Favorite Nook: Hodge Podge

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Another day, another favorite nook. Today's space comes from lovely Barbara of Hodge:Podge which is loaded with great and approachable projects you do yourself. What is not to love about that?

If you aren't already a fan of her blog, you might remember her from this steal this idea feature a few weeks ago).



I am so flattered that Mrs. Limestone came a tweeting asking me to share my favourite nook. I have a few favourite spots, some outside on my walk with the dog but my favourite in the house is our bedroom. We have moved many times, but every time I try to create a space for just for my husband and I. There is a little bit of me and a little bit of my husband in our room. He thinks knows feng shui so he has his ideas on how and what should be in a room. So it takes some compromise.

Since we are renting and still hunting for our perfect home, I can't change carpets, etc but the room has good bones, an arched window with plantation shutters and crown moulding. This is what the room looked like when we moved in:

This is what is looks now:

Come on in, I'll show you around...

I have tweaked things along the way. The furniture is all from Ikea, the bed was an As-Is find about 7 years ago for $110. The rest my husband went out and bought after he was frustrated waiting for me to choose furniture! I do regret the "matchy-matchy" look and hope to change it one day. The walls are painted a soothing blue-green by Benjamin Moore called Gray Whisp. My husband was a bit skeptical of the colour since we live on the west coast of Canada where it can rain, a lot. But the colour is so refreshing and calming, perfect for our oasis away form the hustle and bustle of parenthood and life. My latest purchase for this room is the white organic cotton pin-tuck duvet cover from West Elm. We don't have a West Elm here in Vancouver and they don't ship to Canada, so I had to order online, have it shipped to my US mailbox, drive across the border, and ended up paying taxes because of a grumpy border guard but now it sits on my bed, making me happy every time I crawl under the covers. I love the crumply, smooched in, lived-in look of the duvet cover. It is one of my favourite items in this room. A few weeks ago I was sick in bed all day, the snow was falling and my kids brought me breakfast in bed. It was pure heaven laying under such a wonderful duvet.

Another favourite in our room are the photos on our walls. The black and white photos on the wall by our bed were taken by my college friend. They are our engagement photos and wedding photos. They remind me of how far we have come from our college days{almost 20 years and 3 kids later!}

The others photos are family photos and my favourite from our wedding. Propped on the wall is a chart of the Napoleonic War by Charles Joseph Minard I bought for my husband. Behind is a framed poster he bought of one the first Tour de France races, as a die-hard cyclist who competes himself, it is his added touch to our room. Well, sometimes his racing bike resides in our room as well! Better that than his stinky hockey gear :)

Hope you enjoyed the tour of my favourite nook.

Y a w n.....I'm suddenly feeling a bit sleepy.

XO Barbara


  1. christine {bijouandboheme}9:22 AM

    Love Barbara and her room is just so lovely. The duvet does look so dreamy and I adore all of her black and white family photos!

  2. Thanks Mrs. Limestone for having me here today!

  3. Colleen10:41 AM

    Awesome room!...A great look...love the art work the family pictures and the chart ..very cool! The pillow is great looking & I am really liking the wall colour!
    Can't believe you got the bed for that $ ..awesome!

  4. Great bedroom! I love Barbara's blog, and really enjoyed these close up pics!

  5. Barbara, you've done a superb job! That window is fantastic! So is the duvet which I have in "natural." My husband and I are also at odds about matchy matchy furniture. What is it with men and symmetry?

  6. Beatricebecado11:13 AM

    I love the room. It looks great and very relaxing. The bird pillow is very pretty.

  7. Carol@TheDesignPages11:20 AM

    Thanks for the tour of Barb's spot. What a great relaxing area for you and the hubby.

  8. Ms_Bright12:36 PM

    great use of that natural light! it works beautifully with that wall color and the white linens!!

  9. www.sheilazellerinteriors.com12:58 PM

    Loved the tour, and it was very heartening to learn that as a renter you haven't let it bog you down - we are also in our 'before dream home' home so I can relate! Gray Whisp is one of my favorites, and I actually think it plays beautifully with our West Coast weather - I love how it changes - it dances in the sunlight and still feels happy when it rains! Your room is a lovely oasis :-)

  10. mysocalledhome1:24 PM

    Love that bed! And the mirror above it is just like the one I have above my entry table. Thanks for sharing!


  11. Britt3:04 PM

    Love it. I love all of Barbara's designs. We have the same mirror above my daughter's crib except I paint it turquoise :)

  12. Barbara is one of the sweetest bloggers I've met since I started blogging and it's wonderful to see her special nook. Great space - it looks very cosy and I love the wall colour.

  13. Korina Petersen11:33 PM

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  14. Well thanks for all those lovely comments, my heart feels full:) You are right Sheila, that wall colour does "shine" when it rains!

  15. modern_jane12:55 AM

    Just beautiful! I love barbara's blog!

  16. I adore Barbara and her blog and feel lucky to call her a friend! Her room looks so restful and pretty, so fun to see more of her home here :)
    Nancy xo

  17. Love that wall color, and the pics, and that beautiful bird pillow!!

  18. I am so behind on my nook series.
    But I came just in time to see Barbara's, with whom I am a huge fan of.
    The colors are so amazing.

    Rashon aka Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  19. Beatricebecado7:12 PM

    I love the room. It looks great and very relaxing. The bird pillow is very pretty.


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