Love is Brewing Invitation

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

A dear friend of mine is getting married later this year and I couldn't be more excited for her and her husband. Her mother is throwing the bride to be a coffee themed bridal shower and asked me to do the stationery. Not being one for a hard core theme, I had a hard time coming up with an invitation with a twist that wasn't too cutesy. Long story short, I finally settled on an idea I loved - mini burlap coffee bags with the invitation tucked inside.


They were a lot of work but I hope my friend and her guests get a kick out of the concept.


They look simple but they took forever (mostly because I had to make 100 of them!) And then to take to a whole new level, I sprayed the bags with a little scented coffee oil so they come out smelling like a starbucks. First time I've worked in the sense of smell into an invite!


I've been rooming with these bad boys for quite a while. So happy to send them off to their rightful owners. Now I just have to whip up some matching escort cards and menus and I'll be home free.



  1. goagainstthegrain9:06 AM

    oh. my. god! Seriously amazing! Gah! I don't even know how to express the amazing-ness of these!

  2. D'vine Living9:07 AM

    Love the idea! Well done!

  3. These are absolutely amazing!!  What a lucky girl to have such a seriously talented friend like you!

  4. Wow, that is such a cool idea! Where in the world did you find such tiny burlap sacks?

  5. saigewisdom.blogspot.com9:35 AM

    ah-mazing! how did you add text to the mini-burlap bags?!

  6. Fantastic! Would you show us how to add the printing to the burlap bags?

  7. jillian9:39 AM

    so cute! i love these. great job. xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  8. WOW!!!! girl!  those are amazing!!  So funny over 12 years ago when I got married-we did the coffee favor too with 'A Perfect Blend" but boy it was NOTHING as awesome as these!

  9. ramblingrenovators9:55 AM

    Mmm, now you have me craving a coffee! I would love to receive one of those scented beauties in the mail. Your details, as always, are impeccable. Love the burlap, the chocolate envelopes... love everything!

  10. Love, love love....I'm married to a barista and this is just brilliant.

    So, I don't know if you would want to share your secrets, but I would just die if you would give a behind the scenes at the specifics of how you make your amazing invitations.

  11. Wow those are amazing and such a fun idea!

  12. Wow those are amazing and such a fun idea!

  13. Alandval201110:38 AM

    Blown away by your creativity...gaw, I love it! :)

  14. Design Love10:46 AM

    Totally amazing and beautiful!

  15. Ordinarymol11:16 AM

    What a fabulous idea!!! Love it!

  16. Newburgh restoration11:16 AM

    This project was awesome. I hope you show how you did the bags! 

  17. Chelly Jones11:53 AM

    Love! Your friend is going to flip when she see what you've done.

  18. I am amazed.  I wish I had a bit of your creativity!!!

  19. Weber_d12:16 PM

    what a creative invite! How absolutely lucky to have you as a friend!

  20. Very clever - I love it! :-)

  21. LOVE these!!! you are so creative!

  22. Natalie1:16 PM

    AMAZING! I absolutely love the whole concept. How did you get the writing on the burlap bags? stencil and spray paint?? So cool...

  23. MrsLimestone2:03 PM

    Yep, exactly. I'll share some photos of how I did it in another post.

  24. Wow! These are truly an act of love. Just so chic. What a talent you have for bringing a concept to life. And the scent? Genius.

  25. Hschlotterbeck2:52 PM

    You have outdone yourself - they are spectacular.  Being a huge coffee fan myself, even more of a LOVE for these invites.   Great great work - I'd be thrilled to get something as cool as this in the mail.

  26. Those are incredible!  What amazing detail- right down to the scent.  Your creativity, as always amazes me. 

  27. Wow, great idea... and that was A LOT of work, your friend is really lucky... really neat !
    The stamp in the top right corner reads "100% genIUne"... is this intentional ?

  28. MrsLimestone4:30 PM

    Gah - no! Not intentional! I'm an idiot. Nothing I can do now but hope no one notices.

  29. Wow these are so wonderful. I have some coffee sacks left over from covering my dining room chairs and I wish I had the patience to make something as gorgeous as these with them! ps love your blog.

  30. MrsLimestone4:41 PM

    Thanks Erica. Thankfully I found these bags ready made but I love coffee bag upholstery!!

  31. MrsLimestone7:23 PM

    Thanks Laura.  I found them at  There was zero chance I would have sewn these one by one :)

  32. MrsLimestone7:24 PM

    Thanks.  I wasn't sure if anyone would be interested but Ill be sharing that in a future post.

  33. MrsLimestone7:24 PM

    Will do.  Just have to scrounge up the photos.

  34. MrsLimestone7:27 PM

    I'll share how I did the bags in a future post.  As for the other parts of the invite, Im using Adobe Illustrator.  Not something I can convey in a few short tips but not that hard to master if you are willing to put the time and effort into learning.

