Take It Outside: Inspiration + Perspiration

Monday, April 02, 2012

You never know what will stick with you. We visited Prague back in 2009 and spotted this display outside a fancy shop. I was totally smitten with it back then. It only took me 3 years but I made my own downmarket version this weekend. A vertical herb garden!


With my black thumb, I can't promise this will result in anything edible but at least I'm giving it a try.

Stop by tomorrow to see how you can make your own.


  1. That turned out great! I want to try this.

  2. Megan@twodelighted8:44 AM

    Love this!!! I have been trying to figure out a cool way to display herbs on my back porch.  This may be it!  Lovely.

  3. Janell8:47 AM

    That is a fantastic take on an herb garden, good luck keeping them growing! Janell

  4. Absolutely gorgeous!  I wish I had the space, and gardening abilities, to have an herb garden like this.  What a great idea

  5. Eva Mijes10:45 AM

    This is awesome!  I can't wait to see the tutorial!  I totally want this for my apt!

  6. Such a great idea! Makes me wish I had any kind of outdoor space to make my own ha. Someday... :)

  7. thetinyabode1:08 PM

    It looks great Stephanie!  Herbs are so easy too.  Just be sure to water them and you will be fine.  

  8. Stephanie Poli1:55 PM

    Honestly, I like yours better.  Just sayin.

  9. Thanks. My version is definitely simpler. Maybe the photo doesn't do it justice but the original was very cool.

  10. My backyard gets a lot of strong sun so hopefully it doesn't fry them. One positive is that I can move the whole thing to a shadier spot should the summer sun get too strong,

  11. Obviously my version is large but you could easily make a small window version too. Actually that would be much easier.

  12. Just keep them well watered or turn it 90 degrees and you'll be fine.  The lavender won't need as much water.  Such a nice idea and fresh herbs are the best, especially in the summer.  Would love to try something like this but the deer that come through our yard have already mistaken my window boxes for a salad bar.  Already caught one this morning munching away on some new plantings.  

  13. StayAtHome -ista5:30 PM

    Great idea! I was just watching Ask Genevieve on HGTV and she did a living wall for he rooftop deck of a couple in Brooklyn. I was totally in love with it, although the felt pockets didn't really seem like they had a diy solution, but I love the idea of a vertical garden. Great work here, I'll stop by tomorrow for the tutorial and so i can pin it:) I'm now following you "officially", can't believe I wasn't before.


  14. Londen@Sixtyfifthavenue5:46 PM

    That is very cool! Love the color too.

  15. This is fantastic!  Can't wait to see the DIY.

  16. ashleigh more4:55 AM

    It was definitely the weekend for planting, must be all the sunshine we have been having. I planted tomatoes on Sunday 
    http://madeinmorningside.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/you-say-tomato-i-say-tomato.html  here's hoping they produce something.... not holding out much hope though!! Looking forward to the tutorial :-) xox 

  17. This is a great DIY project. Simple and beautiful, which are the two things I look for in a DIY project. Thank you for sharing. I am going linking back to this post in an upcoming article on my blog.

  18. PRJRLang8:38 PM

    Perspiration means sweat!!!! lol, i do like the idea... but am sure you didn't mean sweat!

  19. Yes that is what I meant. A little sweat went into making them.


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