Lovey Dovey: Simple Valentine Ideas

Thursday, January 19, 2012

To be honest, Valentines Day isn't a big day in my household. You might think it's because Mr. L and I have been together for so long but we never did a whole lot for V day. (He does lots of sweet things for me all year long which is way better.)

That said, Im all in favor having a day dedicated to doing something sweet for your loved ones. Despite what some Valentine humbugs might say about it being created by Hallmark to sell more cards, I don't really care about the commercial agenda. Life is filled with enough gray days that an extra red letter day is always okay in my book.

So with that in mind, here are a few things I've seen floating around that I pink puffy heart.

Did you know you could send Junior Mints in the mail? I didn't either until I saw it on Givers Log. Wouldn't this be just the cutest thing to find in your mailbox come Feb 14?

For those making their own sweets for their sweeties, this free download from the sweetest occassion is awesome.

Or surprise your special someone with a heart shape in their morning coffee.

photo via Daily Cups , how to on wikihow

Ok so now its your turn. What little surprises do you have planned?


  1. The future husband and I are recently engaged, and planning a complete bathroom gut and reno for mid February so we've said we're not celebrating Valentine's day this year! Although I'll probably still make cupcakes or something - any excuse to use my Kitchen Aid stand mixer!

  2. Love the junior mints idea!

  3. I'm with you. Despite people saying it's a made up holiday, we can all use a little more cheer in our lives so why not celebrate it anyway even if it is with little tokens of affection.

  4. Junior Mints! I'd completely forgotten they exist! How could that happen? They were my choice movie snack when i was 10 instead of popcorn. :) Though now that i'm a grown-up (sort of), i do enjoy the butter with my popcorn now and then. Excellent Valentine's Day idea! Thanks for that.

  5. My husband and I got married on February 6th, so we usually celebrate our anniversary more than we do Valentine's Day (which works for me, because restaurants are less full on that day!), but I did get him a little surprise this year. We're both hot chocolate fans, so I'm expecting a package from any day now.

    I love the coffee heart idea. We have a french press ... not sure how to do that with it.

  6. I love these sweet simple ideas. My sweetheart & I always write a note or letter to each other. He writes the best notes.


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