Winter Snaps

Friday, February 17, 2012

This winter has been really mild - very little snow or freezing days but I'm still ready for it to be over. Now that the days are getting longer, I'm really anxious for spring. Who's with me?

ReflectNot enjoying the first snow of the year at all.New pink shoesSharpies, one of my many weaknessesIt took me 8 months to get around to it but finally making my office a little more homey.Street flowers
reflection / walking in the first snow of winter
new shoes / sharpies are my weakness
new job, new photos / bodega roses

Rewind to snaps from from spring, summer, fall and christmas.

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  1. Megan@twodelighted8:21 AM

    Me!  Either give us some dang snow or let's move on down the road to spring.  We haven't even sniffed a snowfall here in Charlotte!

  2. MelissaMacGregor8:42 AM

    Bring on spring!!!

  3. Emily Snuffer12:01 PM

    Me! I've already started to wear brighter clothes, brighter nail polish, etc. It's my passive aggressive way of telling spring to come on already! Have a great weekend, Stefanie!

  4. Jillstigs12:34 PM

    Here in the Midwest (Milwaukee area) we have had a really mild winter....only like 7 inches total snow (that's usually one snowfall for us).  I hope we won't get socked in March or April!! 

    I love Sharpies too!  How is the new job coming along??

  5. Lynne2:16 PM

    Oh, yeah. I'm so tired of the cold. And we have had plenty of snow here in Colorado, thank you very much! I want warmer days and green. I am more than ready for spring...if only I had a garden fairy to help me with yard work :( Oh, well, can't have everything!

  6. Meghan_WishfulThinking11:39 AM

    Spring? What is the foreign concept you speak of? Ugh, it feels so far away! I can't wait any longer!

  7. Forget spring, I'm ready for summer! ;-)

  8. For sure!  I can see my day lilies already coming up...crazy for February, it's been so warm though.  I'm ready for 70 degrees, personally!

  9. I'm ready for spring! Although I can't complain, as a fellow Brooklynian, of this mild weather we've been having.  I'll take it over snow any day. 

  10. I take pictures of Sharpies in the store as a way to sooth myself.  I have a million Shapries at the house, but I always want more.  My new favorites are the clickable Sharpies in the fine point as well as the regular clickables.  Love them!!


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