is creeping me out though! :O

  10. Love the photos and bravo for saying that one photo was good even if it wasn't technically right because really to the average blogger (me) who has never been to such places all we see is beauty in your photos. I think sometimes we get so caught up in getting the right shot that we miss a lot of great shots. hugs from conroe, tx!

  11. I love that first shot also. I really enjoy the marketplace photos also. Thanks for sharing!!!

  12. Love your pictures of Venice. I was in Venice this very same time of year in 2006. WONDERFUL time to travel! You have some beautiful candid shots...I don't even know what a technically bad photo is. LOl!!

  13. I love the picture of the gondolas! Great perspective!

  14. Anonymous10:36 PM

    I was just wondering why you can't eat most of the food? Are you a vego?

    By the way, love the site. I have become addicted to your home after stumbling across you page a few months ago.

  15. Anonymous11:24 PM

    love your site and your pictures. You are one of my daily stops.

    Venice is one of my favorite cities in Europe- especially in low season you have it all to yourself along with the locals.

    Like most cities...its not they don't like electric dryers but rather the small space in the homes lend themselves to smaller centrifugal washing machines and you line dry everything. Its a luxury (and a more modern thought out space) to have both. I've lugged my laundry to my uncles newer flat which had one when I lived in EU


  16. Hi,
    I live near Venice... the gondolier uniform have and old old history. They seem funny but there's a reason fot that.


  17. I am putting Venice on my list of places to visit. My grandmother visited in the 80's and said the canal smelled awful. Sadly the comment has stayed with me this whole time. However your pics makes me want to go Pronto!
    Very blogstalker of me but is your ring a Lucida? I have one and haven't worn it due to the setting scratching my little one's face. The pic made my heart flutter, I think I'm going to break it out of the safe tonight.

  18. were you just on Nate Berkus?

  19. They are beautiful photos as always. What do you edit them with?

  20. I just wanted to thank you for sharing your photos of Venice. It is one my favorite cities and reminds me of the top my husband and I spent there 9 years ago.

  21. Wow, love the photos! I've never been to Venice but I love Italy in general so I'm sure I would enjoy visiting Venice as well.

    Do you like European design as well? Thought you might like the Danish company Ramsign and their enamel signs that can be found at

    Have a nice Sunday :)

  22. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Gorgeous photos...completely in need of a romantic getaway to Venice!

  23. Cassie {Hi Sugarplum}5:58 PM

    GORGEOUS photos, S! We're doing Venice/Florence/Cinque Terre next april...can not wait...and your pics just add to the excitement! Any hotel gems for Venice?

  24. Ann Ever Ainsworth5:59 PM

    I'm a longtime reader and just remembered your posts on Venice. My husband and I are taking an anniversary trip there over New Years. Do you remember any restaurant names that you just loved?

  25. Sorry I dont recall any of the names but we had a lot of great food there. I researched ahead of time in the usual places and got a list together before we went. There are a lot of tourist traps there too so its worth planning ahead.

  26. I'm back one more time, making sure I don't miss anything on our trip! I can't wait!


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