Easy Back of Door Gift Wrap Organizer

Monday, November 21, 2011

Pretty packages are one of the best things about the holidays but I tend to have an issue with giftwrap. Either I can't find the roll I want or its crushed beneath something in the closet. Ive been meaning to make or buy a gift wrap organizer for a while but nothing suited me.


Lucky for me, the organizing stars aligned this weekend while I was browsing in Ikea. I found a few kitchen accessories and wondered if that might do the trick. Turned out to be just perfect for what I wanted. For $20, I'm hoping I never waste another roll of beautiful paper again. The best part? It was super easy to install.


I simply screwed the bars onto the inside of a closest door, hung the baskets and used the curtain clips to hang the gift wrap. The most difficult part was finding screws (Ikea didn't include them with the bars! ARGH!)

Such a small and easy project but I love how it turned out. And look - I even have room for a few more rolls. Hmmm.

details: I used 3 of the BYGEL rails, one FINTORP bucket, 2 BYGEL wire baskets, BYGEL hooks and a package of these DIGNITET curtain hooks.


  1. Brook9:08 AM

    Brilliant! Love this idea. Thanks for sharing.

  2. This is pretty brilliant. I don't even have wrapping paper to store, but I could see using this for a million things. Right now I have a hanging shoe rack on the back of my front closet door holding cleaning supplies, random things, and shoes (of course). I'd love something like this, but we can't drill holes into the doors of our apartment. Lame, right?

    But I'll keep this in mind for our first home! Thanks for sharing your cleverness!

    ~Stop Me if You've Heard This One

    1. You could always use one of those over the door hangers for towels with the clips. This way no holes in the door and you can take it with you when you leave!

  3. Love this idea!!  Anything to save space and organize-- esp this time of year.  Thanks!

  4. Thalie F9:24 AM

    Great idea! I know what I'll do next weekend.

  5. Lia Verheijen9:31 AM

    What a marvellous idea, I have the same problem. Try it too, thx! Lia

  6. Janell Beals9:37 AM

    Now this is brilliant, who doesn't at least have space on the inside of a door to add some organization?! And, it looks so pretty here, no more smashed rolls. Janell

  7. This is GREAT!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  8. carmel9:46 AM

    How perfect!  Love the hanging rolls of paper.  

  9. Love this idea!  Such a great way to store & display your gift wrap supplies.  I like how it's easy to spot what gift wrap items you need at a glance.  Like if you have a little girl's birthday, and all you have are Iron Man and wedding wrap.  Thanks for sharing.

  10. jane davila9:51 AM

    This is freaking brilliant! I actually already have one of those rods attached to the back of the door in my studio to hold pretty tissue paper so now I just need two more rods. Thank you for sharing this awesomeness!!

  11. Fantastic use of otherwise dead space! You have so many great ideas floating around in that head of yours. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Kate {Domestikatedlife}10:01 AM

    This is such a good idea! I store mine in an empty vase right now in my closet.

  13. What a great idea!

  14. Annabelvita11:15 AM

    Do the clips damage the paper at all? looks great and I love the idea!

  15. Genius!  This is so handy and organized; love it.

  16. Great idea!

    My mother gave me a couple of bars like this. Now I'm thinking they would be great to store fabrics on in a similar fashion.

  17. MrsLimestone11:21 AM

    They dent it a bit but it's at the very end that gets folded over so not an issue.

  18. Was the door a hollow core or solid? If hollow what did you use to to keep the screws in?

  19. Lindsay H11:54 AM

    I love it! Nice find! Might have to just copy that little idear!

  20. Pat Taveras12:21 PM

    gotta love Ikea, this is fabulous

  21. Janette@The2Seasons12:27 PM

    Thanks for doing all of the thinking on this.  I have the perfect closet door in my craft room.  Now all I need to do is go to IKEA.

  22. Brilliant as usual!

  23. i love this idea,

  24. So very clever- thanks for sharing this- I plan on doing this- pinning this right now.
    Happy day

  25. Krista Chambers1:41 PM

    Amazing!!....because I am that girl with smashed rolls of wrapping paper!

