Happy Long Weekend!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Whatever you are doing (or wearing) this weekend, I hope you have half as much fun as this guy.


Feel free to add your own caption.


  1. Oh my goodness - but he is pretty adorable, and obviously happy! :-)

  2. liz @ bon temps beignet6:20 PM

    BAHahahahahah I'm just laughing at the guy right behind him.. that face is too funny.

  3. The little free starbucks sample drink just makes the whole outfit.

  4. guest8:24 PM

    Magically delicious

  5. Becca Beth5:36 AM

    Has Little Bo Peep lost her sheep again?

  6. Hils12ac2:21 PM

    They mixed my medication in this applesauce but it doesn't seem to be working.

  7. I see this guy at Riis beach all the time. He walks around like that every day, and the dog held by the man in tow is his as well. It's hard to notice in the photo, but that blue plume atop his head is actually a live parrot! 

  8. I love that man! I've seen him around the city a bunch and he always has that little dog in a stroller or shopping cart.  I guess he's moved up to having a man carry it for him! But he's happy and fabulous!

  9. I've always wondered what Santa gets up to on his days off...

  10. Honestly? Kind of disappointed with this. You always do such lovely things with holidays and that is why I checked in today. Not a "Happy Long Weekend" but Memorial Day - a serious day to be taken seriously by anyone who takes a second to think about those who have died in the service of their country and those, one of them my brother, who still put themselves in harm's way.

  11. hey, I saw this dude at Trader Joe's on 6th ave last week. He bought some yogurt. I wish I had the balls to dress so boldly everyday!

  12. This guy is funny.. he seems to have fun. maybe dressing up this weekend will help remove some of the stress for the weeks work. Lets get to it. 


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