Who loves a party?

Friday, June 03, 2011

Remember this teaser post way back in January? Well I'm so happy to *almost* be able to spill the beans on what I was doing back then. Let's just say I was honing my hostess skills. Until I can tell you all about it, how about a look back at some real parties I've thrown?

I really do love a good party! Too bad they can't happen more often :)


  1. Gotta say that your party posts and invites are some of my favorites on the blog.  LOVE re-looking at all of them and can't wait to see what you have in store.

  2. whoa, love these party posts!!!  and love your blog, of course!  sorry ive been a bad comment friend lately! :)

  3. Janell9:24 AM

    You seriously do know how to throw a party, they all look like great fun with all the thought put into the details! Janell

  4. You always throw the most amazing parties with every last detail thought of.  Can't wait to see what you've been cooking up.

  5. Adore having you for a hostess!! beautiful details, Party Girl!

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    Art by Karena

  6. Jessica Holland10:33 AM

    You are quitting your job to become an event planner aren't you?!

  7. Ms_Bright12:43 PM

    Honestly, if I ever got one of your amazing invites in my mailbox, I believe I'd shed tears of joy. You definitely are the hostess with the mostest!!

  8. MrsLimestone1:33 PM

    Oh no, nothing earth shattering like that. I would love to but I couldn't deal with other people's demands as a party planner. I'm control freak :)

  9. Amazing!  And I love that wedding photo.  Some of my favorite wedding shots are when couples get them taken in the busy city.  :)

  10. carmel11:00 PM

    You've got mad party skillz!

  11. I love the Rococo picture frame!

  12. Melodie Poitras11:58 PM

    What great inspiration! I can't wait to throw a party. I' love lemons and flowers, always a fresh look :)

  13. Great party invites and some lovely decorations. Love the lime green frame for the baby shower and your halloween stuff is uber cool.


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