  26. Great Idea! I will be sharing this on my blog. I love organizing tips. Thanks

  27. Genius! I love it!

  28. MrsLimestone2:52 PM

    The door is hollow but was sturdy enough on the flat bits of the door to hold the screws very well. I was worried that would be an issue so I was prepared to glue it or use anchors but it wasn't necessary.

  29. Love it.  I've got the same doors and have been wanting to get the wrapping paper out from under the bed.  (I swear it multiplies under there with the dust bunnies.)  Any chance that the rods separate so you can slip some ribbon rolls on them?  If not I might use cafe curtain rods for mine.  Great job!  Happy Monday!

    1. I have done the same thing with regular cheap curtain rods. Works well. Also use them for hanging scarves.

  30. Fantastic idea! I've long wanted something like this, and this is a great setup. Thanks for sharing.

  31. wendy @HerBallistic Garden7:57 PM

    I love your brain!  Awesome!

  32. Kristincita9:13 PM

    It looks to me like you could hang gift bags from your extra hooks!

  33. Nicole Z.7:38 AM

    LOVE this idea!

  34. I love this! I'm always looking for a better system for my wrapping paper.  And it was cheap!

  35. Claudia11:39 AM

     I am going to do this to organize my kids craft tools- .  Love it!

  36. That's a great idea and so space efficient!!

  37. Lisa_winger5:04 PM

    Amazing idea!  Love it and pinned it.

  38. Thanks for this idea! I saw it this AM and have already stolen it. I used a thin curtain rod affixed to my office wall to hang the wrapping paper that was previously housed in (jammed into) an old wastebasket. Problem solved! Yay! Thanks for sharing it.  

  39. Kristina10:30 AM


  40. LOVE this! I cant wait to have an office of my own (and my own home actually) and I am totally saving this idea!! I struggle to keep all my wrapping paper pretty and neat and I think this would be just the storage for me.

  41. Wrenaria4:19 PM

    Absolutely brilliant, and totally pinned.

  42. This is so brilliant, I can hardly stand it.  Wow!  Absolutely genius, Stefanie.  

  43. Courtneyswilliams6:57 PM

    I'm assuming your doors are hollow.  Did you have to anchor the screws in any way?

  44. Courtneyswilliams6:58 PM

    Actually, noticing the hinges look older...so yours may be solid wood.  I have a newer home with hollow doors...not sure I could drive screws straight in.  I'll have to look into that...

  45. This is so great! What a fabulous idea! Now I'm really hating my bi-fold doors! ;)

  46. MrsLimestone9:02 AM

    No, the doors are definitely new. These are the only new doors in our entire house because we created a closet where there wasn't one. I think there are levels of hollow doors but these have a bit of solid wood around the panel area. Its not completely solid because they are much lighter than a solid door. But they aren't completely hollow either.

  47. MrsLimestone9:03 AM

    I didn't have to anchor them because the flat areas had something in there that grabbed the screw well. But you could also use glue or velcro to attach it to a door.

  48. This is FABulous. I'm itching to head to IKEA right this very minute to get the stuff to do it, but it's gonna have to wait a while. Thanks for the idea!

  49. Kelly_Houlihan6:36 AM

    How do you have the tissue stored? Do you have a picture?

  50. Sheri1:26 PM

    Thank you for sharing this!  I have my shopping list all printed out, I can't wait to duplicate it.  I'm always looking for wrapping paper and finding smooshed rolls.

  51. Katieg12:24 AM

    you could you an over the door storage unit that many people use in their pantry. no holes needed and it can be found at walmart or home depot!

  52. I've been looking for an easy way to create a behind the door wrapping station after I saw it over on Young House Love. Yours seems way easier! Thanks for sharing!

  53. Genius I love it. Why is it when I'm at Ikea my brain turns to moosh and I can't think as to what I'd use that for or what it is I even came for!?!?! :) I've got to copy this...too good, especially since I just wrapped gifts and almost died while scaling the garage piles to get to my wrap. Not kidding! LOl.

