Autumn Snapshots

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I don't usually share much of my 'normal' day to day life here because really, who could possibly care? But once a season I can share a few random but interesting tidbits of living in NYC thanks to the camera phone. Yea autumn!

Taste testBest name for a swingers club. Really.Creepy5 bucks a pound
top row: lemon ice king of corona; the world's best name for a swingers club
bottom row: cemetery in queens; $5 a pound for toads in bklyn's chinatown

In case you missed it, here was Spring and Summer.


  1. Beautiful!  I've been to NYC a few times before and it was fun.  Crowded, but fun.  I love cemeteries as well.

  2. Infinitelifefitness4:13 PM

    gr8 images!! i love brooklyn


  3. Bet I can't buy a bucket of toads for $5 in Iowa...or at all for that matter.  Interesting.

  4.  You are such a talent Mrs. Limestone!

  5. MrsLimestone8:20 PM

    Ha. I had no idea I could buy them at all until I walked into that fish market. And in fairness it wasn't 5 bucks for the bucket but 5 bucks a pound. I'd bet each one of those were at least a pound or two! ;)

  6. Loisaidanest6:33 AM

    love the NYC shots!

  7. Eva Patterson8:10 AM

    Nice snapshots.  really a hard work.

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  8. Lavenderandlilies1:46 PM

    I love your NYC tidbits. Great pics. Hope you are doing well.

  9. Jenny Brennan4:25 PM

    I grew up in Corona many moons ago.  I miss the Lemon Ice King!!!

  10. MrsLimestone4:35 PM

    Would you believe I've lived in NYC my whole life and had never had one of them before? Soooo good. It won't be my last :)

  11. Melbell8:06 PM

    King of Corona ices!! Totally bringing back memories from my childhood.  Loved going there. 

  12. OK this is a really stupid question, so I have to preface by saying I don't go to Brooklyn very often. I do go 3x a year to the Brooklyn Flea or to a friends house (THIS IS A not so subtle HINT)...But where is Brooklyn Chinatown?

  13. MrsLimestone3:22 PM

    Brooklyn is a big place so if you dont come often or you stick to a a few spots, you could easily miss it. Hell, I didn't realize how serious it was until I went there one Saturday - its crazy how much its grown.

    Anywho - its in Sunset Park - 8th Avenue - anywhere between 45 and 65th if I remember.

  14. Seriously??? I used to live in Sunset Park in the 90's. Apparently I didn't get out enough. Then again, this is what happens when one is too lazy to cross a bridge. 


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