Changing up the Little Room

Monday, April 23, 2012

It was one of those weekends. You know the kind - you set out to accomplish a moderately simple project and by Sunday evening you are just staring a big mess with no end in sight.  Well, yea, that's how it went.

Remember the card catalog conundrum I shared nearly a year ago?  Its been sitting unsolved since that.  We finally go around to cutting down the door turned desk in the little room


Of course this means changing up the gallery wall.  I could have just rearranged the photos but I have something a little different in my mind.  It required I get a few splinters but I think it will be worth it.  Sadly I didn't get to finish it this weekend so that will have to wait for another day. Can't wait to share.

You'll also notice the card catalog itself hasn't been moved in yet.  That requires brute strength I don't have.  Thankfully my husband and my brother (who doesn't even know he has been nominated for this job yet!) are strong!

Did you finish your weekend projects?


  1. Jordan@the2seasons9:09 AM

    We started to tackle landscaping here and while progress has been made we are not close to finished.  

  2. I've been out of town and am supposed to have a fabric project done for a challenge tomorrow and I don't even have the fabric yet.  Can you say "fail"?

  3. Lesley11:11 AM

    Oh joy, I love hearing I'm not the only one!  The plan was to "install" a peg rack at my front door.  What actually happened was: the inside door mat got replaced and a rock-lined boot tray was made, picture gallery was re-arranged but the pegs are still in the package! Weekends need to be longer!

  4. Magnificently finished all of my projects up this weekend, but most of my weekends turn out like that! So much on the to-do list, so little actually gets done. Oh well : ) Looks like you made some good progress!

  5. This past weekend I crossed nothing off my to-do list, but I needed that kind of weekend!!!

  6. Ugh, I haven't finished anything!  Moving very slowly....ha

  7. Carla Zidarevich7:32 PM

    Yes!  Our project was with a 5 panel door like the one you used for your desk.  We turned ours into a headboard and it turned out better than I thought it would!  Also, I have a "little room" in my house too that I have been fiddling with since we moved in.  Just an odd space that I can't seem to get perfect, but I think I will be blogging about that after we finish up our master bedroom :)  Anyway, I love the pics on your wall!

  8. Megan@twodelighted10:44 PM

    I hear ya.  I started tiling my backsplash this weekend and only got 1/4 of the way through and now I have tile junk hanging around my kitchen and my house looks like a hurricane blew through it.  I have a sneaking suspicion it will stay that will until the weekend.  Yuck.  Can't wait to see your card catalog in all its glory. :)

  9. Sounds like you got quite a bit done even without the pegs!  Gallery walls do take a while.

  10. Sounds like a great project.  What is your blog addy?

  11. Backsplashes are always time killers.  Seems simple and takes forever.  But it will be worth it!  Keep going.

  12. Cara @ Live The Home Life9:03 AM

    I know how that goes! I always seem to kick of a "tiny" projects right before I have company over that explodes into a full blown mess. My latest? Right before a wedding shower hosted at my house for 40 people, I decided it was a good idea to change out my dishwasher. The emergency plumber and I are now best buds.

  13. Jen Y3:39 PM

    I love this sweet little room & can't wait to see what you've done with it. 

  14. Jamie Sei8:55 PM

    OK, I'm sorry to distract from your topic (I so feel for you, the best-of-intentions weekend projects, ugh). BUT I have to ask about the Air Mail Roman, I literally gasped when I saw it. Could you send a link if you once posted about it? I'm a lucky recent subscriber. LOVE it.

  15. Jamie Sei8:57 PM

    Sorry to distract from your fab topic at hand (I so feel for you, the well-intentioned weekend project, ugh) BUT I must ask about that amazing Air Mail roman shade! I gasped when I saw it. Can you share a link if there is a former post about it? I'm a recent subscriber. LOVE IT!

  16. Thanks. Just click into the DIY tab above and you can read how to make your own.


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