  54. Karissa Oliver5:01 PM

    That is genius.

  55. Kistel Ayvas9:47 PM

    This is awesome!!  I will be heading to Ikea this week to get all my "supplies".  Thank you for the inspiration, I'm your newest follower :)

  56. Kacey Elias10:46 PM

    This is brilliant! I've been planning on doing something like this, but none of my inspiration projects were as simple, pretty and polished as yours! I'm definitely doing this. Thanks for sharing the details!

  57. DeShonda Wortham11:50 AM

    Awesome idea and TFS. What length rods did you use, I see the link provides two different types. THX

  58. Jeffaniekc3:00 PM

    Is this a solid wood door or a more typical hollow one? Just curious if it will be secure in a hollow door.

  59. MrsLimestone3:06 PM

    See above in the comments. It's not a completely solid door but it has something to hang on to where the panels come together. So it worked very well for this. If you had a completely hollow door, I'd suggest glue

  60. What pieces did you buy?  I do not have an IKEA nearby and was looking online for the pieces, but had trouble finding them.  Could you help?

  61. MrsLimestone1:15 PM

    The item names and links are in the post. What other info are you looking for?

  62. Sylvia11:44 AM

    How wonderful! Can you come and put one up for me? I just know I will hang it crooked! lol

  63. This is amazing!  I have been wanting to make a gift wrap organizer for so long, and like you said, nothing really suited me.  THIS seems to be just what my brain was trying to think up and picture...thanks for the inspiration.  Love finding multiple uses for IKEA goodies.  Yay!


  64. Wow! I Love this so much! I live in an apartment and this is so brilliant that I know my landlord  wouldn't even mind that I'm putting holes in the door! Might even have to put this behind two doors. :)

  65. Sheilarumbold10:03 AM


  66. I was just looking for a way to keep my wrapping organized.  I am even going to put a bar in my building in my Christmas corner to keep my Christmas paper in order.  No more bent edges and large rolls of paper rolling around.  Thanks so much for the idea

  67. Awesome! I totally just bought one of those racks (an impulse buy) and I haven't thought of where or what to do with it, and I've been looking for a place to store my wrapping paper. Thank you for this idea!!

  68. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Thank you! Sometimes it's these small ideas that make the greatest difference. I just followed your instructions and did this in my closet. It works perfectly. Mine is on the inside wall of a walk-in instead of a door. It has cleared out three whole shelves for me and I'm grateful for the extra space. Love your blog.

  69. Tami Polak10:22 AM

    Love this!!!!

  70. nicole j. wroblewski11:20 PM

    I have the Ikea bars, s-hooks, and baskets, but i had never thought to use curtain clips like that. My gift wrap is always banging around and falling out of my closet. Love this idea.

  71. Even though the screws are not packaged with these items, I believe they are available at IKEA. Just a tip so that when you purchase these things there, ask the salesperson if they have the hardware. Sometimes they are in a different area of the store as well so be sure to ask.

  72. Renee2:53 PM

    Love this idea and I am going to do it at my house .

  73. Lfoster1706:28 PM

    That is Perfect !!! I have been trying to come up with something that's works for me 
      your idea is it Thank You

  74. nannita10:47 PM

    To keep the clips from damaging the paper, take a empty paper towel roll and cut it straight down the side from one end to the other and slide around the roll of paper.  It will keep the paper from unrolling and protect it from the clip.

  75. The paper doesn't unroll at all in the clip. Good point on preventing a little mark on the paper. Its barely noticeable so it doesn't bother me but if you had really fancy paper, its a good idea to save it from the damage.

  76. Deborah Johnston12:44 PM

    I love this!! I could use this on the back of my craft room door.  I have all the other necessities to wrap with there, so could move the wrapping paper bar up, and have room for another at the door knob level....two rows of wrapping paper!

  77. Melissa Davis12:18 AM

    Love it!!! I also love your wall color...what color is that?!

  78. Found you on Pinterest.  I love several of your ideas and designs!  With regards to the wrapping - I love it..but what about gift bags?!?!?