    1. i love love love these! I'm planning a bridal shower for a girlfriend, are you selling this design anywhere?

    2. This is an amazing design. I came across this when I was searching for ideas. My daughters bridesmaids have picked the same theme.
      Is there an editable Adobe file that can be emailed or downloaded? Or Etsy or anywhere? Or maybe Images of each section to make it a little easier to recreate something similar. I am good with Adobe and other software but don't have much time.

  35. Abigail Naqvi7:33 PM

    Wow! These are adorable - what a clever idea! Love them.

  36. ap2ch.blogspot.com8:53 PM

    Love this!!

  37. I absolutely adore these! Amazing work Stefanie.

  38. Bonnie10:38 PM

    You are brilliant!  They're amazing!!  I wish I had 1/2 your creativity!!!

  39. This is so tres chic, really freak'n cool,  if I received an invite like this, I'd keep it forever.

  40. You are amazing.  Absolutely, 100 percent amazing.  Those are beyond fantastic.  I'm almost speechless!  The bride is lucky to have a dear friend such as you!  

  41. Those are amazing!! If I ever got an invitation like that I would be floored!

  42. Beyond fabulous!

  43. Holy Moly!!!  You just ooze creativity, they are SO fun!!!

  44. Goodkarma4:35 PM

    These are absolutely 'em!

  45. Looking forward to your post on the printing process (on the burlap bags).  Would love to know what essential oil you used to create the spray for the coffee scent - will you add that to the post too?

  46. daisyandjack2:03 AM

    the invites are so cool - you are full of such great ideas - wish you lived in Australia !

  47. MrsLimestone9:42 AM

    Will be posting about the bags next week. The oil was something I found on eBay - I've never had a need to buy essential oils before so I can comment on the quality. I just watered it down, put it in a little spray bottle and sprayed the bags.

  48. OMG   ditto to everything everyone said about the invitations
    they are awesome!

  49. LOVE!!! Those are amazing!!!!

  50. nancy rebelo10:28 PM

    Could this be any cuter? 
    Nancy (

  51. These are gorgeous! Great job! :)

  52. Bercton9:16 PM

    Very interesting!

  53. Kim Partyfrosting9:31 AM

    I heart there! I love a coffee theme too and total genius on the coffee spray!

    hugs! Kim @ Party

  54. Sandy Yates3:50 PM

    These are simply amazing!  Do you use a local printer?  You ROCK!

  55. Kam80712:06 AM

    what a great idea.  I'm stealing some of the idea to use as shower gifts to fill with coffee for a brunch shower.

  56. Great Work! Did you use a specific brush font/ effect to make the stamp looking circle, rectangles and text in illustrator? This looks so great!

  57. MrsLimestone3:27 PM

    Hmm..not sure what you mean. No special effect really - just did the layout in Illustrator as usual.

  58. Lilkim54011:24 AM

    Where can I buy them??

  59. This is a great idea. I"m making these for my sisters bridal shower but Im having a hard time guessing the sizes of the bags, stationary and envelopes. Can you please help me? Thanks

  60. Psyfrye28:33 PM

    I have the same questions...

  61. These are amazing! You are so creative!! What an inspiration.

  62. Lauren Pasternack9:03 PM

    i love the "love is brewing" coffee theme and kind of want to steal it for my best friend.  can you tell me where you ordered the burlap bags from?

  63. melissa7:10 PM

    did you ever say how you got the words printed on the bags? and where exactly did you find the bags on can't find them! i LOVE this idea!!!

  64. I shared how I stenciled the bags here: _ ( Papermart are still selling the bags. If you do a search on their site, you'll find them.

  65. Perryj510:36 PM

    I love this invitation!  This is exactly the kind of shower I am organizing for my sister in August.  Would you be willing to sell a set of 60 invitations?  Please let me know!  Thank you!

  66. Glad you like them. Email me directly if you are interested in having a set made for yourself.

  67. Suzannebrasil863:20 PM

    Im trying to make these invitations for my sisters bridal shower but im having a hard time with the invitation part. did you have someone design it and where did u find the acordian style paper?

  68. I designed it and had it printed.

  69. This is a really brilliant concept! We are thinking of asking you to work on our wedding invites using this very same concept! Can we talk about via email at this stage? :) 

  70. Hi Kate - I don't think Ive received an email from you. Did I miss it?

    1. Can you email me with a price quote for 30 invites? I'm in love with these and we are doing a brunch rehearsal! My email is

  71. Suzanne Salgado9:06 PM

    Where can I get this for my wedding??? They're perfect for my theme!

  72. I'd love to have this invite on my wedding. I've sent an email with some requests. Here's hoping to received it. Thanks.


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