Where does the time go? I feel like a crazy old lady typing that but its true! Somehow nearly 2 months have passed since New Years Eve trip to Marrakech, Morocco and I still haven't mentioned it. I keep waiting for a chance to write more about it but that never seems to happen so until that time comes, I'll just share a few favorite photos of the trip. What do you say?

Thats it for now but I promise I'll tell you all about it in another post. If there is anything specific you want to know, just ask.
Oh and I finally updated my
diy and
entertaining tabs. Have a look around.
my first thought when i saw that pink scarf photo was "that's you, no?" but the more i look at it..now i'm not so sure.
ReplyDeleteGorgeous....did you happen to go visit Maryam from the Marrakech blog?
ReplyDeleteYep, that's me. ;)
ReplyDeleteMorocco is on the top of my list of places to go. The colors and designs make me crazy...in a good way.
ReplyDeleteLast year I was obsessed with wanting to go to Morocco. However, I usually travel alone and wasn't sure if I'd feel very secure. What do you think, having been there recently?
ReplyDeleteThose pictures are stunning! Love the ones with all the shoes and the lights. And that kitty is adorable. :-)
ReplyDeleteWell, Im a bit reluctant to answer this question because I hate to discourage anyone from traveling - especially to someplace as beautiful and fascinating as Marrakech. That said, I have to be honest in that when I was not with my husband or brother (we took the trip with my brother + sister in law), I did feel a bit uncomfortable. It wasn't anywhere near as bad as what I was warned about before hand but I got a lot of dirty looks and even some lewd comments. When we were all together, it was barely noticeable but when I ventured out on my own - even for a few minutes - it was different. I don't think it was unsafe at all - just uncomfortable for me personally. So I would still recommend going but if at all possible, go with a friend.
ReplyDeleteNo, I didn't visit with her. I did email her before hand to ask about NYE festivities but we don't really 'know' each other.
ReplyDeleteNo, I DEFINITELY appreciate your honesty. I'm not one to be disinclined to travel anywhere. However, I also didn't want to set off for parts unknown and feel really uncomfortable the whole time. I try to be as smart as possible about traveling by myself, and part of that is to be aware. Thanks so much for your response. I still want to go but will maybe make this a group trip, if/when I go.
ReplyDeleteOh these pictures are absolutely stunning! Can't wait to see more.
ReplyDeleteGorgeous picture of all of the lights. Do you use photoshop? I will die if you tell me your pictures are that gorgeous straight out of your camera.
ReplyDeleteamazing photos..thank you for sharing. I'm happy to be your newest follower.
ReplyDeleteSuch gorgeous photos! Thank you for sharing. I especially like the first 2 of the kitty and the goat. Animal lover that i am. :) Such magnificent color in the others. Love them all!
ReplyDeleteI love your pictures but the store full of lamps and lights is my favorite. I wonder if you bought one as a souvenir.
ReplyDeleteThe photo of all the lamps is simply breathtaking. I would love to go to Marrakech, but I think that trip is a while off. Very excited to hear/see more from the trip!
ReplyDeleteThese pictures are stunning!
ReplyDeleteIs it possible to get a print of the lantern photo?
ReplyDeleteSure. The latern photos are now in my prints for sale. http://mrslimestone.zenfolio.com/p129809852
ReplyDeleteThanks Megan!
ReplyDeleteThanks! It was a great trip.
ReplyDeleteI really wanted to buy one of the laterns in particular. I hemmed and hawed the whole time about it but ultimately decided not to bring it home because I was worried it wouldn't travel so well. Im so kicking myself for not buying one though. If I ever go back, I'm definitely getting one.
ReplyDeleteThere are cats everywhere and I just love photographing animals so you can imagine how many cat photos I took. My sister in law was making fun of me by the end of the trip - thats how bad it was! Not that it stopped me :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Lana. Welcome.
ReplyDeleteI use mostly Lightroom now but I do edit my photos when they can use a tweak. I try not to do too much - not because I'm a purist - but because its a lot more time consuming and I'm just lazy. I try to take a good photo straight away so I don't have to make a lot if edits later on. Thankfully most of my favorite photos don't need much if any editing but then there are a few shots I do a spend a little more time on cropping, editing the color, etc. Also keep in mind that I take a lot of photos and only pick a portion as my favorite - so for every good shot I have, I have 4 or more than get trashed.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I didn't buy a single pair of shoes - can you believe it?
ReplyDeleteThe lamps...wow.
ReplyDeleteThe photos look beautiful, needless to say. Anyway.. but I had to. (::
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos!! I can't wait to hear all about your trip.
ReplyDeletethank you for this!! literally TODAY i've been day dreaming about this lovely place. it's at the top of my travel destination list. i'm enchanted, thanks again for the peek!
ReplyDeleteDo you mind saying where you stayed? And if you would recommend it? I'm hoping to get to Marrakech this year! Thanks