  79. I don't usually use gift bags but you could easily add a hook at the bottom to hang them from.

  80. Love it! What a brilliant idea!

  81. Rachel Thomas3:52 PM

    I LOVE this idea sooo much - just wrote about it on my own blog (giving a shout out to you, of course): http://teachermomcrazylady.blogspot.com/2012/04/life-is-crazy.html

    I really cannot wait to try it.

  82. What a great idea!


  83. Patti6:29 PM

    This is just perfect - will have to remember this on my next trip to Ikea

  84. Where did you get the clips from? Did they come from Ikea?

  85. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Ikea has all size washers and screws to go with their products but many times they are in bins near customer service and you pick out what you need - no extra charge.you just have to remember to get them before you leave the store.

  86. Love this idea! Quick question, is the door you used a hollow core door, and if so, did you use any anchors to support the weight? Thanks

  87. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Excellent pictures, explanation & choice of words. You should be a teacher!! Detaild enough to fill in the questions I had right when I had them.
    Thank you sooooo much! Jerri

  88. Lhuak610:42 AM

    This should help out a lot of people with this idea for wrapping paper that usually gets wrinkled, bent, torn and who knows what else in a box*

  89. Karen7:38 PM

    My only question is that when you used the wallpaper, did you find that it crushed the section where it was hung by the curtain clips?  I also didn't know if the rolls held well.  Thanks!

  90. I'm not sure what wallpaper you are referring to but the clips hold the gift wrap rolls very well (never had one fall since I've installed this!). It does make a tiny kink at the edge which doesnt bother me since it's minor (and much less damage than happens when I leave the rolls in a pile in the closet) but you could protect the paper with a limitless cardboard between the clip and paper if you like.

  91. Theatre_girl_065:33 PM

    You can hang these bars using some of the 3M removable velcro squares that are sold at Walmart, Target etc. My landlord didn't throw a fit when I used them in her apartment and she was a toughy (and my sister ;)) 

  92. I love those 3M things but I dont think they would work in this case because they are only supposed to hold a pound or two. With all of the paper rolls loaded on, this bar can get kinda heavy. So I would probably not use them unless you were planning on restricting what you hung.

    1. I noticed the curtain hooks you used are no longer listed on the Ikea website (do not have a Ikea :( here). Do you think the Riktig curtain hooks would work?

      Thanks, kaming22@gmail.com

    2. This is what I was wondering too! I bought the Riktig curtain hooks but they are too small to loop on to the rod :(

  93. Ailin852:43 PM

    I absolutely love this! I've been looking for ideas to store my wrapping paper and ribbons. This is great. Thanks for sharing! Guess where I'm going this weekend? Ikea ;)

  94. Pertang3:15 PM

    This is great!! Thanks!! 

  95. This is a wonderful idea but all my door are by fold  have any ideas for me. jossie38

  96. This is great! I used your instructions to do something similar - http://mrsbomb.com/322/gift-wrap-storage-part-3/

  97. DOING IT.
    Genius idea, lady!

  98. DOING IT!
    Absolutely genius idea. Great job, lady!

  99. I love the idea! is a great way of organizing! :D

  100. I did the same thing in my house in my kitchen to hold pots and pans tops! Works brilliantly!

  101. Can you do this with Hollow doors?

    1. You would need to have something for the screws to hang on to. If you have a hollow door, you might want to use some heavy duty epoxy or glue to hang the poles instead of screws. Hope that helps!

  102. I have a couple of questions: wondering the same as others - the clips that are no longer avail. any ideas of right-size solutions? Also, the rolls you have, are those clips strong enough to hold most sizes of wrapping paper rolls? Some rolls are larger than others and I wondered if the clips are strong enough for some of the larger rolls of paper?

    1. I would think you could use any solid curtain ring clips to get the job done. I've never had any issue with any size gift wrap roll provided the clamp was large enough to grasp it. So for example those giant rolls from Costco wouldn't work but I hang all sorts of standard rolls and have never had one fall. Hope that helps!


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